New Methodological Approaches of Modern Psychology in a Digital Society




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The content of the article continues the discussion that unfolds around compiling a “map or system” of concepts developed by scientists from the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The discussion began with a three-volume monograph by A.L. Zhuravlev and E.A. Sergienko and their articles devoted to the analysis of the main ideas outlined in it. This very article emphasizes the importance and extreme timeliness of this monograph and articles, especially relevant in a changing digital society, which has become a challenge for the methodology of both psychology and science in general. At the same time, the necessity of expanding the system of concepts with categories of other scientific schools and approaches is shown. The limitations of the network principle of constructing a system of categories, at first glance, consonant with the ideas of the digital world, are shown. It is proposed to construct preliminary system based on the methodology of postmodern (inter-discipline) with subsequent expansion to the level of trans-discipline (post-postmodernity). As an option, a combination of open gestalts of separate concepts with the “core-periphery” system, which includes the concepts of various scientific schools, is proposed.




T. Martsinkovskaya

Russian State University for the Humanities; Psychological Institute REA

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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