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No 3 (2023)

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Pregnancy and delivery complications in endometriosis

Shchegolev M.A., Tumanova U.N., Shchegolev A.I., Khilkevich E.G.


The paper analyzes the data available in the literature on pregnancy and delivery complications in endometriosis. A high percentage of women with endometriosis experience infertility and have a higher risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes. Pregnant women with endometriosis are much more commonly noted to have placenta previa and placental abruption, preterm labor, to need a caesarean delivery, and to have gestational hypertension and preeclampsia, fetal death, and stillbirth. At the same time, the increased risk of pregnancy complications does not depend on the type of reproduction (spontaneous or using assisted reproductive technologies). The complicated course of pregnancy in women with endometriosis points to an interdisciplinary problem and justifies the need to follow up these patients in third-level healthcare facilities.

Conclusion: To prevent and minimize the risk of pregnancy complications, it is necessary to adhere to personalization tactics for both pregravid preparation and pregnancy management.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(3):5-12
pages 5-12 views

Evolution of nerve-sparing radical hysterectomy: a historical flashback and technical features

Dymova A.V., Davydova I.Y., Valiev R.K., Nurberdyev M.B., Ivanova L.B., Saryev M.N., Loginova E.A., Tizilova E.A.


Extended radical hysterectomy (RAH) is one of the standard treatments for FIGO stage IA2–IIA cervical cancer (CC). Patients after RAH may develop complications associated with impaired autonomic innervation of the pelvic organs. Bladder and rectal dysfunction is a common complication after the standard radical hysterectomy and can significantly affect quality of life in the patients. Nerve-sparing RAH (NSRH) is a modified RAH designed to preserve the pelvic autonomic nerves, without substantially affecting the radicalness of the operation. The use of NSRH was initially limited due to the difficulties associated with the definition of anatomical structures and lack of data on the oncologic safety of nerve-sparing operations. The complex anatomy of the autonomic nerve plexuses of the pelvis is a sufficient problem for the surgeon, as it requires a comprehensive knowledge of the pelvic anatomy and the characteristics of innervation and blood supply to the cervix, vagina, and parametrial tissue, as well as the practical skills to visualize and select these anatomical structures. Knowledge of the topographic anatomy of the pelvis and a clear visualization of all anatomical regions are the only way to preserve important structures, such as the internal pelvic nerves, pelvic celiac nerves, hypogastric nerves, as well as the branches that fan out from the inferior hypogastric plexus, which innervate the bladder.

Conclusion: RAH makes it possible to maintain quality of life in patients with CC; however, its minimally invasive surgery reduces recurrence-free survival, despite a decline in the number of early postoperative complications and the length of hospital stay. Nevertheless, the role of laparoscopic and robot-assisted hysterectomies in the treatment of early CC continues to be studied worldwide; the categories of patients who can undergo endoscopic surgery having no negative impact on their survival are identified.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(3):14-20
pages 14-20 views

New advances in understanding the molecular mechanisms of human embryo implantation in in vitro fertilization programs

Charaeva A.V., Makarova N.P., Drapkina Y.S., Kalinina E.A.


The data available in the modern scientific literature on the role of the uterine and embryonic factors in failed euploid embryo implantation were systematically analyzed. The keywords “microRNA”, “small non-coding RNA”, “embryo implantation”, “implantation failure”, “implantation window”, “infertility treatment”, “thin endometrium”, “endometrial receptivity”, “molecular mechanisms”, and “gene expression” were used to search for literature sources in the Russian and foreign databases eLibrary, Medline/PubMed, and Embase. Differential expression of certain blastocyst microRNAs is shown to be associated with implantation failure. The paper describes the molecules involved in the transmission of maternal signals that are activated in the blastocyst trophectoderm. It reflects the mechanism of molecular regulation in endometrial receptivity and that of formation of a thin endometrium and genes identified in the networks that may play a certain role in the development of the thin endometrium.

Conclusion: The current evidence supports the promise of studying the molecular mechanisms of embryo implantation. Further investigations are needed to search for new biomarkers to select embryos with their good implantation potential, to assess endometrial receptivity for improving the outcomes of assisted reproductive technology programs, to reduce reproductive losses, and to give birth to healthy babies.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(3):21-28
pages 21-28 views

Transversus abdominis plane nerve blocks in the concept of enhanced recovery after a cesarean section

Kornienko A.V., Nitchenko A.V., Troshin P.V., Pyregov A.V.


