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No 10 (2023)

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Novel coronavirus infection and pregnancy: experience of three years of the pandemic

Dyakova M.M., Bychkova S.V., Malgina G.B., Grishkina A.A., Chistiakova G.N.


The paper presents a study of scientific publications written by the Russian and foreign authors in research databases such as Pubmed, Cochrane, Web of Science, MedLine, Google Scholar, Embase, Maternity and Infant Care. It covers epidemiological aspects of coronavirus infection, experience of previous epidemics of respiratory viruses, data on the impact of novel coronavirus infection on the course of pregnancy and perinatal outcomes. At the first stages of the pandemic some publications provided the information that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is not dangerous for pregnant women. Later the incidence in pregnant women was found to be higher than in the population. The following risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection have been identified: concomitant pathology, late reproductive age. The clinical course of COVID-19 in pregnant women may vary from asymptomatic forms to the development of acute respiratory and multiple organ failure. Novel coronavirus infection has been proven to play a role in the development of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy, preterm birth, spontaneous miscarriage and placental pathology. To date, the available literature contains few data on the analysis of pregnancy outcomes depending on the gestational age at the time of infection. It remains unclear how coronavirus infection in pregnancy affects the development of congenital malformations in the fetus, short-term and long-term consequences for the child’s health.

Conclusion: It is necessary to conduct further studies to identify the effect of the novel coronavirus infection on the course of pregnancy and perinatal outcomes. The experience obtained by the clinicians will help the society to be ready for the next challenges of the time.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(10):5-13
pages 5-13 views

Controversial issues of antenatal glucocorticoid use in fetal growth retardation

Leonova A.A., Kan N.E., Tyutyunnik V.L., Borisova A.G., Gasymova S.R.


The paper presents the analysis of modern literature data on the effect of glucocorticoids on the fetus with intrauterine growth retardation. The research focuses on mechanisms and scientific hypotheses that describe the effects of glucocorticoids on various organs and tissues of the fetus including the central nervous system with adverse consequences for further postnatal development. The role of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzymes (11β-HSD1 and 11β-HSD2) is discussed. The studies conducted on both humans and animals have shown that acute and chronic stress can affect the expression of 11ß-HSD2 in the placenta in different ways. The expression of 11ß-HSD2 is stimulated in acute stress reactions, the expression of 11ß-HSD2 in the placenta is inhibited in chronic stress. It is likely that activation of placental 11ß-HSD2 in acute stress can be defined as an immediate protective measure taken by the fetus against a sudden increase in maternal glucocorticoids, while inhibition of placental 11ß-HSD2 in chronic stress may be a strategy adopted by the fetus for its survival. According to recent data, there is a decrease in the activity of 11ß-HSD2 when intrauterine growth is delayed. This decrease causes an elevation in the level of cortisol in the fetal blood which leads to disorders of postnatal development, cardiovascular and neuroendocrine pathology in the postnatal period of life. The use of antenatal glucocorticoids in pregnant women who are at risk of preterm birth and diagnosed with fetal growth retardation remains controversial: excessive exposure to glucocorticoids interferes with the normal development of the fetal nervous system.

Conclusion: Due to the high frequency of the use of synthetic glucocorticoids in pregnant women who are at risk of preterm birth, it would be interesting to study the long-term effects of such action on the development of children in various periods of ontogenesis, especially in children with intrauterine growth retardation. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the cellular and molecular mechanisms that cause placental dysfunction in fetal growth retardation in order to optimize the tactics of management of pregnant women with this pregnancy complication.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(10):14-20
pages 14-20 views

Modern concepts on the etiology and pathogenesis of premature rupture of membranes

Baisova A.R., Amiraslanov E.Y., Frankevich V.E., Chagovets V.V., Tyutyunnik V.L.


Preterm birth is one of the great obstetrical syndromes that poses an enormous problem for obstetricians nowadays. Being the leading cause of infant mortality in the world, it accounts for 80% of all cases of neonatal morbidity and leads to serious financial and emotional losses for families and society. One of the most severe complications leading to preterm birth is premature rupture of membranes (PROM). The article covers the etiological and pathogenetic aspects of PROM including inflammation as a key factor. Aseptic inflammation associated with biological aging and maturation of the membranes is considered as a variant of the PROM pathogenesis. Collagen remodeling, development of microcracks in the membranes, and enhanced angiogenesis are considered as factors contributing to the destruction of the extracellular matrix. To date, the study of rupture of the membranes has been carried out in terms of cell biology and histology, as well as inflammation. This review examines various pathogenetic variants of PROM which may occur independently or in combination. Despite the large number of studies on the subject, there is currently a great interest in new approaches to the prevention of PROM, the search for prognostic markers and risk factors for the development of effective therapeutic tactics.

Conclusion: The introduction of new research methods that can reveal or clarify the mechanisms of aseptic and infectious pathogenesis using mass spectrometry in PROM will help to identify differential patterns of protein expression associated with oxidative stress and bacterial invasion in the amniotic fluid and membranes. The introduction of non-invasive markers into clinical practice will provide the clinicians with the possibility of taking timely preventive measures, prescribing therapy and determining the tactics of management of pregnant women in order to improve the perinatal outcomes.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(10):21-27
pages 21-27 views

The role of ureaplasmas in the development of preterm birth: renewed discussion in light of new data

Shipitsyna E.V., Pachulia O.V., Bespalova O.N., Kogan I.Y.


