Vol 76, No 11 (2009)


Problems of quality of domestic agricultural machinery

Lipkovich E.I.


Basic approaches to the quality of agricultural machinery at the different stages of its creation are considered, from the substantiation and development of its сonstructional and technological diagrams to the processes of its use in agricultural industry.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2009;76(11):3-7
pages 3-7 views

Combined vibrating seed distributor of a grain drill

Vishnyakov A.A., Vishnyakov A.S., Kozlov V.A.


Some ways to improve sowing machines, taking into account actual requirements, are suggested. An area of development of fundamentally new seed distributors, better adapted for the installation on multifunctional machines, is highlighted. The results of studies of a new combined vibrating seed distributor at simultaneous sowing of wheat seeds and pelletized mineral fertilizers are given.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2009;76(11):8-10
pages 8-10 views

Fodder shredder

Borontsoyev A.A.


The article covers the problems of affordability, reduction of cost price of processing, overall dimensions, specific quantity of metal of fodder shredders and the problems of increasing their efficiency.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2009;76(11):11-
pages 11- views

Improving the technological line for feed processing

Zaitsev P.V., Zaitsev S.P.


A new design of fodder shredder is suggested, with a reducer as transmission mechanism, containing a dual planetary reducer with four sun gears. This reducer provides the concordant operation of the technological line.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2009;76(11):12-13
pages 12-13 views

Deformation and change of density of soil under the caterpillar machine's track

Nosov S.V., Peregudov N.Y.


Article brings the results of experiment exploring the deformation of topsoil by caterpillar tractor, for the purpose of checking the adequacy of earlier made and published mathematical model of interaction of propeller with the supporting base, which has rheological properties.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2009;76(11):14-16
pages 14-16 views

Steering control with adjustable kinematics of steering wheels turning

Dubovik D.A., Amelchenko P.A.


A method was developed for designing a steering with adjustable kinematics of steering wheel turning. The results of its application for Belarus series 800 tractor are brought.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2009;76(11):17-20
pages 17-20 views

Operating modes of mobile energetic vehicle's engine with regard to the performance characteristics of machine-and-tractor unit

Ukhanov A.P., Streltsov S.V., Mustyakimov R.N.


The necessity of providing the nominal output of machine-and-tractor unit by choosing rational operating modes of the tractor diesel engine has been theoretically justified. For the constant control of diesel engine charge during the work of machine-and-tractor unit, a device has been designed that is made of sensor, signal converter and load indicator.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2009;76(11):20-22
pages 20-22 views

An analysis of energy consumption for cutting soil by point and landward edge of share during the ploughing

Nikolayev V.A.


The process of cutting soil with a point and a landward edge of a ploughshare combines the features of cutting with a blade and with a punch. High wastes of energy during this process are due to the pressed regime of cutting. The offered construction of plough (patent №2335107) allows to reduce the energy consumption.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2009;76(11):22-25
pages 22-25 views

Statistical characteristics of effectiveness indices of ploughing units in the conditions of North-West zone of Russian Federation

Kobko A.A.


In the article the general arrangement of performance evaluation of operation and competitive strength of the ploughing unit is considered, based on test results. Statistical characteristics of efficiency factors, regression models presenting the functioning of ploughing unit, and also the analysis of results are brought.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2009;76(11):25-27
pages 25-27 views

An assessment of energy consumption of the mill with flat and helicoid blades for broadcast tillage

Belov M.I., Gadzhiyev P.I., Koval K.L.


The substantiation and design of basic geometric and kinematic parameters of a broadcast tillage mill with horizontal axis of rotation are brought.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2009;76(11):27-33
pages 27-33 views

Computer modeling of optimal conditions for sulfochromium plating

Dumnov S.N., Labarov D.B., Rusanov V.A., Sharpinskiy D.Y.