One of the main elements of the strategy of fast track surgery or enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) is to activate a patient in the early postoperative period after any surgery; however, this is not achievable without pain control in the early postoperative period. In this case, cesarean section is no exception. Non-optimal analgesia is associated with delayed functional recovery, delayed mobilization, which may increase the risk of thromboembolic events, delay early mother-infant contact, and increase the risk of postpartum depression. The modern approach to adequate analgesia includes the principle of multimodality, which has an impact on all components of a nociceptive impulse. Epidural anesthesia, as well as abdominis neurofascial plane nerve block (quadratus lumborum (QL) or transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block, erector spinae plane (ESP) block), which is a variety of peripheral or regional block of the nerves involved in the innervation of the anterior abdominal wall, play a unique role in multimodal pain management regimens after a cesarean section, and also allow the amount of opioids to be reduced, which is an important element of the Fast Track concept.

Conclusion: QL block and ESP block can become promising methods for regional anesthesia after TAP block. Further randomized controlled safety trials are needed to identify the risk of the toxicity and efficacy of abdominal wall blocks and their impact on the visceral component of pain after a caesarean section.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(3):29-34
pages 29-34 views

Original Articles

The content of different forms of E-cadherin in blood plasma and placental tissue in preeclampsia

Shelekhin A.P., Baev O.R., Sadekova A.A., Kokoeva D.N., Krasnyi A.M.


Objective: To determine the content of the adhesion molecule E-cadherin in the plasma and placenta of women with preeclampsia (PE) and assess its involvement in the development of PE.

Materials and methods: This study included 55 pregnant women. Thirty-five of them had pregnancies complicated by PE (Group I), and 20 had uncomplicated pregnancies (Group II, control). Blood plasma levels of the soluble form of E-cadherin were determined using enzyme immunoassay. Placental E-cadherin expression was studied by the Western blot method.

Results: The plasma soluble form of E-cadherin was higher in patients with PE than in controls, 8.0 ng/ml and 3.87 ng/ml, respectively (p<0.001). Placental tissue analysis showed a significantly higher content of the soluble form of E-cadherin in PE.

Conclusion: The increased level of the soluble form of E-cadherin in the plasma and placental tissue in PE reflects the abnormal proliferation and differentiation of trophoblasts, which is typical of this pathology.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(3):36-40
pages 36-40 views

Ultrasound criteria of uterine scar secondary to placenta accreta spectrum metroplasty and use of platelet-rich plasma

Mikheeva A.A., Yarygina T.A., Shmakov R.G., Kostyukov K.V., Rogachevsky O.V., Pyregov A.V.


Objective: To evaluate the effects of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections on uterine scar formation following metroplasty in patients with placenta accreta spectrum.

Materials and methods: This blinded randomized controlled trial included 100 women who underwent surgery for placenta accreta spectrum between November 2020 and July 2022. Patients who met the inclusion criteria were randomly assigned to receive intramyometrial PRP injections (interventional group, n=48) or not (control group, n=52). Patients in both groups were examined at 12 weeks postoperatively. Clinical evaluation included ultrasound examination according to the Delphi protocol, analysis of clinical data, and assessment of medical history and quality of life.

Results: Comparison of the scar characteristics showed a significantly lower incidence of niche formation in the intervention group (31.2 %) compared to control group (65.4 %) (p<0.001). The mean residual myometrium thickness (RMT) in the study and control groups was 7.2 (2.95) and 4.3 (3.5) mm, respectively (p<0.001). The largest niche widths were 7 and 11 mm (p<0.001), the largest depths were 6 and 8 mm (p=0.018), and the largest lengths were 11 and 13 mm. (p=0.101) mm in the study and control groups, respectively. The thickness of the adjacent myometrium was comparable between groups (p=0.143).

Conclusion: This pilot randomized trial showed that intraoperative intramyometrial PRP injection is an effective technique for improving myometrial tissue regeneration and enhancing the quality of uterine scars in the metroplasty area. Therefore, this technology can be proposed for use in the routine practice of operative obstetrics, including for metroplasty after placenta accreta spectrum.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(3):41-50
pages 41-50 views

Management of placenta increta at delivery: our experience

Umanskiy M.N., Khvalina T.V., Bushtyrev A.V., Berezhnaya E.V.