Intraamniotic infection (IAI) plays a significant role in the development of preterm birth and other pregnancy complications, including premature rupture of membranes, cervical insufficiency, and clinical chorioamnionitis. Ureaplasma is the most common microorganism found in the amniotic cavity of women with IAI. In recent years, there has been a renewed discussion regarding the eradication of ureaplasmas to prevent pregnancy complications associated with IAI, fueled by new data from experimental and clinical studies implicating ureaplasma as an etiological factor. Furthermore, the inclusion of drugs with anti-ureaplasma activity and good placental penetration in treatment regimens for IAI-related pregnancy complications has been shown to improve perinatal outcomes. This review provides an analysis of recent studies on the role of ureaplasmas in triggering preterm birth and other pregnancy complications. This review summarizes findings from meta-analyses of the association between commensal mycoplasmas and adverse perinatal outcomes, and examines data from experimental and clinical studies on the pathogenesis and treatment of ureaplasma-associated IAI.

Сonclusion: A substantial body of experimental and clinical evidence supports the involvement of ureaplasmas in the development of IAI. However, it is evident that several factors are necessary for ureaplasmas to exert their pathogenic potential, and identifying these factors is important. Currently, neither species/serotype, high bacterial load, nor specific virulence factors of ureaplasmas can serve as prognostic markers for an unfavorable course or outcome of pregnancy. Developing sensitive and specific biomarkers for IAI, preferably non-invasive biomarkers with high predictive value in the early stages when antibiotic therapy is most effective, would be a significant advancement in the prevention of preterm birth and other pregnancy complications associated with IAI.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(10):28-38
pages 28-38 views

Vaginal microbiota transplantation

Kira E.F., Priputnevich T.V., Muravieva V.V., Khalturina Y.V.


This review presents the data of the recent studies on the structure and role of the vaginal microbiota in providing colonization resistance and maintaining female reproductive health. New therapeutic options in the treatment of infectious diseases in gynecology are covered. The review shows the significance of preserving the specific functioning of the vaginal microecosystem, searching for new effective therapeutic opportunities in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases and correction of dysbiotic disorders of the vaginal microbiota, its ability to resist pathogenic microorganisms. The unique local immune status directly correlates with the specific microbial composition of the vagina. Recent studies have shown the high efficiency of intestinal microbiota transplantation in gastroenterology. To date, there is a promising concept of introducing selective microbiota transplantation into clinical practice. According to this concept, it is possible to obtain autoprobiotics that can simultaneously solve the problem of safety during transplantation and provide personalized treatment. It is necessary to carry out further studies on the characteristics of pharmacological properties, on degree of stability and safety, on the ability of microorganisms to multiply in the vagina, and on the determination of dosage and frequency of use. The effectiveness of vaginal microbiota transplantation should be determined and proven in subsequent randomized placebo-controlled clinical trials.

Conclusion: Autoprobiotics originating from the vagina can become the basis for the development of personalized medicines using a person’s own microbiota as it is safe and accessible and can help in the treatment of diseases with complex etiology and pathogenesis. Preliminary clinical results in a number of experimental studies have demonstrated a good therapeutic effect and great prospects for vaginal microbiota transplantation in comparison with other methods of treatment.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(10):39-46
pages 39-46 views

Elective single embryo transfer: compromise or necessity?

Syrkasheva A.G., Ermakova D.M., Magamadova M.U., Dolgushina N.V.


The development of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) as well as the improvement of the methods used for their implementation caused changes in approaches to the management of patients. The main criterion for the effectiveness of ART is the birth of a healthy child, and many factors contribute to the achievement of this result. The question of the number of transferred embryos necessary to achieve the highest possible rate of live birth and the minimum number of complications in women undergoing ART is still relevant. When ART appeared, tactics of transferring several embryos into the uterine cavity were often preferred in order to increase the effectiveness of the programs or due to the lack of the possibility of embryo cryopreservation. Therefore, the use of ART has been associated for a long time with a high incidence of multiple pregnancies which often pose risks for the health of the mother and newborn, as well as the need for performing traumatic embryo reduction procedures. To date, the prevention of multiple pregnancies is a priority for reproductive medicine specialists, and therefore, in many countries, there is a tendency to choose elective single embryo transfer (eSET) as a preventive measure for multiple pregnancies. For this review, the scientific literature was analyzed to compare the effectiveness of eSET tactics and the transfer of two or more embryos in ART programs; the legal framework on this issue was studied as well.

Conclusion: Elective single embryo transfer should be recommended to all patients with a “good” prognosis of establishing pregnancy, since the rate of childbirth in this group is comparable to that in patients with the transfer of two embryos. The possibility of introducing eSET in patients with an “unfavorable” prognosis of pregnancy requires further discussion.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(10):48-59
pages 48-59 views

Risk of thrombotic complications in patients with ovarian cancer and some safety aspects of using antifibrinolytic hemostatic agents

Deryabina V.A., Matukhin V.I., Rukhliada N.N., Abramova V.N., Kuts E.E.


