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卷 69, 编号 4 (2023)



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Точечный источник сдвиговых SV-волн с вертикальной поляризацией в твердом слое

Лапин А.


Найдено поле SV-источника поперечных волн в твердом однородном слое со свободными границами. На этих границах, помимо поперечных волн, возникают и продольные волны. Полное поле в слое характеризуется скалярным и векторным потенциалами. Вследствие осевой симметрии этого поля векторный потенциал имеет только угловую компоненту. Интегральное представление потенциалов получено методом Фурье–Бесселя. На основе теории вычетов поле в слое представлено в виде суперпозиции цилиндрических мод Лэмба. Рассчитаны амплитуды этих мод.

Akustičeskij žurnal. 2023;69(4):393-397
pages 393-397 views

Natural Oscillations of an Elastic Half-Strip with a Different Arrangement of Fixation Areas of Its Edges

Nazarov S.


Eigenfrequencies and trapped modes are studied in an isotropic and homogeneous elastic half-strip. For different configurations of rigidly clamped and the traction-free zones, information was obtained about the absence or presence of eigenfrequencies below, and in some cases even above, the cutoff point of the continuous spectrum. Estimates of the multiplicity of the discrete spectrum are derived and various asymptotic representations of trapped modes and their frequencies are constructed.

Akustičeskij žurnal. 2023;69(4):398-409
pages 398-409 views


Экспериментальные исследования влияния 3D-печати при 100% заполнении на упругие свойства нитевидных образцов полимера PLA

Володарский А., Кокшайский А., Одина Н., Коробов А., Михалев Е., Ширгина Н.


Приведены результаты экспериментальных исследований влияния 3D-печати при 100% заполнении на упругие свойства нитевидных образцов полимера PLA. Статическим методом и методом Терстона–Браггера одновременно измерены зависимость деформации и относительного изменения скорости упругих волн от приложенного механического напряжения (вплоть до разрыва) для исходного и 3D-напечатанного образцов полимера PLA. По результатам измерений рассчитаны линейный и нелинейный модули Юнга и акустический нелинейный параметр второго порядка. Установлено, что 3D-печать приводит к ухудшению прочностных и пластических характеристик полимера PLА. Обнаружено различное поведение нелинейных параметров исходного и 3D-напечатанного образцов полимера PLA в области нагрузки и разгрузки, которое связывается с изменением внутренней структуры образца, вызванным 3D-печатью.

Akustičeskij žurnal. 2023;69(4):410-416
pages 410-416 views

The Use of Focused Ultrasound Beams with Shocks to Suppress Diffusion Effects in Volumetric Thermal Ablation of Biological Tissue

Pestova P., Karzova M., Yuldashev P., Khokhlova V.


The article presents the results of numerical simulation of an experiment on irradiating ex vivo bovine liver sample by the therapeutic array of the MR-HIFU clinical system (Sonalleve V1 3.0T, Profound Medical Corp., Canada). Continuous quasi-linear and pulsed shock-wave exposures with the same time-averaged power are compared. Volumetric thermal lesions were generated by moving the focus of the array in its focal plane along discrete trajectories consisting of two or four concentric circles with a maximum radius of 4 mm. The effect of using the criteria for controlling the thermal dose during treatment and ending the sonication on the shape, volume, and exposure time of generating thermal lesion were analyzed. The acoustic field in tissue was calculated using the Westervelt equation; the temperature field was simulated with the inhomogeneous heat conduction equation; and the lesion boundary was determined according to the thermal dose threshold. In the quasi-linear mode corresponding to the clinical one, thermal diffusion leads to elongation of the lesion by a factor of 2–3 along the beam axis compared to the transverse dimension of the trajectory. The use of pulsed shock-wave exposures with switching off the inner circles of the trajectory as they reach the threshold value of the thermal dose makes it possible to significantly suppress the thermal diffusion effects in the axial direction of the beam and obtain localized thermal lesion of a given shape with a thermal ablation rate comparable to the clinical case.