Objective: To compare two surgical techniques for placenta increta management at delivery.

Materials and methods: The study included 57 (100%) patients with placenta increta who delivered at the Rostov Regional Perinatal Center from 2019 to 2021. Group 1 included 32/57 (56%) patients with a placental defect <120 mm in the largest diameter and no bladder dissection difficulties, who underwent intraoperative ultrasound navigation to find the upper edge of the placenta. Subsequently, a caesarean section was performed in the lower uterine segment with an incision above the upper edge of the uterine aneurysm with application of distal hemostasis (Foley catheter), followed by metroplasty. Group 2 included 25/57 (44%) patients with a placental defect >120 mm in the largest diameter who underwent cesarean section to extract the fetus (the placenta remains in situ), suturing the uterine incision, followed by dissection of the vesical-uterine fold with excision and distal lowering of the bladder followed by distal hemostasis (Foley catheter), a second uterine incision above the herniated bulge, and metroplasty.

Results: The total blood loss was 1200 (900; 1700) and 2500 (1400; 4000) ml in groups 1 and 2, respectively (p=0.001). Blood loss > 2000 ml occurred in 4/32 (12%) and 15/25 (60%) patients in groups 1 and 2, respectively (p<0,001). Intraoperative autologous blood transfusions were performed more frequently in Group 2 (22/57 (88%)) than in Group 1 (16/57 (50%)) (p=0,004). Their volumes and the frequency and volume of blood component transfusions did not differ significantly.

Conclusion: Organ-sparing surgery is an acceptable treatment option for patients with placenta increta. Surgical treatment of patients in Group 1 showed the best hemostatic effect; however, under certain conditions, a surgical technique involving two uterine incisions should be used.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(3):51-56
pages 51-56 views

Endometrial hyperplasia in women with comorbid obesity working in contact with organic solvents

Marinkin I.O., Shpagina L.A., Lisova E.S., Kotova O.S., Kuznetsova G.V., Loktin E.M., Karmanovskaya S.A.


Objective: To determine the effect of organic solvents on the clinical, morphological, and molecular characteristics of endometrial hyperplasia in relation to obesity.

Materials and methods: This single-center cross-sectional study included 140 women with histologically confirmed endometrial hyperplasia and occupational exposure to organic solvents; of these, 70 women were obese. The comparison group comprised140 women with endometrial hyperplasia without occupational health risks; of these, 68 were obese. The participants were 57 (45; 64) and 56 (46; 63) years of age and had been menopausal for more than 2 years. The concentrations of organic solvents exceeded the maximum permissible exposure limit by a factor of 1.1 to 5, and the duration of exposure was 22 (18; 28) years. All patients underwent pelvic ultrasound, hysteroscopy with biopsy, and histological and immunohistochemical (Ki-67, estrogen, and progesterone receptor) examinations. Protein concentrations in the blood were determined using a solid-phase enzyme immunoassay.

Results: Organic solvent exposure was associated with a higher incidence of atypical endometrial hyperplasia, mainly in the obese subgroup – 24/70 (34.3%). In the non-obese subgroup, it was 13/70 (18.6%) in the comparison group (7/68 (10.3%) vs. 5/72 (6.9%), p=0.003). There was simultaneous increase in Ki-67 expression (for atypical endometrial hyperplasia 55.7% (53.5; 60,1)% и 42,0 (40,4; 45.6)% in obese and non-obese subgroups), increased frequency of abnormal uterine bleeding – 20/70 (28.5%) and 11/70(15.7%), M-echo thickness – 12 (11; 13) and 9.0 (9; 9.5) mm), blood concentrations of interleukins 1β and 6 (higher in obesity), transforming growth factor β1, platelet-derived growth factor-AB, fibroblast growth factor-2 (independent of obesity), p<0.01. The organic solvent exposure group showed correlations between atypical endometrial hyperplasia and age, maximum single concentrations of toluene, waist circumference, Ki-67, and platelet-derived growth factor-AB.

Conclusion: This study identified the clinical and pathogenetic features of endometrial hyperplasia in women exposed to organic solvents associated with comorbid obesity.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(3):57-64
pages 57-64 views

Medical and social factors of infertility in Russia

Korneeva I.Е., Nazarenko T.A., Perminova S.G., Mityurina E.V., Cybizova T.I., Dashieva A.E.


