
Potential of ultrasound diagnostics in an experimental model of fetal growth restriction
Bespalova O., Blazhenko A., Kopteeva E., Pachulia O., Shelayeva E., Kogan I.
Difference between maternal risk factors for fetal growth restriction and small for gestational age
Ziyadinov A., Novikova V., Radzinsky V.
Prediction of neonatal complications based on quantitative proteome analysisin blood of pregnant women with fetal growth restriction
Volochaeva M., Tokareva A., Bugrova A., Brzhozovskiy A., Kukaev E., Tyutyunnik V., Kan N., Starodubtseva N.
Feasibility of predicting fetal growth restriction, by identifying plasma biomarkers
Izhoykina E., Trifonova E., Kutsenko I., Stepanov I., Gavrilenko M., Stepanov V.
The role of pathological hemostasis in formation of perinatal complications of the novel coronavirus infection
Matusevich E., Yuryev S., Nikolaeva M., Frankevich V., Frankevich N., Popova I., Nemtseva T.
Association between new coronavirus infection and fetal growth restriction
Lipatov I., Tezikov Y., Kalinkina O., Tyutyunnik V., Kan N., Majorova M., Yakovleva M.
Factors of energy metabolism in fetal growth restriction
Kan N., Soldatova E., Tyutyunnik V., Borisova A., Tezikov Y., Lipatov I., Sadekova A., Alekseev A., Krasnyi A.
Potential of first trimester plasma lipidome in high-risk pregnancy groups
Minaeva E., Starodubtseva N., Shmakov R., Chagovets V., Tokareva A., Novoselova A., Kukaev E., Frankevich V.
Analysis of pathomorphological characteristics of the placental structure in cases of prenatally diagnosed fetal congenital heart disease
Yarygina T., Gasanova R., Marzoeva O., Sypchenko E., Leonova E., Lyapin V., Shchegolev A., Gus A.
Cardiovascular consequences of great obstetrical syndromes
Akhmadeyev N., Fatkullin I., Fatkullina L.
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