Calculating Electron Swarm Parameters in Neon in Strong Electric Fields




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Dependences of the kinetic and transport coefficients of electrons in neon are calculated by the Monte Carlo method in the range of reduced field strengths E/N from 15 to 1500 Td. The calculated dependences are compared with the results obtained by solving the kinetic equation in the Lorentz approximation. It is shown that this approximation is violated in strong electric fields, which leads to noticeable differences in the values of the transport coefficients calculated using both methods. To verify the calculations, a comparison was made with the measurement data available in the literature. It is also shown that the diffusion-drift approximation poorly describes the spatiotemporal evolution of the electron number density in neon in fields greater than ≈500 Td.


E. Bochkov

All-Russia Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Russian Federal Nuclear Center

607188, Sarov, Nizhni Novgorod oblast, Russia


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