Objective: Assessment of medical and social aspects of the prevalence and the structure of infertility causes in Russia.

Materials and methods: We used the data of questionnaire survey of 7004 infertile couples. The questionnaire included the questions about education, social and marital status, as well as information from medical documentation about the age, reproductive and medical history of partners. To perform comparative assessment of the studied characteristics, all participants of the study were divided into 2 groups, depending on the period of seeking treatment in fertility clinics. Group 1 consisted of 3509 couples who sought infertility treatment from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2015. Group 2 comprised 3495 couples, who sought infertility treatment from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2020.

Results: Over the past 5 years, the age of infertile couples seeking treatment increased by 4 years on average and was 34 (4.8) years for women and 35.5 (5.9) years for men. At the same time, the proportion of women over 40 increased by 4 times. The proportion of rural residents increased. Introduction of the IVF program into Compulsory Medical Insurance (CMI) system has made it more accessible to a wide range of people with different incomes. The number of HIV-infected infertile couples planning treatment of infertility has increased.

Tubo-perioneal factor (24.2% and 23.5% in groups 1 and 2) ranked first as the only cause of infertility. The second most common factor of infertility was male infertility (17% and 19.4%). The third factor was endocrine origin of infertility (5.1% and 7.6%). Regardless of the estimated period of time, the combined types of infertility prevailed in the structure of infertility causes – 39.6% in group 1 and 39.5% in group 2.

Conclusion: The results of the study demonstrated the influence of medical and social factors on health-seeking behavior of patients with infertility, as well as the frequency of various causes of reproductive disorders.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(3):65-72
pages 65-72 views

Role of preimplantation genetic testing of embryos for aneuploidy in assisted reproductive technology outcomes in different groups of patients

Perminova S.G., Savostina G.V., Ekimov A.N., Belova I.S.


Objective: To investigate the effect of preimplantation genetic testing (PGT-A) on the outcomes of assisted reproductive technology (ART) in different patient groups.

Materials and methods: This observational study analyzed 800 IVF cycles involving embryo cryopreservation followed by cryopreserved embryo transfer. The patients were divided into four groups based on their clinical and medical history. Group I included older reproductive age women, Group II included patients with recurrent miscarriages, Group III included women with repeat implantation failure, and Group IV consisted of married couples with severe pathozoospermia. Each of the four groups was divided into two subgroups: subgroup "a" included IVF programs with PGT-A and subgroup "b" (controls) included IVF programs without PGT-A.

Results: Clinical pregnancy rate in older reproductive age women was statistically significantly higher in subgroup Ia, compared with that in subgroup Ib (p=0.002; RR (95% CI) =3.18 (1.45; 6.97)). In women with recurrent miscarriages, there was no statistically significant difference in clinical pregnancy rates between subgroups IIa and IIb. However, there was a statistically significant reduction in the incidence of reproductive loss in subgroup IIa, compared with subgroup IIb (p=0.031; RR (95% CI)=0.39 (0.16; 0.96)). Patients with repeat implantation failures showed a statistically significant increase in clinical pregnancy rates in subgroup IIIa, compared with subgroup IIIb (p=0.008; RR (95% CI)=1.98 (1.19; 3.28)). The live birth and early reproductive loss rates were not significantly different between subgroups IIIa and IIIb. There were no statistically significant differences in the clinical pregnancy rates between subgroups IVa and IVb and in the rates of early reproductive loss and live birth in the group of patients with severe pathozoospermia.

Conclusion: This study demonstrated improved outcomes in older reproductive age women; an almost threefold reduction in the rate of early reproductive loss in women with recurrent miscarriages and an increase in the rate of clinical pregnancy in patients with repeat implantation failures. However, there were no statistically significant improvements in ART outcomes in the patients with severe pathozoospermia. These results suggest that PGT-A is feasible in selected patient groups. However, multicenter randomized controlled trials with a qualitative design will provide more comprehensive information on the role of PGT-A in ART outcomes.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(3):73-82
pages 73-82 views

The significance of three-dimensional ultrasound in the assessment of the state of the endometrium in patients with diffuse and nodular forms of adenomyosis

Solomatina A.A., Ismaiilova P.D., Breusenko L.E., Shtyrov S.V., Tyumentseva M.Y., Regul S.V., Khalifaeva Z.Z.


