
Swiss Capital in Africa as a Tool to Prevent Migration
Sugakov G.
Rwanda as Africa’s Rising Center of Power? Three Decades of Post-Genocide Development
Denisova T., Kostelyanets S.
The Central African Republic and the Russian Federation: Problems of Military-Economic Cooperation
Khromov A., Nakunne Yandoko J.
Regional Disproportions in Russian Exports of Agricultural Products to African Countries
Nuzhdin I., Dmitriev R.
The International Parliament Conference “Russia – Africa”
Pantserev K., Starostenko V.
Asian Development Bank Activities to Promote Inclusive Economic Growth
Matveevsky S.
The Role of the Service Sector in Africa’s Socio-Economic Development
Kalinichenko L., Morozenskaya E.
Maasai in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area: Sustainable Development and Traditionality
Butovskaya M., Butovsky R.
Tourism Industry in the Kingdom of Cambodia in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ryazantsev S., Sivoplyasova S., Kalimullina E.
SADCC as the First Step of Regional Integration in Southern Africa
Svetlana B., Singuwa C.
SA BRICS Chairship: from Emerging Partnership to a New World Order
Voronina N., Zelenova D.
VII International Forum of the Association of Expert Centers of Russia, China and Mongolia: Key Issues and Prospects for Cooperation
Bazarov B., Aktamov I., Tsyrenov C.
Transformation of Education in Cote d’Ivoire: Issues and Perspectives
Danilova L.
The Arab Countries of the Persian Gulf as “New Donors” in the World Economy
Khromova N.
India’s Role in Promoting International Cooperation in the Arctic
Kharina O., Strelnikova I.
The First International Conference of the Mongolian Federation of Scientists
Haritonova E.
Africa and Asia in the Changing Landscape of the World
Smirnov M.
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