
Device for investigation of seeds of oil crops under compression
Shevchuk R., Shevchuk V.
Increasing failure-free performance of engines for mobile energetic transport vehicles used in agriculture
Grigorov V.
Assessment of limiting state of working organs of soil-cultivating cutters
Zvolinskiy V., Nikolayenko N.
Ensuring the operability and fault tolerance of machinery by redundancy of replaceable elements
Eltoshkina E., Buraev M., Bodyakina T.
Analysis of failures and arrangement diagrams of vehicles equipped with extra-low pressure tires
Godzhayev Z., Kosykh V., Lyashenko M., Shekhovtsov V., Migunov A., Chebanenko A., Merzlikin A.
Ways to increase the durability of ГСТ-90 volumetric fluid power drive
Burumkulov F., Ionov P., Galin D., Zemskov A.
Preventive diagnostics of grain combines
Zyabirov I., Zyabirova V.
Method for selection of rational parameters of suspension system of high-speed tracked vehicle
Savochkin V., Sharipov V., Smirnov I., Shishanov S., Tarasova L.
Control of reliability level of agricultural tractors based on the estimation of its manufacturing, maintenance and repair cost
Plaksin A., Gulyarenko A.
Reliability insurance of undercarriage elements of the Т-10М industrial tractor
Khalturin V., Berezin I., Bondar V., Kostyuchenko V., Abyzov A.
Movement of crawler band with elastomer wideners
Abyzov A., Berezin I., Rikhter Y., Byvaltsev V.
Distribution law of failure function of tractor parts, units and aggregates
Zhutov A., Zhidkov G., Popov A., Sadchikov A.
Optimization of multilevel storage facilities of technical service enterprises for grain and forage combine harvesters
Tsariov Y., Ryabykh A.
Failure causes of dispensing pumps and hydraulic steering wheels (as exemplified by XY 145-0/1 hydraulic steering wheel)
Senin P., Davydkin A., Chervyakov S.
Failure-free performance indices of brake system for mobile transport vehicle
Grigorov V.
Indices of electrical equipment operational safety for vehicles exploited in agriculture
Zhutov A., Popov A., Grigorov V.
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