Objective: To determine management tactics for patients with diffuse and nodular adenomyosis, by assessing the their functional state of the endometrium.

Materials and methods: Examinations were made in 104 patients who were ranged by groups Group 1 comprised 58 examinees with diffuse adenomyosis; Group 2 included 46 examinees with the nodular form. All the patients underwent three-dimensional ultrasound of pelvic organs. The investigators studied the thickness, volume and echostructure of the endometrium, indicators of volumetric blood flow: vascularization index (VI%); flow (FI) and vascular flow (VFI).

Results: The diffuse and nodular forms of adenomyosiosis are associated with the changes in the the thickness, the endometrial pattern, as well as with the hemodynamic parameters in the terminal branches of uterine arteries (hypovascularization, an increase in the angle-independent indices of blood flow velocity curves. The obvious uterine mucosal thinning particularly in patients with nodular adenomyosis, and which means the association with the disturbed endometrial functional state accompanied by a reduction in the implantation potential.

Conclusion: The patients with obvious endometrial thinning and the nodular form of adenomyosis, it is advisable to recommend a a reproductologist’s consultation to decide whether assisted reproductive technologies should be used. Three-dimensional ultrasound is an additional objective method for estimating the volume of the endometrium and hemodynamics in volume at the level of the basal and spiral arteries.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(3):83-90
pages 83-90 views

FMR1 inherited from women with premature ovarian failure: case series

Rshtuni S.D., Zaretskaya N.V., Kuznetsova M.V., Marchenko L.A.


Background: In recent years, the potential of transmission of an abnormal number of CGG triplet repeats in the FMR1 gene to the next generation as a biomarker for inheritance of early ovarian ageing has been of particular clinical interest.

Objective: Analysis of health characteristics in children born to mothers with premature ovarian failure (POF), who had an abnormal number of trinucleotide CGG repeats in the FMR1 gene.

Materials and methods: A prospective, single-center, non-consecutive case series study included 90 women aged 18 to 39 years (the mean age was 33,5 years) with POF who underwent FMR1 gene testing to identify CGG repeats in FMR1 gene. The second stage of the study was quantitative assessment of the number of CGG trinucleotide repeats in 27 children born to the carriers of an abnormal number of triplet CGG repeats in the FMR1 gene.

Results: In 66.7% of cases, various FMR1 disorders were detected in offspring. In 7.4% of cases (2/27), adverse outcomes of inheritance of trinucleotide repeat expansion from premutation allele carriers were observed resulting in formation of Martin–Bell syndrome in sons. Stable inheritance of the FMR1 premutation was observed in 22.2% of cases (6/27), while severe phenotype of POF with early onset of the disease was observed in girls versus their mothers.

Conclusion: It is advisable that FMR1 premutation allele carriers should get genetic counseling that could help them to make decision about the use of assisted reproductive techniques (ART) to achieve pregnancy with donor oocytes or embryos.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(3):91-98
pages 91-98 views

Exchange of Experience

Analysis of HLA class I gene (G) polymorphic alleles in pregnant women in the North-West Region of the Russian Federation

Shengelia M.O., Bespalova O.N., Ivashchenko T.E., Frank N.I., Sultanov I.Y., Nasykhova Y.A., Glotov A.S.


Background: The HLA class I system controls the interaction of all immunocompetent cells of the body and determines the recognition of its own and foreign (including altered own) cells, by triggering and realizing an immune response: during the implantation process, in the transplantation of foreign organs and tissues, in autoimmune diseases, and in the development of cancers. Thus, the data available in the world and Russian literature have demonstrated the ability of protein products of HLA-G gene expression to modulate the proliferation of immune system cells, as well as the strength and specificity of the immune response.

Objective: To conduct a molecular biological study of nine HLA-G gene polymorphic alleles in the group of pregnant women in the first trimester and in the population of the North-West Region of the Russian Federation and to identify the relationship to their family obstetric history.