A universal technique of the multifactor cognitive system posterior tensor modeling is offered. The technique is based on the presentation of the multidimensional regression model of the multifactor cognitive system under examination in the form of the final valence covariant tensors vector sum, and it imposes minimum requirements to the experimental data volume necessary for the multifactor cognitive system identification, as well as to the multifactor cognitive system optimal condition evaluation according to this model. On this methodological basis and on the testing data basis, the environment and condition evaluation is made, it defines the precision plunger pair renewal process in a multicomponent chemical solution by sulfochromized coating having optimal physical-mechanical properties.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2009;76(11):33-39
pages 33-39 views

Failure-free performance indices of brake system for mobile transport vehicle

Grigorov V.I.


The failure-free performance of a brake system for mobile energetic transport vehicle is analysed. Some recommendations for use are made.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2009;76(11):40-41
pages 40-41 views

Air-cooled diesel's cylinder deformation

Belov Y.S., Gots A.N.


The causes of the air-cooled diesel's cylinder deformation are analysed, leading to the increase in mechanical loss and decrease in reliability and service life.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2009;76(11):41-43
pages 41-43 views

Forming a comprehensive program of machine and tractor fleet maintenance and repair

Kokorev G.D., Uspenskiy I.A., Nikolotov I.N.


The concepts of a comprehensive program of machine and tractor fleet maintenance and repair are described, the relationship between reliability increase and programs improvement is shown. The mechanism of forming a comprehensive program and the sequence of its development are considered.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2009;76(11):43-45
pages 43-45 views

A potato combine harvester adjustment procedure

Kostenko M.Y., Shaposhnikov A.N., Kostenko N.A., Goryachkina I.N.


A potato combine harvester adjustment procedure is suggested based on the operational process control. Due to the preset adjustment of working members, the tubers loss and damage are minimized.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2009;76(11):45-48
pages 45-48 views

Classification of farm tractors by the engine power

Lysov A.M.


On the basis of the distribution analysis of quantity of farm tractors models presented in the market of german-language countries in 2009, it is suggested to divide all tractors having capacity from 30 up to 600 horsepower into six or five classes, according to their engine power.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2009;76(11):48-49
pages 48-49 views

Procedure of calculating the rational link composition of production line for the fertilizers and ameliorants application

Dyachkov A.P., Kolesnikov N.P.


A procedure realized in the computer program Microsoft Excel media with the use of queuing theory elements is described. It allows to take into account different variants of work organization during the fertilizers and ameliorants application.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2009;76(11):50-51
pages 50-51 views

Modeling the number of repair and maintenance personnel in the service and dealer departments of livestock sector

Simarev Y.A.


The number of repair and maintenance personnel forming the mobile teams in service and dealer departments of livestock sector was analyzed in terms of cost savings. An example of calculation is given.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2009;76(11):52-54
pages 52-54 views

AGROSALON-2009 - central show of agricultural machinery

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16-19 сентября 2009 г. в МВЦ «Крокус-Экспо» прошла Международная специализированная выставка с.-х. техники «АГРОСАЛОН», в очередной раз подтвердившая свой статус центральной отраслевой площадки, где под одной крышей демонстрируются новейшие машины для АПК. На территории 2 га было собрано 237 компаний из 19 стран мира, посетителям представлены 300 ед. современной с.-х. техники из 17 стран.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2009;76(11):54-
pages 54- views

CHEMISTRY-2009 in the Expocentre central exhibition complex

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28 сентября - 2 октября 2009 г. в ЦВК «Экспоцентр» прошла 15-я международная выставка химической промышленности и науки «Химия-2009», организованная ЗАО «Экспоцентр» при содействии ЗАО «Росхимнефть», при поддержке и участии Минпромторга РФ, Российского Союза химиков, Европейского Совета химической промышленности (CEFIC), под патронатом Торгово-промышленной палаты РФ и Правительства Москвы.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2009;76(11):55-56
pages 55-56 views

In memory of N.Ye. Reznik

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Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2009;76(11):56-
pages 56- views

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