
Manifestations of Anomalous Dissipation in Dusty Plasma Systems
Popel S.
Wave Processes in Plasma Astrophysics
Fedotova M., Klimchakov D., Petrosyan A.
Analytical Description of Cyclotron Plasma Resonances in Monolayer Graphene
Ishkhanyan A., Krainov V.
Nonlinear Dust Acoustic Waves in the Near Ideal (Gas-Like) Cryogenic Glow Discharge Dusty Plasma
Trukhachev F., Boltnev R., Alekseevskaya A., Vasil'ev M., Petrov O.
Dispersion Characteristics of Low-Frequency Electron Waves in a Magnetoactive Plasma of Arbitrary Density
Artekha N., Shklyar D.
Some Aspects of Modulational Interaction in Earth’s Dusty Ionosphere Including Dusty Plasmas of Meteor Tails
Morozova T., Popel S.
On One Widely-Spread Inaccuracy and Its Elimination in the Theories of Nonlinear Electrostatic Waves in Plasma Based on the Sagdeev’s Pseudopotential Approach
Dubinov A.
Dusty Plasmas in the Vicinity of the Moon: Current Research and New Vistas
Popel S., Zakharov A., Zelenyi L.
Microwave Low-Pressure Gas Discharge Sustained by a Standing Surface Wave in the Dipolar Mode
Zhukov V., Karfidov D.
Nonlinear Dust Acoustic Waves in Exosphere of Mercury
Izvekova Y., Popel S., Golub’ A.
Reflection of the Electromagnetic Wave from the Region of Electron Cyclotron Absorption in Thermonuclear Plasma
Gospodchikov E., Chuvakin P., Shalashov A.
Wave Processes in Dusty Plasma near the Mercury’s Surface
Izvekova Y., Popel S., Golub’ A.
Plasma Distribution in a Column of a Low-Pressure Microwave Discharge Sustained by a Standing Surface Wave
Zhukov V., Karfidov D.
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