Modern Concepts of Psychology: Evolution of Understanding the Logic of their Organization




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A post-nonclassical methodology was used, within which simple, complex, self-developing systems are considered. In accordance with the methodology, the system of concepts is considered as a set of autonomous terms, on the basis of which theories are constructed, which are part of the semiotic space of their authors. Semiotic space as a microcosm of individual meanings and meanings, formed in the process of life, serves as a model of the world, an instrument of self-organization of the subject, and a potential mechanism for joint development. Considering that the mental organization of the researcher and the organization of his social context are interdependent and linked by circular causality, the complexity of their organization turns out to be conjugate. The same principle applies to the collective subject of science. Science as a social institution of society reproduces the complexity of the organization of society, and the complexity of the mental instrument of scientists becomes associated with the complexity of the organization of their scientific community and the problems of society that it solves. In the history of science, there is an evolution of basic metaphors for understanding scientific knowledge from an archive of knowledge and a network tool for researchers to a quantum compass, which indicates the directions of development of society based on joint activities in building the future, suggesting the possibility of its self-development in this process. The system of concepts as a fragment of the mental tool of researchers in understanding its development reproduces the logic of the evolution of scientific knowledge. Understanding the organization of a system of concepts, depending on the methodology of researchers, is transformed from the classification of concepts to their system-network organization, and from them to the hypertext of a self-developing collective subject of science.


Alexander Plyshch

National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky”

Ukraine, Kyiv


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