On the issue of typologizing the individual characteristics of school children's learning

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Based on an analysis of the diversity of individual psychological characteristics of students, a concept of “individual characteristics of learning” (ICL) has been characterized. A review of various publications revealed a discrepancy between the large amount of empirical data on student ICLs and the lack of a systematic, stable, and theoretically justified typology. The high variability of identified types under different conditions and circumstances makes it difficult to differentiate one type from another and ensures its reproducibility. This raises questions about the feasibility of creating a scientifically sound practice of individualizing and differentiating learning. The aim of this study is to determine the main reasons for the failure of existing typologies and to create a stable typology of ICL. The hypothesis is put forward that the typologization of students’ ICL based on generalization and categorization of the external manifestations of mental activity cannot be consistent without taking into account internal psychological patterns and dynamic interaction of factors that cause these manifestations in certain conditions of learning activity. To test this hypothesis, several well-known typologies were analyzed, their main shortcomings identified, and conclusions drawn. It was concluded that the true typology of ICL should be based not on similarity in their external manifestations but on similarity of internal psychological patterns determining their manifestation and development.

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About the authors

S. V. Zaitsev

Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

Author for correspondence.
Email: loo-site@rambler.ru

PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor

Russian Federation, 127051, Moscow, Sretenka str., bldg. 29


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