The risk of thrombotic complications is known to increase several times in cancer patients. The malignant process causes changes in the blood coagulation and fibrinolytic systems which negatively affect the prognosis of the patient’s complications. The tumors of the female reproductive system, especially ovarian cancer, are among the most thrombogenic solid tumors. The level of specific markers increases particularly in patients with ovarian cancer. These markers can help to identify patient’s predisposition to the rapid development of venous thromboembolism. There are certain risk factors that increase the likelihood of thrombosis in ovarian cancer: age over 60 years, excess body weight, tumor diameter of more than 100 mm, and the presence of ascites and chronic diseases. Medications used for ovarian cancer are also worth noting. The use of antitumor drugs is known to contribute to thrombotic complications.

Conclusion: There is an active discussion about the increased risk of venous thromboembolism in patients who received tranexamic acid and other antifibrinolytic agents to reduce intraoperative blood loss. Although some studies have confirmed the effectiveness of tranexamic acid, there are currently not enough randomized trials to guarantee the absence of a link between the use of antifibrinolytic agents and venous thromboembolism in patients with ovarian cancer. The reasonable use of this group of drugs with obligatory thromboprophylaxis is recommended.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(10):60-69
pages 60-69 views

Issues of ectogenesis and creation of the extracorporeal system for fetal development

Yavorovskaya K.A., Goryachev A.A.


The idea of creating a system capable of supporting and ensuring the complete development of the human embryo dates back to the middle of the 20th century. The combination of factors, which are created artificially and are very close to the natural physiological ones, will give a chance to accomplish the development of the fetus without the involvement of the female reproductive organs. The fetus can develop in a separate environment where it is isolated from the possible harmful effects of maternal diseases or toxic substances. This paper presents an overview and summary of the data published on the issue. The creation of an extracorporeal system for fetal development (ESFD) is associated with a number of difficulties. One of the most important challenges is the reproduction of the optimal conditions for the development of the fetus in an artificial environment, where the fetus will have to stay throughout the entire period of its development. In order to avoid ontogenesis disorders and pathologies of organ systems when using ESFD, it is necessary to reproduce all the conditions specific to complete intrauterine development, which include not only the supply of nutrients to the growing embryo, but also the maintenance of parameters such as pH and temperature. Currently, there is a growing interest in creating a device that could allow a fetus to develop ex vivo. Over the past few years, the scientists have published numerous reports on the creation of the necessary components of the system (artificial placenta, amniotic fluid substitute, etc.). Life support systems are improved and supplemented with new elements that contribute to the reproduction of natural conditions which normally exist in the maternal organism.

Conclusion: The main aim of the research groups is to create artificial conditions for the development of the fetus simulating all the physiological parameters of the natural environment for the complete formation of the organism. The use of ESFD will make it possible to reproduce vital conditions for the growth and development of the fetus and it will help women who are unable to bear a child on their own. It can also influence the views of society on surrogate motherhood and the restoration of childbearing function using uterine transplantation. There is still no clear understanding of how such a method of gestation can affect the relationship between mother and child, which may compromise the creation and use of such a system from an ethical point of view.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(10):70-76
pages 70-76 views

Original Articles

Risk factors for vaginal delivery after cesarean section

Kuznetsova N.B., Ilуasova G.M., Bushtyreva I.O., Gimbut V.S., Pavlova N.G.


Objective: This study aimed to identify the risk factors associated with vaginal delivery in women who had previously undergone cesarean section. The analysis focused on clinical data and medical history as well as the course of pregnancy and labor.

Materials and methods: Forty pregnant women with a uterine scar from a prior cesarean section who attempted vaginal delivery were included in this study. Based on the labor outcomes, they were divided into two groups. Group 1 comprised 26 women who underwent vaginal delivery, while group 2 consisted of 14 women who required repeat cesarean section during labor. A comparative analysis was conducted, taking into account clinical data, medical history, and the progression of index pregnancy and labor.

Results: Patients in group 2 exhibited higher weight gain during pregnancy than those in group 1, with values of 12.5 [11, 16] and 10 kg [9; 14], respectively (p=0.045). Additionally, 30.8% of the women in group 1 had a history of previous vaginal deliveries, whereas no patients in group 2 had such a history (p<0.05). The placenta was more frequently located along the anterior uterine wall in group 1 (80.8%) than in group 2 (28.6%) (p=0.002). On admission to the maternity hospital, the minimum thickness of the lower uterine segment in the scar area, as determined by ultrasound, was greater in group 1 than in group 2, measuring 2.35 mm [2; 2.8] and 2.1 mm [1.95; 2.23], respectively (p=0.015). Moreover, women in group 1 were significantly more likely to be admitted with a mature cervix according to the Bishop scale than those in group 2 (p=0.007). The dilation of the internal os was twice as wide in group 1 versus group 2 (p=0.002). Rupture of membranes occurred at term more frequently in group 1 than in group 2 (p=0.03).

