
Relationship of Size and Mass Characteristics, Indicators of Metabolism and Mercury Concentration in Muscle Tissue of Freshwater Fish from Tropical Vietnam
Payuta A., Flerova E., Guldina D., Kliuchnikov A., Komov V., Lobus N.
Fauna of the Cladoceran and Copepods Crustaceans (Crustacea: Cladocera, Copepoda) of Dood Tsagaan Lake (Darhad Basin, Mongolia) in Modern Times
Sheveleva N., Ayuushsuren C., Tuvshinzhargal N., Zaitseva Е., Sukhanova L.
First Data on Species Composition and Development Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) in Mire Ecosystems (Kaliningrad Region, Russia)
Semenova A., Napreenko M.
Tendency of an Increase in the Abundance of Macrozoobenthos Species in the Sevastopol Bay (Black Sea)
Shalovenkov N.
Status of Local Populations of Isolated Mountain Lakes in the Altai by Histological Parameters and Elemental Composition of the Eye Lens of Peled Fish Coregonus peled
Nikiforov-Nikishin A., Nikiforov-Nikishin D., Kochetkov N.
The Fish Parasite Community in a Hypertid Estuary Penzhina River (Basin of the Sea of Okhotsk)
Boutorina T., Busarova O., Koval M.
Spatial and Age-Related Changes in the Food Spectrum of the Common Bream Abramis brama in the Middle and Lower Course of the Northern Dvina River (Russia)
Novoselov A., Lukina V., Matveev N., Matveeva A.
Abundance, Distribution and Mortality of Hydrobionts in the Section of the Gorky Reservoir Affected by Heated Waters of the Kostroma Hydroelectric Power Plant
Gerasimov Y., Bolotov S., Tsvetkov A., Borisenko E.
The Species Composition and Distribution of Free-Living Nematodes (Nematoda) in the Area of the Methane Seep Posolskaya Bank of Lake Baikal
Naumova T., Gagarin V., Cherbakov D., Sitnikova T.
Vegetation of Lakes and Springs in the Western Kazakhstan
Sergaliev N., Sarsenova B., Idrisova G., Akhmedenov K., Gubasheva B.
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