Materials and methods. In 2019 to 2022, the D.O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductology (Saint Petersburg) examined DNA samples from 180 dwellers in the North-West Region of the Russian Federation. Group 1 consisted of 33 pregnant women with reproductive disorders (one or more miscarriages, non-developing pregnancy, ART failures); Group 2 (control) included 29 pregnant women without their family obstetric history; a comparison group comprised 118 people from the population of the North-West Region of the Russian Federation, in which the investigators carried out an associative analysis of HLA-G gene polymorphic alleles (725*C/G, 3741*ins/del 14 bp) and HLA-G*01 alleles (01, G*01:02, G*01:03, G*01:04, G*01:05N, G*01:06 and G*01:07).

Results: The analysis of 3741*ins/del 14 bp polymorphism showed that the Del/Del genotype frequency was 13/33 (39.40%) in pregnant women with a history of reproductive losses, 5/29 (17.24%) in the control group; p = 0.052), and the allele Ins was detected 1,4 times more often in the group without a family obstetric history (20/33 (60.6%) and 24/29 (82.8%), respectively; p=0.056). According to the calculated odds ratio, the carriers of the combined Del/Del and C/C genotype were detected 9 times more frequently among patients with a history of reproductive losses compared to the controls (OR=8.96, CI 1.05;76.74). In Group 1, the HLA-G*01:05N allele was noted to be detected 3.5 times more often than in the population sample.

Conclusion: The findings may judge an association between HLA-G gene alleles and a family obstetric history and may be important in assessing the risk of early reproductive losses and in developing new prevention and treatment strategies for this pregnancy complication.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(3):99-108
pages 99-108 views

Iron deficiency during pregnancy: effectiveness of therapy and key points for clinical practice

Dzhobava E.M., Knysheva I.G., Artizanova D.P.


Iron deficiency of varying degrees of severity remains one of the most common complications of pregnancy.

Objective: To present our own experience of using a preparation containing ferrous fumarate and folic acid for the treatment and prevention of iron deficiency in pregnant women during various stages of gestation.

Materials and methods: The study included 90 pregnant women with varying degrees of iron deficiency. Group 1 included 30 first trimester pregnant women, group 2 consisted of 30 second trimester pregnant women, and group 3 included 30 third trimester pregnant women. All patients took ferrous fumarate in combination with folic acid for 21 days.

Results: The examination revealed a high incidence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The lowest initial indicators of iron concentration were revealed in patients whose gravidity and parity were ≥ 2 (16.6% in group 1, 20% in group 2 and 20% in group 3). Iron deficiency was found most frequently in pregnant women in their third trimester. The most remarkable effect was noted in patients of the 1st and 2nd groups who started therapy at earlier stages of pregnancy in comparison with the patients of the 3rd group. The analysis of hematological and ferrokinetic indicators showed that hemoglobin, serum iron, TIBC, hematocrit increased significantly, and the level of ferritin increased slowly.

Conclusion: The preparation containing ferrous fumarate and folic acid can be effectively used for the prevention and treatment of various stages of iron deficiency during pregnancy starting from the first trimester. Quick and marked positive effect can be obtained by early iron supplementation (including preventive supplementation, pre-latent iron deficiency and latent iron deficiency).

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(3):109-112
pages 109-112 views

Activated glycyrrhizic acid in the combination treatment of patients with vaginitis and dysbiosis: results of a multicenter study

Kachalina O.V., Matuzkova A.A.


Objective: To study the effect of 0.1% activated glycyrrhizic acid spray on the relief of vulvar discomfort and pathological leucorrhoea in women with nonspecific (aerobic), vulvovaginal candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis.

Materials and methods: The study was conducted under the supervision of the principal investigator with the participation of outpatient healthcare facilities providing obstetric and gynecological care in the cities: Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Voronezh, Belgorod, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Stavropol, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Ufa, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Samara, Saratov, Kazan, and Nizhny Novgorod. The investigation enrolled 8,249 patients aged 18 to 45 years who complained of pathological vaginal discharge, discomfort in the external genital area with a clinical diagnosis of nonspecific (aerobic) vaginitis, vulvovaginal candidiasis, or bacterial vaginosis. All the patients underwent a comprehensive examination, including a physical and gynecological examination, bacterioscopy of vaginal smears, and comprehensive quantitative assessment of the vaginal microflora using a real-time polymerase chain reaction assay. All the patients were prescribed etiotropic therapy depending on the pathogen and clinical diagnosis at the discretion of an attending physician, by adding 0.1% activated glycyrrhizic acid (Epigen Intim) spray.