Conclusions: Based on our findings, risk factors associated with an unsuccessful attempt at vaginal delivery after cesarean section include a lower uterine segment thickness ≤2.1 mm upon admission, cervical maturity score ≤5 points according to the Bishop scale, dilation of the internal os ≤2 cm upon admission, and early rupture of membranes.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(10):78-85
pages 78-85 views

The role of chromosomal abnormalities in fetal congenital heart defects

Pak V.S., Tetruashvili N.K., Bokeriya E.L., Shubina J., Zaretskaya N.V., Bolshakova A.S., Lyushnina D.G., Kuznetsova M.V., Mikhailovskaya G.V., Sadelov I.O., Trofimov D.Y.


Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in various nosological forms of fetal congenital heart defects (CHDs).

Materials and methods: The study included 72 pregnant women who received a prenatal diagnosis of fetal CHD. Between 15 and 30 weeks of pregnancy, the women underwent invasive prenatal diagnostic procedures. Fetal DNA testing was performed in two stages. The first stage was detection of abnormalities in chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X, and Y using polymerase chain reaction analysis of short-tandem repeat (STR) markers (STR-PCR). The second stage was chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA).

Results: Among 72 women, congenital heart defects were found in combination with chromosomal abnormalities in 16 сases (22.2% of total cases). Of them, trisomy 21 was identified in 4 cases (5.6%), trisomy 18 in 2 cases (2.8%), microdeletion from chromosome 22 in 8 cases (11.1%), microdeletion from chromosome 12 in 1 case (1.4%), microdeletion from chromosome 1 in 1 case (1.4%). Additionally, aneuploidies were detected in 6 cases (8.3%) using quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction (QF-PCR), and all copy number variations were confirmed by chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) in 10 cases (13.9%).

Conclusion: The study found that fetal congenital heart defects were associated with chromosomal abnormalities in 22% of cases (in 16 cases out of 72). The majority of abnormalities were related to pathogenic gene copy number variants in 62.5% of cases (in 10 cases out of 16). Based on the findings, the preferred invasive method of prenatal diagnostics should be considered to be chromosomal microarray analysis, as it provides comprehensive genetic information.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(10):86-93
pages 86-93 views

Development and validation of models to predict total and early-onset preeclampsia in the first trimester of pregnancy using machine learning algorithms

Andreychenko A.E., Luchinin A.S., Ivshin A.A., Ermak A.D., Novitskiy R.E., Gusev A.V.


Background: Preeclampsia (PE) is a life-threatening and difficult-to-predict complication of pregnancy, characterized by multi-organ dysfunction. PE affects 2–8% of all pregnancies and is one of the leading causes of perinatal and maternal mortality, especially in cases of early onset PE.

Objective: To develop models for predicting total and early onset PE in the first trimester of pregnancy using machine learning (ML) technologies based on real-world clinical data.

Materials and methods: We analyzed 21,092 records obtained from electronic medical records through the Webiomed platform, corresponding to 12,434 unique pregnancies of 12,283 women aged 11 to 60 years, up to 16 weeks. Anamnestic, constitutional, clinical, instrumental, and laboratory data, commonly used in routine medical practice, were selected as potential factors for predicting PE, totaling 53 variables. To create the models, we employed logistic regression (LR), gradient boosting methods (LightGBM, XGBoost, CatBoost), and methods based on decision trees (RandomForest and ExtraTrees).

Results: The ExtraTrees model demonstrated the highest accuracy in predicting PE, with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.858 (95% CI 0.827–0.890). The model's overall accuracy was 0.634 (95% CI 0.616–0.652), sensitivity was 0.897 (95% CI 0.837–0.953), and specificity was 0.624 (95% CI 0.605–0.643). Among the models for assessing the risk of early onset PE, the RandomForest algorithm yielded the most promising results. The AUC after validation was 0.848 (95% CI 0.785–0.904), with an accuracy of 0.813 (95% CI 0.798–0.828), sensitivity of 0.733 (95% CI 0.565–0.885), and specificity of 0.814 (95% CI 0.799–0.828).

Conclusion: The metrics of the final models align with previously published models. External validation results demonstrate the relative stability of the models with new data, indicating their potential applicability in real clinical practice. This is our first experience in predicting complex pregnancy complications based on real-world clinical data. The quality of the predictive model depends directly on the data and the statistical algorithms used, aspects that we intend to refine in future studies.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(10):94-107
pages 94-107 views

Potential of first trimester plasma lipidome in high-risk pregnancy groups

Minaeva E.A., Starodubtseva N.L., Shmakov R.G., Chagovets V.V., Tokareva A.O., Novoselova A.V., Kukaev E.N., Frankevich V.E.


Objective: To evaluate the relationship between plasma lipids, changes in their concentration during early pregnancy, and the risk of preeclampsia (PE) in pregnant women at a high risk for placenta-mediated complications.

Materials and methods: This prospective case-control study included 66 pregnant women, including a group at high risk for placenta-associated complications based on medical history and first trimester screening (n=38) and a control group (n=28). Lipid extracts of blood plasma from the first trimester of pregnancy were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). Lipids were identified using Lipid Match R-script by accurate mass using the Lipid Maps database and characteristic tandem mass spectra (MS/MS). Based on lipids identified as having a statistically significant correlation with clinical data (Spearman's criterion), a model of projections to latent structures was constructed using two predictive axes. From lipids with a variable projection value greater than 1 in the model, those with which the model based on logistic regression had the lowest Akaike information criterion and coefficients that were significantly different from zero were selected.

