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编号 3 (124) (2024)



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Countering the Instrumentalization of Migrants as an Element of the External Dimension of EU Immigration Policy

Voynikov V.


The problem of the instrumentalisation of migrants has a long history, but within the EU it was noticed only after the events on the EU-Belarus border in 2021. The Commission prepared a package of legislative proposals, which, among other things, gives Member States the opportunity to derogate from the current asylum rules. These provisions caused a negative reaction from a number of member states, the expert community and non-governmental organizations. The purpose of this article is to identify the reasons for the legislative implementation of the concept of in-strumentalisation of migrants, to identify the key characteristics of the relevant provisions, as well as their compliance with the current rules of the Common European Asylum System and the international obligations of member states. The author comes to the conclusion that the preparation of proposals in the field of countering the use of immigrants was carried out in conditions where the increased securitisation of migration policy coincided with a significant deterioration in EU relations with Russia and Belarus. For this reason, this proposal is politically motivated. An analysis of the proposed measures suggests that they could lead to unjustified differentiation of asylum seekers solely on the ground that they entered into EU from the territory of certain third country. In addition, the provisions of the proposal will contribute to further legal uncertainty and lower asylum standards. The proposed legislative measures are unlikely to solve the problem of immigration in EU, but can increase tensions in relations with neighboring countries.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(3 (124)):5-16
pages 5-16 views

Foreign Policy of Emmanuel Macron and Prospects of France as a Great Power

Chernega V.


The article examines France's prospects as a power in the changing world. The starting point is the period when Charles de Gaulle was in power (1958-1969), aspiring for maximum possible independence in the international arena. The article describes the process of adaptation of French foreign policy to new international realities under the successors of Charles de Gaulle, in particular the emergence of supranational institutions, increased interactions with the United States, rapprochement with NATO and the return of the country to its military structures. At the same time, France defended its national interests, relying on a number of factors that allowed to maintain its power. President E. Macron generally continues this course, but tries to link France’s power prospects with the promotion of the idea of the “power of Europe”. In this regard, the research explores the current relations between France and the EU, the United States and NATO, the situation in the Franco-German tandem, which for a long time played the crucial role in the integration, the new role of Poland in Europe, and the problem of the possible accession of Ukraine to the EU. It is concluded that nowadays the idea of the “power of Europe” looks unrealistic. In the long term, this concept could be put into practice, but it will not necessarily serve French interests. The article also discusses Emmanuel Macron's foreign policy in Africa, in the Mediterranean and Indo-Pacific regions.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(3 (124)):17-28
pages 17-28 views

Britain’s Policy of Socio-Cultural Influence: the Current State and Recent Developments

Sutyrin V.


The paper deals with the latest developments in Britain’s socio-cultural influence on the world stage, including changes in institutional design of governance as well as sources and volume of financing. Primary funding source as well as official conceptual framework for the development of British foreign policy influence programs is provided by the development assistance policy. The author looks into the structure and dynamics of expenditures and draws a comparison with other leading Western powers. The research shows no significant transformations of approaches over the last decade as far as general logic and influence mechanisms are concerned. However, the paper identifies trends towards growing politicisation and weaponisation of sociocultural influence. The conclusion is made that Britain’s foreign influence policies are in the process of the biggest upheaval over the last 25 years amidst funding cuts and more strict subordination to short-term national interests and political priorities. These changes are not unprecedented in terms of British foreign policy history, including the Thatcher era. Socio-cultural influence remains significant, and frequently essential London’s foreign policy tool. The British establishment makes attempts to readjust and sharpen the existing influence toolkit according to the logic of interstate rivalry. London effectively tries to return to previous historical epochs in the new international setting and altered global balance of power. These decisions appear to a great extent opportunistic and do not promise consistence and soundness to the chosen political course although they contribute to its growing unpredictability.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(3 (124)):29-43
pages 29-43 views


Sidorova G.


The article is dedicated to one of the key problems of our time - migration processes in Europe and their consequences on the example of the Benelux countries. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the migration policy of the Benelux countries in recent years, the mechanisms of their regulatory and legal system, capable or unable to regulate migration processes. Using the comparative-institutional method, as well as event analysis, the trends of migration in this region as a recipient of a significant influx of emigrants and refugees, are shown. Attention is focused on the common and distinctive features of the migration policy of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. The author notes the generally liberal approach of the Benelux countries to solving the problem, which to a certain extent damages their national interests, creates social and humanitarian problems. The authorities of these countries are faced with an increase in migration from Muslim countries and their religious attitudes, the refugee crisis, and issues of social adaptation and integration of migrants. Immigration processes are accompanied by an increase in crime, destabilization of the internal situation, and discontent of the local population. The authorities are forced to periodically review their political and diplomatic tools, adapt and modify them in order to reduce the number of illegal migrants and the risks of renewed conflicts on ethnic and religious grounds. The author relied on the works of domestic and foreign authors, statistical information of European migration services, as well as information from international experts in this field. As a result, the characteristics of the migration policy of the countries under study are given, the consequences of mass migrations are determined. The author substantiates the conclusion that the solution to the migration issue in the Benelux countries is not visible in the near future, despite the coordinated efforts of their security structures. Effective management of migration and mitigation of negative consequences have yet to be developed and put into practice.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(3 (124)):44-55
pages 44-55 views

Belarusian-Lithuanian Relations: How Politics Beats the Economy

Shimov V.


