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Vol 54, No 3 (2023)

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Immune Function оf the Lymphatic System

Lobov G.I.



—The lymphatic system plays a critical role in immunity, going far beyond the simple transport of immune cells and antigens. The endothelial cells in the various parts of this vasculature are highly specialized to perform various specific functions. Lymphatic capillaries express chemokines and adhesion molecules that in tissues promote the recruitment and transmigration of immune cells. Signaling molecules produced by endothelial cells of lymphatic capillaries during inflammation modulate the migration of lymphocytes through venules with high endothelium from the blood into the parenchyma of lymph nodes. Lymphatic vessels provide active regulated transport of immune cells and antigens to the lymph nodes. In the lymph nodes, with their complex structure organized by stromal cells, optimal conditions are created for the contacts of antigen-presenting cells with lymphocytes. Different subpopulations of lymph node endothelial cells perform specific functions according to lymph node location and contribute to both innate and adaptive immune responses through antigen presentation, lymph node remodeling, and regulation of leukocyte entry and exit.

Uspehi fiziologičeskih nauk. 2023;54(3):3-24
pages 3-24 views

The Compensatory Alterations оf the Relaxability and Distensibility of the Myocardium at Weakening of Its Contractility

Kapelko V.I.


Abstract—The contractile function of the heart is carried out due to the coordinated interaction of the basic properties of the myocardium – distensibility, contractility and relaxability. Violation of myocardial contractility due to any reason creates a situation of chronic heart failure (CHF). The severity of CHF is determined by the ability of the circulatory system to a certain extent to compensate for the weakening of the contractility of the heart, the criterion of which is the value of the ejection fraction. The form of CHF with preserved ejection fraction is defined as diastolic dysfunction. It is the first stage of CHF, its distinctive features are delayed relaxation and increased diastolic pressure in the left ventricle. The review is devoted to the consideration of the structure of diastole in 4 types of CHF – ischemic heart disease in myocardial infarction or microinfarctions caused by isoproterenol, myocardial damage induced by doxorubicin and type 1 diabetes. A common sign of all types of CHF is an increase in myocardial extensibility and a slowdown in relaxation. It has been shown that they are based on a change in the properties of connectin (titin) – a sacromeric protein that connects the ends of myosin filaments with the boundaries of the sarcomere. Its properties determine the distensibility and relaxation of the myocardium, and these changes underlie the primary compensatory reaction of the heart at weakening its contractility. Also mechanisms are mobilized that increase the inflow to the heart and reduce peripheral resistance. The degree of their mobilization depends on the degree of reduction in myocardial contractility. Along with this, each form of CHF has its own specifics, which must be taken into account when choosing the means of therapy.

Uspehi fiziologičeskih nauk. 2023;54(3):25-35
pages 25-35 views

Zebrafish as a Promising Model in Translational Neurobiology and Biomedicine

Kolesnikova T.O., Ilyin N.P., Kotova M.M., Kaluev A.V.



—High prevalence of the central nervous system disorders necessitates novel methods and approaches for their pharmacological correction. Traditionally used rodent models are limited by high costs of research, complex maintenance and care, and long development. The use of alternative, aquatic model organisms, such as the zebrafish (Danio rerio), in translational neuroscience and medicine allows for fast efficient experimentation with easy maintenance, manipulations, and rapid development. Zebrafish are also sensitive to major classes of physiologically active agents, which makes this model indispensable for preclinical studies of a wide range of small molecules. The similarity of neurochemical systems, the presence of major neurotransmitters, a high degree of genetic and physiological homology with humans, the availability of both larval and adult fish models, and embryonic transparency provide multiple possibilities for using this organism to model CNS pathologies and its genetic and environmental causes.

Uspehi fiziologičeskih nauk. 2023;54(3):36-52
pages 36-52 views

Neurophysiological and Vascular Mechanisms of Action of the Serotoninergic Drugs for Abortive Migraine Treatment

Sokolov A.Y., Skiba I.B., Lyubashina O.A.



—Migraine is a form of primary headache that affects at least 10% of the world’s population. In addition to recommendations for modifying the patient’s lifestyle, migraine management involves stopping an attack that’s already occurred and/or preventing its occurrence. In the abortive treatment of this cephalalgia, both non-specific (eg, non-opioid analgesics) and specific pharmacological agents, can be used. The latter include, in particular, serotonergic drugs of the classes of triptans (selective 5-HT1B/1D receptor agonists), ditans (selective 5-HT1F-mimetics), and ergot alkaloids (non-selective modulators of various 5-HT receptor subtypes). The review discusses the currently availably results of numerous basic and applied studies of these drug groups, in which the neuronal and vascular components of their antimigraine pharmacodynamics were identified. A significant part of the information was obtained in vivo on the various experimental models of migraine based on the trigeminovascular theory of its pathogenesis. Other data are the results of ex vivo studies on isolated tissues and cell cultures. When analyzing these experimental results, evidence is provided in favor of similar mechanisms for realizing the antimigraine potential of all representatives belonging to the pharmacological classes listed, the neurotropic activity of which prevails over their direct intervention in vascular tone. At the same time, special attention is paid to the controversial and debatable issues in this area, the successful solution of which is a key to further progress in the pharmacotherapy of migraine.

Uspehi fiziologičeskih nauk. 2023;54(3):53-76
pages 53-76 views

Analysis of the Relationship of Moderate Cognitive Impairments with Changes in Synchronization between Photostimulation and Brain Activity

Dick O.E.



—The review is devoted to the application of methods of nonlinear dynamics to the analysis of dynamic changes in the patterns of physiological rhythms of the brain in the event of disorders associated with chronically elevated blood pressure and atrial fibrillation-type cardiac arrhythmias in the presence and absence of moderate cognitive impairment. The possibility of using these methods to identify markers of these disorders is shown. These markers are associated with the parameters of phase synchronization between rhythmic photostimuli and brain responses in the form of electroencephalographic patterns.

Uspehi fiziologičeskih nauk. 2023;54(3):77-89
pages 77-89 views

Cognitive Architecture of Cognitive Activity: Modeling and Psychophysiological Assessment

Razumnikova O.M.


Abstract—The main approaches to modeling human cognitive activity and the underlying neural mechanisms are described. The systematization of cognitive architectures is given, and such popular models as ACT-R, SOAR, CLARION and CHREST is overviewed with examples of their practical application in psychology and neurophysiology. The use of the developed models of cognitive functions makes it possible to predict the effectiveness of perception and selection of information, which knowledge and procedures are required for the optimal solution of the problem, the expected error rate while task performing, and what functional brain system is used to organize behavior. Improvement and addition of existing models of cognitive architecture is considered as a prospect for the development of cognitive neuroscience, understanding the patterns of intelligence formation and the development of artificial intelligence.

Uspehi fiziologičeskih nauk. 2023;54(3):90-104
pages 90-104 views

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