Results: Correlation analysis according to high-risk groups identified 48 lipids, for which the level of correlation with at least one clinical parameter was average or above average (R>0.6), belonging to the classes of phosphatidylcholines, phosphatidylinositols, sphingomyelins, and triglycerides. Two logistic regression models were constructed to identify patients at high risk for PE by plasma lipid levels in the first trimester of pregnancy with optimal sensitivity and specificity of 0.91 and 0.91 for the positive ion regimen (phosphatidylethanolamine PE 16:0_22:6 and phosphatidylcholine PC 18:0_18:1) and optimal sensitivity and specificity of 0.82 and 0.96 for the negative ion mode (sphingomyelins SM d24:0/18:1 and SM d22:1/20:4). Survival function analysis yielded a relative risk for the group defined as high-risk using the model based on lipid profile in the positive ion mode of 33.5 with CI 4.7–241, and a relative risk for the PE screening outcome of 2.67 with CI 0.74–9.64.

Conclusion: Changes in the first-trimester plasma lipid spectrum, mainly phosphatidylcholines, lysophosphatidylcholines, phosphatidylethanolamine, triglycerides, and sphingomyelins, are associated with the risk of PE in the high-risk group. This allows us to propose logistic regression models based on first-trimester plasma marker lipid levels as a refinement after the first-trimester screening. In the future, the data obtained may contribute to the improvement of preventive measures for placenta-associated disorders and the timely monitoring of their development.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(10):108-118
pages 108-118 views

Prediction of pregnancy outcomes in patients with cervical insufficiency undergoing cervical cerclage

Pesegova S.V., Timokhina E.V., Strizhakov A.N., Ignatko I.V., Belousova V.S., Anokhina V.M.


Objective: To assess the clinical significance of interleukin (IL-6 and IL-8, and matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8) in predicting pregnancy outcomes in patients with cervical insufficiency (CI) undergoing cervical cerclage.

Materials and methods: This prospective cohort study included 67 pregnant women with CI. Women were divided into two groups based on the timing of their subsequent deliveries. Group 1 comprised 30 (44.8%) pregnant women who gave birth before 32 weeks, whereas Group 2 included 37 (55.2%) women who gave birth after 32 weeks. During the vaginal speculum examination, cervical mucus was collected from the cervical canal before the cerclage procedure to determine the concentrations of IL-6, IL-8, and MMP-8.

Results: In Group 1, the concentrations of IL-6, IL-8, and MMP-8 were 12.3 pg/ml, 261.0 pg/ml, and 28.5 ng/ml, respectively. In Group 2, the concentrations were 6.4 pg/ml, 102.3 pg/ml, and 12.3 ng/ml for IL-6, IL-8, and MMP-8, respectively. The threshold values for each marker were determined by ROC analysis. The threshold concentrations at the cut-off point were 11.3 pg/ml, 202.6 pg/ml, and 22.3 ng/ml for IL-6, IL-8, and MMP-8, respectively.

Conclusion: Our study revealed that in patients with CI who delivered after 32 weeks, the levels of immunological markers were significantly higher than those in patients who delivered later. Unfavorable pregnancy outcomes with delivery before 32 weeks of gestation were predicted at levels of IL-6, IL-8, and MMP-8 ≥ 11.3 pg/ml, ≥ 202.6 pg/ml, and ≥ 22.3 ng/ml, respectively. Cervical cerclage is considered ineffective in these patients.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(10):119-125
pages 119-125 views

Comparative effectiveness of different laparoscopic metroplasty techniques in patients with significant uterine scar defects after cesarean section

Martynov S.A., Sukhareva T.A., Adamyan L.V.


Objective: To improve the effectiveness of surgical management in patients with significant uterine scar defects (USD) after cesarean section (CS).

Materials and methods: This comparative prospective study included 113 patients with a diagnosis of significant USD after CS who were interested in repeat pregnancies. All the patients underwent laparoscopic metroplasty. In group 1 (n=61), patients underwent standard laparoscopy, and in group 2 (n=52), laparoscopy was performed using a technique with shortening and plication of the uterine round ligament. Baseline clinical evaluation included clinical data and medical history, index of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia (uCTD), preoperative and postoperative scar condition according to expert ultrasound, and analysis of reproductive outcomes. A comparative analysis of the results of two methods of surgical treatment was performed.

Results: In USD patients after CS, the most common complaints were menstrual cycle disorders, including postmenstrual bleeding (70.8%), intermenstrual bleeding (12.4%), heavy menstrual bleeding (3.5%), painful menstrual bleeding (8%), pain syndrome (16.8%), and secondary infertility (31%). There was a high incidence of two or more previous CS (36.3%) and the emergency nature of the previous CS (68.1%). Clinical features of USD included retroflexio uteri (75.2%) and concomitant uCTD (46%). As a result of standard laparoscopic metroplasty, clinical manifestations disappeared in 90.2% of patients and the mean minimal scar thickness (mST) increased significantly to 4.8 (1.8) mm (p=0.00001). The use of round ligament shortening and plication as an additional stage allowed the elimination of clinical manifestations in 100% of cases, and the mean mST as a result of the operation significantly increased and amounted to 5.3 (1.2) mm (p=0.00001). In addition, the increase in mST was significantly greater in the round ligament shortening group than in the standard technique group (3.16 (1.21) and 2.5 (2.07) mm, respectively) (p=0.049). In addition, there were no unsatisfactory results in the round ligament shortening group, while the incidence of unsatisfactory results in the metroplasty without round ligament shortening group was 6/61 (9.8%) (p=0.036). According to the statistical analysis, the main risk factors for unsatisfactory results of metroplasty were three or more previous CS and the presence of uCTD with a diagnostic coefficient (DC) ≥17 points.