Akustičeskij žurnal. 2023;69(4):417-429
pages 417-429 views


Excitation of Acoustic Modes by Tone Harmonics of a Hole in a Jet-Driven Helmholtz Oscillator

Abdrashitov A., Marfin E.


Periodic pressure fluctuations were studied experimentally in the model of a jet-driven Helmholtz oscillator with a cylindrical chamber with a round air jet impinging on the sharp edge of the outlet. The evolution of the amplitude–frequency spectrum of the hole tone from its appearance at a jet velocity of about 2 m/s to excitation of the first acoustic resonance mode at the Helmholtz frequency was studied. The hole tone was a family of harmonics that progressively became more complex as the length and velocity of the jet increased. The successive occurrence of a family of acoustic modes on the harmonics of the jet tone with a further increase in jet velocity is studied. Modes at the Helmholtz frequency arose alternately on the harmonics of the hole tone in the gain band of the oscillator, starting from the highest harmonic. The first mode occurred at the highest harmonic; the second mode, at the previous harmonic; and so on. The final mode arose at the fundamental harmonic of the hole tone and had the maximum amplitude. With a further increase in the Reynolds number, periodic pressure fluctuations became disordered turbulent fluctuations. With a sufficient chamber size and jet velocity, azimuthal and half-wave resonances appeared at the highest harmonic of the hole tone. The largest Reynolds number at which resonance at the Helmholtz frequency was observed was 105.

Akustičeskij žurnal. 2023;69(4):430-437
pages 430-437 views

Determination of the Acoustic Wave Velocity and Attenuation in Liquids with Different Acoustic Impedances Using an Acoustic Interferometer

Zaitsev B., Borodina I., Teplykh A., Semyonov A.


Theoretical and experimental features of using an acoustic interferometer for determining the velocity and attenuation of an acoustic wave in liquids with different acoustic impedances are studied. It is shown for the first time that the indicated impedance determines the ratio of the resonance values of the maximum and minimum transmission coefficient S12 for the same transmitter–receiver pair on the dependence of the transmission coefficient on the distance between the transducers. A methodology has been developed for determining the wave attenuation of a liquid free from the influence of “apparent” attenuation associated with the loss of part of the acoustic power to the transducers.

Akustičeskij žurnal. 2023;69(4):438-445
pages 438-445 views

Acoustic Studies of the Melting and Crystallization of Eutectic Gallium–Silver Alloys in Porous Glasses

Pirozerski A., Charnaya E., Abdulamonov K., Nedbai A., Kumzerov Y., Fokin A., Khomutova A.


The paper presents the results of acoustic studies of the melting and crystallization of Ag–Ga alloys with a silver content of 1.5 and 3 at % embedded into porous glasses with an average pore size of 13 nm. The temperature dependences of the velocity of longitudinal ultrasonic waves are measured by a modified pulse-phase method at a frequency of 7 MHz in the 200–325 K range for complete and partial cooling–heating cycles. The temperature dependences of the ultrasonic velocity showed regions corresponding to phase transitions. Significant changes in the phase diagram of the bulk alloy due to nanostructuring have been revealed. It is shown that segregates with different crystal structures are formed in the pores for alloy of different compositions.

Akustičeskij žurnal. 2023;69(4):446-452
pages 446-452 views


Mode Coupling Due to an Underwater Ice Keel in a Broad Frequency Band

Grigorev V., Lunkov A.


Numerical simulation is used to study the possibility of remote acoustic monitoring of underwater keels in ice-covered shallow-water waveguides. A statistically average hummock for the Arctic region is considered, with a keel draft of 8 m, located in a waveguide with a depth of 40 m. It is assumed that the ridge of the hummock is perpendicular to the acoustic track, the length of which is 10 km. A point broadband source and a vertical receiving array are used, which are necessary for extracting the mode amplitudes. It is shown that mode coupling due to the keel manifests itself quite distinctly in modulation of the mode amplitudes in a broad frequency band. A methodology for analyzing this modulation by constructing cepstrograms (spectrograms from the spectrum) is proposed. The cepstrograms reveal dispersion curves corresponding to pairs of coupled modes. Then, from the location of the dispersion curves on the cepstrogram, it is possible to estimate the location of the keel on the track.

