Prospects of The Network Approach in Psychology




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The article is devoted to the author's reflection and analysis of the consequences of the introduction of the network approach into the methodological and conceptual basis of psychology proposed in the article by A.L Zhuravlev and E.A. Sergienko, published in the “Psykhologicheskii zhurnal”. The timeliness and effectiveness of the inclusion of the conceptual basis of the network approach in psychology are shown. Its capabilities in solving problems arising in complex social environments under the influence of communication flows and control information processed using artificial intelligence technologies are shown. New directions and tasks of research in the field of general, experimental and social psychology arising from the adoption of the network paradigm are discussed.




F. Sergeev

St. Petersburg state University



俄罗斯联邦, 199034, St. Petersburg, 7–9, Universitetskaya Emb


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