Conclusion: Shortening and plication of the round ligament can improve the results of laparoscopic metroplasty. The risk factors for unsatisfactory results of metroplasty are the presence of three or more CS in the past history and uCTD (DC uCTD ≥17 points).

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(10):126-136
pages 126-136 views

Exchange of Experience

Surgical treatment of vestibulovaginal hypospadias in girls

Soloviev A.E., Cherdantseva T.M., Zenushkin D.V.


Objective: To suggest a variant of surgical treatment of vestibulovaginal hypospadias in girls.

Materials and methods: A total of 201 girls were diagnosed with vestibular hypospadias, 16 girls with vestibulovaginal hypospadias, and 3 girls with vaginal hypospadias. Five girls with vestibulovaginal hypospadias underwent surgery, namely, isolation of the urethra from the external orifice to the bladder neck and moving it below the clitoris.

Results: The conservative treatment was prescribed to all children with hypospadias. It was effective only for the patients with the vestibular form of hypospadias. All children experienced vulvitis, vaginitis, chronic cystitis and pyelonephritis. Dystopia of the external urethral orifice was a manifestation of the vulvovaginal form of hypospadias. The X-ray examination revealed vesicoureteral reflux in six children and ureterohydronephrosis in two children. The girls with vestibulovaginal hypospadias (11 out of 16) continued to be treated conservatively. Five girls underwent surgical treatment with a good long-term result.

Conclusion: Ineffective long-term therapy of vulvitis, vaginitis, cystitis, chronic pyelonephritis is an indication for surgical treatment of vestibulovaginal hypospadias. The lower wall of the urethra and the anterior wall of the vagina are a single formation in girls. Only the complete separation of the urethra from the vagina leads the operative manipulation to success. The presence of ectopia of the external urethral orifice, its permanent trauma during coitus may be a substrate of urinary tract infection in sexually mature women. Operative treatment serves as the prevention of postcoital complications in the future.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(10):137-140
pages 137-140 views

Incidence and severity of premenstrual syndrome among Russian and foreign female medical college students according to the Russian version of the validated premenstrual syndrome symptom questionnaire

Yavorskaya S.D., Dmitrienko K.V., Lebedeva E.I., Nemtseva G.V.


Relevance: Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is prevalent in women of reproductive age. However, data on PMS incidence and symptomatology among female students in medical colleges, as well as differences based on nationality and socioeconomic status, are insufficient in existing literature.

Objective: This study aimed to determine the incidence, symptoms, and severity of PMS among Russian and foreign female students in a medical college, using the validated Russian version of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists PMS Symptom Questionnaire.

Materials and methods: An anonymous questionnaire survey using the Google Form format was conducted among 186 female students, including 152 students from the Institute of Clinical Medicine (Group 1) and 34 students from the Faculty of International Students (Group 2).

Results: The study found a high incidence of PMS in both groups (77.6 and 82.3%) with different ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and medical history. However, the frequency of seeking medical help for PMS symptoms was relatively low (39.5 and 29.4%). The most common symptoms reported by participants in this age group (21–25 years) and social status included low mood and depression (84.2 and 100%), decreased performance (65.1 and 94.1%), symptoms of anxiety and/or muscle tension (83.6% and 91.2%), and mastalgia and/or mastodynia (73.6 and 61.8%). A majority of respondents reported discomfort and a significant decrease in their quality of life in the week before menstruation (72.0 and 53.6%). Furthermore, moderate or severe PMS was found to be twice as common among female international students (15.3 and 32.2%).

Conclusion: The study found that female medical students are at high risk for developing PMS (78.5%), with international female students demonstrating more severe symptoms. Considering the nature of PMS symptoms in both Russian and foreign female students, treatment containing Vitex agnus-castus extract may be a pathogenetically justified first-line treatment approach.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(10):141-150
pages 141-150 views

The effectiveness of the administration regimen of Buserelin-depo with a prolonged interval between injections: hormonal profile and acceptability of treatment for patients with endometriosis

Rukhliada N.N.


Since gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists significantly suppress steroidogenesis, they contribute to the regression of endometrioid lesions and the decrease in clinical symptoms of the disease. However, hypoestrogenism caused by the prolonged use of GnRH agonists is complicated by the appearance of side effects. It is important to find the ways to reduce side effects while maintaining the effectiveness of GnRH agonists.

Objective: To assess the clinical and hormonal status of patients with extragenital endometriosis after taking 3.75 mg of Buserelin-depo with 6-week and 4-week intervals between the administration of the drug in the postoperative period.