Akustičeskij žurnal. 2023;69(4):453-464
pages 453-464 views

Detection of Echo Signals Taking Into Account the Multipath Effect of the Waveguide and the Multispecularity of the Reflector

Drachenko V., Kuznetsov G., Mikhnyuk A.


In the shelf zone, an experimental study was conducted on the possibility of increasing the probability of detecting echo signals against an noise background as a result of taking into account the multipath waveguide model and design features of the reflector. The possibility of increasing the tracking range and reducing the probability of false alarms is experimentally substantiated with an algorithm that uses the duration of the time interval during which a sequence of signals reflected from one reflector is observed due to the multipath propagation of signals and multispecularity of the reflected signal, if the target structure is complex and includes several offset reflectors. Recommendations are given on the choice of intervals, the sampling lengths within which summation of the energy of the reflected signals is possible. It is shown that as a result of signal power accumulation using an algorithm that partially takes into account the echo signal model, the target tracking time increases and false alarms decrease.

Akustičeskij žurnal. 2023;69(4):465-477
pages 465-477 views


Моделирование и расчет влияния подрезки тональных отверстий деревянных духовых инструментов на смещение собственных частот воздушного канала

Герасимов Р.


Рассмотрено влияние наличия и величины радиуса кривизны в местах соединения тональных отверстий деревянных духовых инструментов с основным воздушным каналом (подрезка) на смещение его собственных частот. Приведена методика и формулы для численного расчета, позволяющие определять величину эффективного радиуса для открытого и закрытого тональных отверстий с переменным поперечным сечением. На основе полученных зависимостей с помощью метода передаточных матриц осуществлен расчет собственных частот воздушного канала с одним отверстием и проведено сравнение с результатами компьютерного моделирования в программе COMSOL Multiphysics 5.6. Показано, что увеличение степени подрезки звукового отверстия приводит к росту его эффективного радиуса, что повышает резонансные частоты в случае открытого отверстия и понижает в случае закрытого. Усреднение акустической массы (для открытого) и объема (для закрытого) по продольным сечениям отверстия, не обладающего вращательной круговой симметрией в области соединения с основным каналом, дает лучшие результаты при нахождении резонансных частот в сравнении с моделированием.

Akustičeskij žurnal. 2023;69(4):478-489
pages 478-489 views


An Information-Statistical Approach to Analyzing Acoustic Emission Signals

Erofeev V., Ilyakhinsky A., Rodyushkin V., Ryabov D., Khlybov A.


A new information-statistical approach is proposed that makes it possible to consider acoustic emission (AE) from the standpoint of synergetics based on representation of processes that govern the state of the object under study, a statistical model (image) in the form of a probability density function. It is shown that the multidimensional Dirichlet distribution has a set of properties that can be used to determine the integral metric for estimating the plastic deformation process from observed AE signals. As a quantitative measure in analyzing the plastic deformation process using AE signals, it is proposed to use the self-organization parameter. Regular mechanical tests of structural carbon steel 20 with a pearlite–ferrite structure were carried out to demonstrate that the information-statistical self-organization parameter is the most informative when describing AE-related processes.

Akustičeskij žurnal. 2023;69(4):490-496
pages 490-496 views

Детектирование удаленной речи

Сорокин В.


Исследуются амплитудные и фазовые характеристики речевых сигналов, записанных на разном расстоянии от диктора микрофонами различных типов, в свободном пространстве и замкнутом помещении. Отношения средней энергии амплитудного спектра в различных диапазонах частот и средний наклон линейной компоненты фазы демонстрируют различия для слога, записанного вблизи микрофона, и такого же слога, записанного на удалении, и вновь воспроизведенного вблизи от микрофона. Наибольшее различие наблюдается в отношениях средней энергии в диапазонах частот 0–1 и 1–8 кГц, а также 3–4 и 4–6 кГц. Наклон линейной компоненты вычисляется в диапазоне 4–8 кГц. Степень различия зависит от гласного звука.

Akustičeskij žurnal. 2023;69(4):497-505
pages 497-505 views


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