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Nº 7 (2024)


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How Significantly and Sustainably are Developing Countries Surpassing Advanced Economies in Terms of Productivity Dynamics?

Meliantsev V.


In the last 2–3 decades due to a series of pragmatic reforms and export-oriented industrialization, carried out by a number of Asian developing countries (DCs), these countries have managed to significantly displace advanced economies (AEs) in the markets of finished industrial goods, and, on the whole, noticeably surpass the latter in terms of growth rates not only of labor productivity, but also total factor productivity. However, the AEs still outstrip many times not only less successful, but also successful DCs in terms of productivity level, which, according to the model calculated by the author, is determined by the much higher quality of their institutions and management, educational levels of the population and technologies used than in developing countries. In order to maintain their leadership in productivity dynamics, DCs, which are experiencing powerful deterring pressure from Western countries, must, while continuing the struggle to establish a more equitable multipolar world order, intensify the implementation of inclusive reforms that contribute to improving the quality of their institutions, accelerated growth of human capital, and the formation of an effective, technologically more complex and organizationally more advanced economy, based both on the internal market and active inclusion in world economic relations.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(7):5-16
pages 5-16 views

Politics, economics

Regional Disproportions in Russian Exports of Agricultural Products to African Countries

Nuzhdin I., Dmitriev R.


The article attempts to analyze current problems associated with the disproportion of agricultural exports to African countries from various regions of Russia. The need to develop new methods and routes for transporting agricultural products and increasing the production of agricultural products in the regions of Russia is emphasized. The possibilities of spatial development of the country’s agro-industrial production are identified. It has been established that against the backdrop of a small share (about 3%) of African countries in Russian exports (low base effect) and the current geopolitical situation, we can expect a greater extent of the realization of the export-import potential of relations between Russia and African countries. This is confirmed by a more than double increase in the volume of exports of Russian agricultural products to African countries over the past decade. It was determined that this growth has occurred against the background of a decrease in the level of spatial diversification: firstly, the main (99%) part of the products is exported to Africa from the Southern, Central and Northwestern Federal Districts of Russia; secondly, while in 2021 the share of the four leading African countries in the structure of “recipients” of Russian agricultural products was 63.8%, a year later it was already 81.8%. Each of them increased its share at the expense of other African countries: thus, there was an increase in the targeting of Russian agricultural exports primarily to the countries of North Africa. It is assumed that one of the possible spatial solutions for increasing exports to African countries could be the further development of the North – South transport corridor, as well as railway routes from Siberia with a focus on ports of the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(7):17-23
pages 17-23 views

Geopolitical and Investment Dimensions of China’s Policy in the Middle East

Luzyanin S., Alekseeva Y.


The article highlights two key tracks of Chinese Middle East policy – investment and political – at the present stage and in previous years. The established legal and commercial mechanisms are considered, including investment logistics in relation to Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Qatar, etc., the impact of the events of October 7, 2023 – the Hamas attack on Israel with the subsequent escalation on Chinese policy in the region. The role of the One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative in strengthening political and economic ties between China and the states of the region – Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Iraq, Iran and others – is analysed. The problem of the relationship between Chinese military-political, economic-investment and value narratives remains central to China’s Middle East strategy. In the context of intensifying Sino-American geopolitical competition, the active entry of the PRC into the Middle East on a powerful economic basis means the gradual erosion of American regional monopoly and hegemony.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(7):24-31
pages 24-31 views

China’s Path to Global Trade and Economic Leadership

Khmeleva G., Guseva M.


In this century, China has shown outstanding results in achieving economic growth. In a short period of time, the country has evolved from a world factory producing simple consumer goods into a leading exporter of high-tech final goods, technologies, equipment, and components for production. Since 2012, China has been maintaining a policy of strengthening national economic growth based on domestic sources, the country is actively expanding its influence through large-scale initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative, Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), BRICS+, thus not abandoning plans to expand trade and economic cooperation and increasing its political influence. In this regard, this study is focused on understanding the Chinese model of building trade and economic cooperation, which does not often appear in the scientific literature in contrast to the issues of the specificity of China’s economic growth model. For this purpose, the article systematizes the mechanisms of developing trade and economic relations of the People’s Republic of China, such as tariff policy, strategies, trade and economic unions, special free trade zones, the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, foreign investments, institutes of foreign financing of Chinese projects.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(7):32-40
pages 32-40 views

Protest Movement in Iran in 2022: A Test for Political Stability

Filin N., Khodunov A.