Materials and methods: The patients of group I (n=10) were administered Buserelin-depo at a standard dose of 3.75 mg with an interval of 6 weeks; the patients of group II (n=10) who had ASRM stage I and II verified endometriosis were administered the drug according to the usual scheme with a 4-week interval. The study included the comparison of the dynamics of estradiol, LH, FSH, the rate of appearance and the profile of side effects associated with induced hypoestrogenism, the clinical efficacy of drug administration in both groups.

Results: The levels of FSH, LH and E2 in patients of both groups showed similar results of hormonal suppression. A decrease in pain syndrome was also observed after the administration of Buserelin-depo: 3.3 scores using the VAS system in group I and 2.4 scores in group II (compared to 9.9 points initially). Menstruation started again in 78 days after the fourth injection in group I and in 82 days after the sixth injection in group II. In both groups, adverse events were noted which were mild according to the Kupperman index (in 6/10 in group I, in 10/10 in group II). Neither endometrial growth nor signs of folliculogenesis were observed in any case in groups I and II.

Conclusion: The effectiveness of the administration of Buserelin-depo with an increased interval between injections for up to 6 weeks is equal to the effectiveness of its administration in the standard mode (every 4 weeks). However, the side effects were less severe. It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive study in order to clarify the effectiveness of the prolonged interval between injections using statistical analysis.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(10):153-158
pages 153-158 views

Guidelines for the Practitioner

Interdisciplinary consensus on the use of high-intensity pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in the treatment of neurogenic pelvic pain

Fomenko O.Y., Shelygin Y.A., Apolikhina I.A., Bashankaev B.N., Martynov M.Y., Morozov D.A., Shkoda A.S., Poryadin G.V., Suponeva N.A., Bakulin I.S., Pojdasheva A.G., Nikityuk D.B., Morozov S.V., Borodulina I.V., Teterina T.A., Danilov A.B., Dreval O.N., Chagava D.A., Salmasi Z.M., Korshunova E.S., Katunina E.A., Kasyan G.R., Gvozdev M.Y., Isagulyan E.D., Kulikov A.G., Romanov D.V., Reutova A.A., Rumiantsev A.S., Popov A.A., Puchkov K.V., Fedorov A.A., Komantsev V.N., Ekusheva E.V., Vojtenkov V.B., Nikolaev S.G., Groshilin V.S., Genov P.G., Romikh V.V., Zakharchenko A.V., Shornikov P.V., Sinkin M.V., Dilanyan O.E., Ivozchikov S.B., Markaryan D.R., Danilov M.A., Shchyogolev A.I., Malinina O.Y., Marchenko V.A., Silant'eva E.S., Kanaev S.P., Troshina E.M., Davletshina V.V., Pimenova E.S., Kashnikov V.N., Titov A.Y., Aleshin D.V., Belousova S.V., Nekrasov M.A., Maslyukova A.V., Cherepakhina N.L., Ipatova M.V., Achkasov S.I.


The article presents the protocols for high-intensity pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in the treatment of neurogenic pelvic pain including the use of perineal extracorporeal, translumbosacral and transcranial magnetic therapy. The protocols were developed at the Ryzhikh National Medical Research Centre for Coloproctology, Moscow, Russia.

Objective: To evaluate the opinion of experts and develop a consensus document on the use of protocols for high-intensity pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in the treatment of patients with chronic neurogenic pelvic pain.

Materials and methods: A total of 55 people were invited to participate in the survey; 55 patients or 100% took part in the survey. All the responses as well as comments and recommendations were analyzed and grouped.

Results: The present work evaluated the respondents’ opinions on the options for the use of high-intensity pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in the treatment of chronic neurogenic pelvic pain. The interdisciplinary consensus on the use of this treatment in Russia was reached. Experts’ opinions on the necessity of using the developed treatment algorithm were highly consistent: more than 80% of the experts agreed on all issues during the first round of decision-making process, therefore there was no need to hold the second round of voting. It was possible to improve the therapeutic algorithm taking into consideration the suggestions made by the specialists and experts.

Conclusion: The protocol for using high-intensity pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in the treatment of patients with chronic neurogenic pelvic pain was approved by the multidisciplinary consensus of specialists. The presented consensus protocol needs to be studied and tested in a controlled clinical trial.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(10):160-176
pages 160-176 views

Linguistic and cultural adaptation and validation of the questionnaire on vulvovaginal symptoms among the patients with vulvovaginal atrophy

Apolikhina I.A., Kazakova S.N., Yarotskaya E.L., Gorbunova E.A., Bychkova A.E.


Objective: To carry out linguistic and cultural adaptation and validation of the English-language version of the Vulvovaginal Symptoms Questionnaire (VSQ) proposed by the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) as an effective tool for assessing the severity of symptoms of vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA), as well as the effectiveness of its treatment.

Materials and methods: Following the protocols of such studies, the forward-backward translation of the VSQ questionnaire was done. Subsequently, an intermediate Russian-language version of the questionnaire was completed by 20 patients. After finding and correcting the discrepancies, the final Russian-language version of the VSQ questionnaire was approved. The study group included 120 postmenopausal patients with symptoms of VVA who completed the questionnaire twice (test-retest) with an interval of 10–14 days.

