Prediction perspective areas for the gold mineralization using the methods of mathematical information processing and the data set of remote sensing satellite Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 on the Polar Urals



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For the first time, for the SW part of the Malouralskaya zone of the Polar Urals, an approach was applied. The testing of which was obtained as a result of combining (1) methods of mathematical processing of information and (2) a set of data obtained by the Earth remote sensing spacecraft Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2. The first one is based on the analysis of search features and their functional and correlation relationships. The second is the integration of maps of the distribution of hydrothermal alterations and the lineament density scheme, created on the basis of the results of statistical processing of remote sensing data. As a result of the study, two new areas were delineated and new predictive and prospecting features of gold mineralization were identified within the study area. (1) Areas promising for the gold mineralization type in the SW part of the Malouralskaya zone are localized along transregional fault zones that intersect favorable horizons and structures and control ore mineralization, and within the volcanic-tectonic structure (large morphostructure 40 × 45 km) of the 1st order. Within this depression, the accepted systems of modern volcanic structures of the 2nd and higher order, the position of which is controlled by junctions of NE- and NW-trending faults with a length of more than 10 km. (2) Potentially ore-bearing volcanic edifices show subsidence calderas and large area of metasomatic aureoles (more than 30 km2) with elevated indices of hydroxyl-(Al-OH, Mg-OH) and carbonate-bearing minerals and iron oxides and hydroxides (limonite) and, to a lesser extent, ferrous oxides.

Sobre autores

J. Ivanova

Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Rússia, Moscow; Moscow

A. Bochneva

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Rússia, Moscow


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