The article analyzes protest activity in Iran in the autumn of 2022. The 2022 protests turned out to be unprecedented in the entire post-revolutionary history of Iran, both in scale and in the radicalism of demands and probably by the number of victims. The active phase of the protests lasted about two months, and the most active group of protesters were secular-minded women who demanded the abolition of Islamic restrictions on clothing. The protests brought together representatives of a variety of social groups, from students and the middle class to urban workers and national and religious minorities, especially Sunni Muslims (Kurds and Baluchis). The authorities were able to take control of the situation through various measures (forceful actions and, subsequently, a broad amnesty in honor of the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution) and flatly refused to make concessions to the protesters. Currently, the situation in Iran is relatively calm due to improving economic dynamics, but protests in the coming years are quite possible.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(7):41-48
pages 41-48 views

Gender and Demographic Aspects of the Arab Spring Protests: Youth Bulges, Women’s Participation and the Role of Internet

Shishkina A.


This article is aimed at studying the inclusion of women in the processes of political participation using the example of the Arab Spring protests. New information technologies and, in particular, social media allowed women to participate in the Arab Spring demonstrations as organizers, activists and journalists. Due to the fact that men in the region in question tend to dominate the traditional media space, cyber activism has allowed women to express themselves both within a specific country and on an international scale. The author comes to the conclusion that the inclusion of women in protest mobilization is reasonable to consider in the context of general demographic trends in the countries under consideration. In this case, we are talking primarily about the phenomenon of youth bulges in some Arab countries, a noticeable proportion of unmarried men, which may be one of the causes of increased destabilization in Arab countries, as well as the intensive spread of Internet communication tools which became the hallmark of the Arab Spring cohort.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(7):49-56
pages 49-56 views

Results of the First 10 Years of the Agenda 2063

Volkov S., Zhambikov A.


The crucial long-term planning document of the African Union (AU) is called the Agenda 2063. It was adopted at the AU “jubilee summit” dedicated to the 50 years anniversary of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU). One of the key goals of the Agenda is to make Africa a dynamic force in the international arena, which is close to the key purpose of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation – to build a just multipolar world. During implementation of the Agenda in 2013–2023, African countries faced such persistent problems as unsatisfactory rate of economic growth, insufficient to ensure significant enhancement in the quality of life of Africans, armed conflicts and failed states, activities of international terrorist organisations and heavy dependence on foreign funding. Despite the above-mentioned serious difficulties, the AU achieved good results in the political field, consequently standing for increasing its role in international relations, opposing Western sanctions against its member states and striving for enlarging Africa’s representation in international institutions.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(7):57-65
pages 57-65 views

Christian Communities in the Political Life of Modern Iraq

Luchenkov I.


The article analyses the political participation of Iraqi Christian communities. In the context of the research, one explores the linguistic, historical and confessional factors that influenced the formation of Assyrian, Chaldean and Assyro-Chaldean political movements in the territory of Modern post-Ba’athist Iraq. In addition, the paper also investigates their connections with co-religionists from neighboring countries and distant diasporas. One may identify three main consolidating forces that protect the interests of the Assyrians, Chaldeans and other faiths: political parties, the Church and the militias. However, the research states that modern Iraqi Christian political parties fully reflect the situation within the national political system after the overthrow of the Baathist government by the US-led international coalition. There are complete imbalance of actions, inability to reach consensus and further fragmentation of the main forces capable of exerting political will into even smaller structural units.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(7):66-72
pages 66-72 views

Culture, literature, art

Emergency: Behind the Scenes of an Unreleased Film

Ikonnikova T.


In the contemporary Indian society, not only professional historians and politicians but also artists significantly influence the representations of certain historical processes. Through their efforts, past events gain alternative meanings and interpretations. Emergency (1975–1977) – a painful and controversial period in the history of independent India – has been sharing the same fate. The article examines interpretations of the ambiguous events of the 1970s and the response of India’s leading political parties to them focusing on a new film, Emergency (directed by Kangana Ranaut), whose release date has been repeatedly postponed in India since autumn 2023. For the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) the legacy of the Emergency remains a powerful tool of social and cultural influence on the Indian society. Rethinking the Emergency in fiction and cinematography has long been under the onslaught of the populist rhetoric of the currently dominant BJP and the opposition parties. Today, the Emergency narrative offers an option for not only describing the past through the new lens, but also for interacting with India’s present and reflecting on the country’s future.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(7):73-80
pages 73-80 views

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