
Improvement of the process of agricultural machinery fueling with gaseous fuel
Markov V., Bebenin E., Zykov S.
Experimental investigation of gas diesel engine of К-700А tractor
Volodin V., Zagorodskikh B., Markov V., Furman V.
Shatrov M., Khachiyan A., Sinyavskiy V., Shishlov I., Vakulenko A.
Ejection system of distributed supply of gaseous fuel into diesel engine
Volodin V., Zagorodskikh B., Bebenin Y.
Diesel engine conversion to fuel supply with compressed natural gas
Bazarov B., Kalauov S., Vasidov A.
Investigation of indicators of combustion process in tractor diesel engine with the use of natural gas and recirculation, methanol and ethanol fuel emulsions
Likhanov V., Lopatin O.
Improvement of effective indicators of tractor diesel engine by the use of compressed natural gas and exhaust gas recirculation, methanol and ethanol fuel emulsions
Likhanov V., Lopatin O.
Modeling of nitrogen oxides emission in the cylinder of tractor gas-diesel engine
Likhanov V., Lopatin O.
Study of nitrogen oxides content in the cylinder of turbocharged tractor diesel engine operating on natural gas
Likhanov V., Lopatin O.
Mathematical modeling of the chemical kinetics of the processes of fuel ignition in the combustion chamber of a diesel engine on start modes
Bondar' V., Malozyomov A., Kukis V., Omel'chenko E., Malozyomov G.
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