Results: The statistical analysis of the data (Cronbach’s α=0.983) showed a high degree of reliability of the test results. This conclusion is also supported by very high indicators of retest reliability of the questionnaire (ICC>0.9). The results of the intra-class correlation coefficient and retest reliability of the Russian-language version of the VSQ questionnaire prove that it is a reliable and valid tool for assessing the severity of the VVA symptoms.

Conclusion: The research findings show that the Russian-language version of the VSQ questionnaire is an effective, reliable and valid method for the subjective assessment of the severity of the VVA symptoms. It is recommended to use this questionnaire in research and in the daily practice of gynecologists including the assessment of therapy effectiveness.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(10):177-182
pages 177-182 views

Clinical Notes

Experience of using vaginal autoprobiotics in a patient with spontaneous triplet pregnancy with recurrent vaginal anaerobic dysbiosis

Barinova V.V., Bushtyreva I.O., Kuznetsova N.B., Suvorov A.N., Botasheva T.L.


Relevance: The incidence of preterm birth associated with premature rupture of the membranes remains at a stable level in the world despite the development of new approaches to therapy and their standardization. The rupture of the membranes during pregnancy is known to be directly associated with anaerobic vaginal dysbiosis. Multiple pregnancy in women with vaginal dysbiosis almost always ends in preterm delivery of infants with extremely and very low birth weight. The existing approaches to the treatment of vaginal dysbiosis during pregnancy do not always show a 100% effectiveness; therefore, it is necessary to find new alternative ways to normalize the vaginal microbiota.

Case report: We present a clinical case of recurrent anaerobic vaginal dysbiosis in a pregnant woman with spontaneous triplet pregnancy who was prescribed vaginal autoprobiotics. The woman was examined and treated at Professor Bushtyreva Clinic, Rostov-on-Don, Russia. The prescription of vaginal autoprobiotics made it possible to normalize the state of the vaginal microbiota of the pregnant woman, obtain absolute normocenosis, avoid premature rupture of the membranes and deliver full-term infants in high-risk pregnancy.

Conclusion: The prescription of vaginal autoprobiotics as therapy for anaerobic dysbiosis is a personalized and safe method of treatment, since autoprobiotics represent a woman’s own beneficial lactobacillus vaginal microflora that is genetically close and that does not cause rejection reactions. It is necessary to carry out further extensive studies on the effectiveness of vaginal autoprobiotics in pregnancy for the possible popularization of this technique.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(10):184-192
pages 184-192 views

Optimization of insulin therapy in a pregnant woman with concomitant type 1 diabetes mellitus and a single kidney

Khasanova V.V., Yerbaktanova T.A., Yakubova E.G., Shevlyukova T.P., Arabaji O.A., Shvedsky M.S.


Relevance: Many women with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) are concerned about complications they experienced in previous pregnancies and they want to avoid these complications in future since it is impossible to control the level of glycemia when it goes beyond the target value and there is a need to achieve the optimal glycemic level.

Case report: At 36 weeks of pregnancy a patient urgently presented to the emergency department of the Clinical Hospital "Mother and Child Tyumen" complaining of the absence of fetal movement for 12 hours and uncontrolled hyperglycemia (11–12 mmol/L according to the MiniLink monitor). The woman underwent emergency cesarean section due to the signs of fetal hypoxia, the presence of the uterine scar, type I diabetes in the stage of decompensation, diabetic nephropathy, vicar hypertrophy of the single kidney. The woman was discharged home on the 5th day from the moment of childbirth, the child was discharged from the neonatal pathology department on the 8th day in a satisfactory condition.

Conclusion: The use of modern technologies in the treatment of type 1 diabetes during pregnancy including an automated insulin delivery system demonstrates promising methods of treating this complication and enables a woman to carry and give birth to a living and healthy child.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(10):194-198
pages 194-198 views

BRCA-associated breast cancer during pregnancy

Bakhova L.A., Shevlyukova T.P., Keln A.A., Shvedsky M.S., Mateykovich E.A., Nekrasova O.V., Shkuratova V.V., Karmaeva O.S.


Background: Breast cancer (BC) is the most common breast form diagnosed during pregnancy (from 1:3,000 to 1:10,000 cases) and is about 3% of all forms of BC. Physiological changes during pregnancy can hide the early signs of BC and, thereby, delay the diagnosis. When planning treatment during pregnancy, in each case, it is inevitable to discuss the gestation period, stage and form of BC.

Case report: The paper describes a clinical case of a 28-year-old pregnant woman with malignant breast neoplasm diagnosed at 9.1 weeks’ gestation, with a family history, BRCA1 gene mutation, and HER2neи amplification. Due to the patient's refusal to terminate the pregnancy, resection of the left breast with a nodular mass and biopsy of the sentinel lymph node biopsy were performed. A postoperative histological examination confirmed high-grade invasive ductal carcinoma; no metastases were found in the distant lymph nodes. A consultation of doctors recommended adjuvant chemotherapy according to the AS regimen with an inter-cycle drug administration period of 21 days and subsequent targeted therapy with trastuzumab after delivery.

Conclusion: The discussed case reflects the complexities of diagnosis and combination treatment in pregnant patients with BC.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(10):199-203
pages 199-203 views
pages 204-210 views

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