Homo рictor in the anthropological dimension

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A drawing is a graphic artifact; it is formed on a plane as a figure, from connected lines, dots, strokes and spots. The article examines the anthropological role of such artifacts in history. As a new species, man creates an artificial reality from objects, acting as Homo faber. On the basis of signs, he creates a language and acts as Homo symbolicum. Based on images, he forms systems of images that allow him to express emotions and feelings, acting as Homo pictor, or “the мan drawing”. The identified spheres intersect in reality, but for research purposes they can be differentiated. The article considers drawing as a media, as a mediator in the processes of perception and expressive activity. The ability of people to create things is associated with a counter movement, when things change a person, these processes give rise to a practical expansion of the sphere of contacts with the world, the process of expanding the mind. A phenomenological consideration of images involves studying the influence of human corporeality on the practices of producing graphic artifacts. Here, a person’s encounter with the world begins with the touch of a pencil to paper. A drawing made of lines and dots is not a copy of an object, it is a version of the thing made from special materials. The purpose of the article is to expand the panorama of the anthropological vision of man, to reveal the connections between the characteristics of Homo рictor and other features of Homo sapiens — the transformation of the objective world and the transformation of oneself. Images play an important role in the formation of visual media in culture, in the development of visual thinking, the processes of mastering the space and time of the life world, and the development of individual reflection. To study drawing is to study our speech about drawing, to study drawing as thinking.

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About the authors

Viktor L. Krutkin

Udmurt State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: krutkin1@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0433-4927

DSc in Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Humanities

Russian Federation, 1 Universitetskaya Str., Izhevsk 426034


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