Reducing the engine sludge formation during the operation of diesel running on rape oil with nanocomposition addition

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Results of the experimental investigation of Д-440 diesel are presented. Tests were conducted when the diesel was operating using pure rape oil and nanocomposition ensuring the reduction of engine sludge formation in the combustion chamber. Detergent effect was confirmed when nanocomposition was used in motor oil and pure plant oil fuel.

About the authors

G. S Savelyev

All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanization

д-р техн. наук

M. N Kochetkov

All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanization

канд. техн. наук

Ye. V Ovchinnikov

All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanization


A. V Ovchinnikov

All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Mechanization



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Copyright (c) 2013 Savelyev G.S., Kochetkov M.N., Ovchinnikov Y.V., Ovchinnikov A.V.

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