Results: The combination therapy resulted in a reduction of discomfort symptoms, such as itching (from 1.45 to 0.35 scores), burning (from 1.44 to 0.35 scores), unpleasant odor (from 1.31 to 0.51 scores), profuse discharge (from 1.8 to 0.30 scores), vulvar and vaginal mucosal dryness (from 0.44 to 0.16 scores), painful urination (from 0.37 to 0.14 scores), and dyspareunia (from 0.71 to 0.16 scores). The nature of discharge and its volume were stated to normalize (the proportion of patients with an abnormal discharge volume decreased from 3,812/8,249 (46.6%) to 101/8,249 (1.1%)).

Conclusion: When included in the combination treatment of patients with clinical manifestations of aerobic vaginitis, vulvovaginal candidiasis, and bacterial vaginosis, the drug based on 0.1% activated glycyrrhizic acid spray for local and topical application was found to relieve (cease) complaints of pathological vaginal discharge and vulvovaginal discomfort and to be safe and well tolerated.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(3):115-120
pages 115-120 views

Guidelines for the Practitioner

Genital prolapse: Experience in surgical treatment

Miklin O.P., Dyshlovaya A.V., Rumyantseva Z.S., Gudz O.V., Yermachkova P.A., Kravchenko A.N., Sulima A.N., Reznichenko N.A., Anikin S.S.


The paper reviews the data available in the literature and those obtained by the authors on the surgical treatment of 78 women with genital prolapse in the Gynecology Unit, Simferopol Perinatal Center, in 2019 to 2022. The common complaints in patients who visited the healthcare facility were external genital organ discomfort, periodic aching pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, and vaginal foreign body sensation. The most common comorbidities were lower extremity varicosities (56%), coronary heart disease (38%), obesity (35%), and hypertension (34%). The mean duration of surgery was slightly longer, as well as blood loss was slightly greater and bed days were slightly more in the vaginal hysterectomy group. The results of assessing the quality of life a year after surgery indicate the high efficiency of treatment in all the four groups; however, the patients who underwent laparoscopic promontofixation show the best results.

Conclusion: In the authors’ opinion, the use of laparoscopic promontofixation is a preferred technique for surgical correction of genital prolapse. However, the analysis allows the authors to judge that all methods for correction of genital prolapse continue to be actively used in practical healthcare.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(3):122-128
pages 122-128 views

Thin endometrium as one of the causes of IVF failures

Aryutin D.G.


Objective: To analyze current literature data on the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of thin endometrium and to identify the relationship between endometrial thickness and pregnancy rate in the assisted reproductive technology (ART) program.

Materials and methods: The PubMed and Cochrain Library databases over the past few years were analyzed to make a review.

Results: The paper presents modern ideas on the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of thin endometrium, as well as on the role of endometrial thickness in the onset of pregnancies in ART programs, as evidenced by Russian and foreign literature. Until now, many studies are contradictory and controversial, which cannot reach a consensus on the thin endometrium. This issue is still relevant and further multicenter studies will be able to approximate to the unraveling and solving of the problem.

Conclusion: The endometrial thickness is one of the main risk factors for implantation failure in IVF, so physicians of different specialties are studying this topical issue to have positive results. There is a need for further investigations in this area, including those of the morphological, immunohistochemical, and molecular genetic characteristics of the endometrium, which will be able to improve the outcomes of ART in the presence of thin endometrium.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(3):129-133
pages 129-133 views

Estetrol – a new stage of combined hormonal contraception

Apolikhina I.A., Prilepskaya V.N., Gorbunova E.A., Mezhevitinova E.A., Bychkova A.E.


The paper analyzes the modern literature data on estetrol, a native fetal estrogen that has been proposed as an estrogen component in the combined oral contraceptives, where only ethynyl estradiol has been traditionally used. a number of preclinical and clinical trials have provided evidence that estetrol is an estrogen that has unique properties since it does not affect hepatic parameters and hemostasis, has an antiestrogen effect on breast tissue and in high doses demonstrates an antitumor effect in breast and prostate cancers. Due to the above properties, estetrol has become an estrogen that become potentially safe as a component of the combined oral contraceptive containing 15 mg of estetrol and 3 mg of drospirenon in one tablet to be used in the 24/4 regimen, which have been now completed and shown the high efficacy of the contraceptive agent, as well as due to the minimal side effects: a good patient compliance with its usage. All phases of clinical trials of the new combined hormonal contraceptive containing 15 mg of estetrol and 3 mg of drospirenone in one tablet to be used in the 24/4 regimen, which have now been completed and shown the high efficacy of the contraceptive agent, a high safety, as well as due to the minimal side effects: a good patient compliance with its usage. Phase III trials of the new combined hormonal contraceptive, which have now been completed and shown that the new agent esterette is already available for patients and physicians.

