Improvement of the process of agricultural machinery fueling with gaseous fuel

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Depletion of oil fields and environmental deterioration demand the search of alternative sources of energy. Actuality of the article is driven by the need for increased use of alternative fuels in internal combustion engines. As alternative fuels for internal combustion engines, the article considers both liquid fuels (synthetic fuels, biodiesel, bioethanol, mixed biofuels) and gaseous fuels (natural gas, propane-butane mixture, hydrogen, dimethyl ether). Natural gas is one of the most promising among the fuels. The advantages of use of natural gas as motor fuel are shown. One of the problems of natural gas use is the fuel delivery and fueling of vehicles and agricultural machinery. An improved method of fueling of vehicles and agricultural machinery with gaseous fuel is suggested. A technology of fueling of agricultural machinery based on the use of removable cassette modules is developed. This technology allows to reduce the time of tractor fueling by more than 30% compared to traditional methods of fueling with gaseous fuels. The developed system of distributed supply of gaseous fuel into the combustion chamber of diesel engine is presented. The system contains the gas-air mixers that allow to supply gaseous fuel directly under the inlet valve of diesel engine. The air-gas mixers are made in the form of a plug between the engine body and the inlet manifold and are combined with the gas solenoid valves. The considered technical solutions may be used when developing the concept for advanced natural gas engines with the required environmental, economic and power characteristics.

About the authors

V. A Markov

N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University

DSc in Engineering Moscow, Russia

E. V Bebenin

Vavilov Saratov State Agrarian University

PhD in Engineering Saratov, Russia

S. A Zykov

Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow K.A. Timiryazev Agricultural Academy

PhD in Engineering Moscow, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2016 Markov V.A., Bebenin E.V., Zykov S.A.

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