Conclusion: The new hormonal combined oral contraceptive with a fetal estrogen, estetrol in combination with drispirenone ensures effective contraception, predictable presentations of hemorrhage, and a favorable safety profile.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(3):134-140
pages 134-140 views

Clinical Notes

Intra-abdominal hemorrhage in a pregnant woman as a manifestation of endometrioid disease

Tezikov Y.V., Lipatov I.S., Tezikova T.A., Kalinkina O.B., Zumorina E.M., Amosov M.S., Tyutyunnik V.L., Kan N.E.


Background: The effect of pregnancy on the course of endometrioid disease is ambiguous and can be implemented in both curbing the progression of the disease and activating the pathological process with the development of life-threatening conditions, particularly spontaneous intra-abdominal hemorrhage, which requires complex differential diagnosis and timely surgical tactics.

Case report: A female patient at 32 weeks of gestation was admitted to the perinatal center with complaints of lower abdomen pain. Her medical history showed that she had undergone laparoscopic enucleation of right ovarian endometrioid cyst, cauterization of single endometriotic foci, and adhesiolysis two years before this pregnancy. Threatened preterm birth was diagnosed; a thorough examination was performed. A differential diagnosis was made between acute appendicitis, pelvic vascular thrombosis, ileus, pyelonephritis, renal colic, uterine rupture, preterm placental abruption, and threatened preterm birth. Following an examination by a surgeon, a council of physicians made a decision for surgical treatment due to suspected intra-abdominal hemorrhage. Intraoperatively, there is blood in the abdominal cavity; the source of bleeding was varicose vein wall perforation in the region of the right broad ligament of the uterus; a biopsy was done. A histological examination revealed that there were foci of external genital endometriosis. A hemostatic sponge was applied to control bleeding. A caesarean section was performed. The mechanism of tissue perforation is related to rejection of highly vascularized endometrioid tissue foci with hemorrhages and necrosis in the presence of an impaired estrogen/progesterone ratio in the third trimester of pregnancy, with the development of spontaneous hemoperitoneum. To overcome diagnostic difficulties, interdisciplinary interaction was needed to achieve a favorable gestational and perinatal outcome in a pregnant woman with a life-threatening condition.

Conclusion: The accumulation of knowledge and experience in managing pregnant women with endometrioid disease will be able to optimize medical tactics and to avoid critical obstetric conditions and deaths. Each confirmed clinical observation of the course of endometrioid disease in pregnant women, which is complicated by spontaneous hemoperitoneum, is undoubtedly of scientific and practical value.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(3):141-148
pages 141-148 views

HELLP syndrome in a pregnant woman with a salt-wasting form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia

Kirsanova T.V., Sazonova A.I., Klimenchenko N.I., Esayan R.M., Gerasimov Y.A., Sakhnova E.E.


Relevance: Fertility rate in women with classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is significantly reduced. HELLP syndrome is a severe complication of pregnancy characterized by the development of hemolysis, increased hepatic transaminases and thrombocytopenia. Currently, there are no uniform recommendations for the management of pregnant women with CAH, especially the patients with hypertensive syndromes.

Case report: The clinical observation of the HELLP syndrome development in the third trimester of pregnancy in a patient with a salt-wasting form of CAH is presented. The management of this patient was complicated by the discordance of clinical symptoms, namely, arterial hypertension in the HELLP syndrome and hyponatremia due to the CAH decompensation. Possible mechanisms of pregnancy complications in this patient were analyzed. Since there are no similar clinical cases in the literature, this clinical case should be considered as an example of the influence of somatic pathology on the development of pregnancy complications by obstetricians and gynecologists.

Conclusion: Pregnant women with CAH are at risk of complications and should be managed by an interdisciplinary team including an obstetrician-gynecologist, endocrinologist, therapist, anesthesiologist, and neonatologist.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023;(3):149-154
pages 149-154 views

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