The article analyses the dynamics of Belarusian-Lithuanian relations in the post-Soviet period. The historical, cultural and political-economic aspects of the relationship between the two countries are considered. It is noted that Lithuania is the second most active European player in Belarus after Poland. The author emphasises the historical aspect of the relationship between the two countries and demonstrates how different interpretations of the heritage of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania affect the modern relationship between the two states and their peoples. We are talking primarily about the heritage of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Lithuanian myth generates competition between the two countries, but at the same time forms an idea of the common space of their historical destinies, which fuels Westernising and pro-European sentiments among a part of Belarusian society. The author notes that Lithuania’s foreign policy towards Belarus is dominated by an ideological approach. Lithuania tries to play the role of an operator of democratic changes and the Western geopolitical turn of its eastern neighbor. In this niche a strong competition with Poland and the traditional xenophobia of Lithuanian society towards the Slavs limit the possibilities of Lithuanian influence on Belarus. For its part, Minsk was focused on pragmatic cooperation with Lithuania in the economic sphere and put issues of politics and ideology aside. In particular, Belarus had high hopes for cooperation in the field of energy and transit. The discrepancy between these approaches determines the tense and conflict nature of relations between the two countries.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(3 (124)):56-67
pages 56-67 views

Positions of the Leading European Parties on the Eve of the European Parliament Elections 2024

Guseletov B.


The article analyses the main trends in the transformation of the party and political system of the European Union on the eve of the next elections to the European Parliament in June 2024. The article examines the main events of recent years that had the main impact on the process of this transformation. New trends in the change of this system were noted, which included strengthening the popularity and influence of Eurosceptic parties, increasing internal tension concerning relations between old and new members of the European Union. The research demonstrates that following the results of the national parliamentary elections held over the past five years in almost all EU member states, the influence of the leading political parties, which for many years occupied dominant positions in the executive and representative authorities of these countries, has significantly decreased. The phenomenon of increasing representation of women in the bodies of the EU and its member states and its impact on their formation is considered. The influence of changes in the social structure of the European community and their impact on the electoral preferences of Europeans is analysed. The preelection positions of all leading European parties that currently have their factions in the European Parliament are presented, including their election manifestos and candidacies for the post of the President of the European Commission (EC), the so-called Spitzenkandidaten. The forecasts of the results of the participation of leading panEuropean political parties in the European Parliament Elections 2024, made by a number of European non-governmental organizations and leading media holdings, as well as possible options for post-election inter-party coalitions that shape positions of the European Parliament, are demonstrated.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(3 (124)):68-81
pages 68-81 views

The Left Party: Crisis of Ideas or Inherited Defect?

Pavlov N., Dmitriev D.


The purpose of this study is to determine the nature of the crisis which the German Left Party faces today. The article analyses the ideological profile of the party, the depth of tensions between representatives of different wings within the party, and the origins and consequences of fierce competition with the right-populist Alternative for Germany in the new federal states. The party's guidelines set out in the 2011 party program are considered outdated. It is argued that today's Left Party is unable to offer the electorate new attractive ideas. The article analyses the contradictions on the issue of finding a new political image for the party between the right-wing “statesmen” (ideological successors of the PDS and SED) and the left-wing “internationalists”, which led to the Left Party’s split last autumn. The article emphasises that during the years of the eurozone crisis and the unprecedented migrants flow to Germany in 2015-2016, the Left leadership has failed to keep the support of the citizens in the East of Germany, who have shifted mainly to the AfG-voters. Based on the results of the study, the authors recognise that the crisis of the Left Party is systemic. The authors draw attention to the fact that the Left Party’s split would cause its withdrawal from the forefront of the German political life. In return, Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht, the new party launched by Sahra Wagenknecht, will probably gain its momentum. In this case, Left Party's right-wing members, part of the protest electorate of the Alternative for Germany, and supporters of a diplomatic settlement of the Ukrainian conflict and relations recovery with the Russian Federation may vote for Wagenknecht's party.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(3 (124)):82-94
pages 82-94 views

EU Energy Crisis and the European Energy Market

Roginko S.


The article analyses the state of the EU energy market during the energy crisis of 2020-2023 and its development taking into account the climate agenda and the European Union’s self-restrictions on the import of primary fossil energy resources. The article examines the role of the climate agenda in the adoption of measures distorting the energy sector and provoking a full-scale energy crisis. It revealed itself in decrease of the reliability of energy supply, which became hostage of weather conditions due to increasing the share of renewable energy sources in the energy sector. The author scrutinises the main fuel segments of this market, assesses their volatility, and gives a forecast of its development for the period up to 2030-2045; analyses the EU's actions in the context of a shortage of fuel resources, their negative consequences for energy-intensive industries. Trends in rising prices for all types of energy resources, leading to the general deindustrialisation of Europe, provoked by the European energy crisis and the decision of the EU, which abandoned the main supplier of energy resources - Russia, are explored. It is stated that this decision was not provided with alternatives comparable in scope and conditions. Possibilities and prospects for the export of Russian energy resources to EU countries in the context of sanctions are predicted, including the possibility that the goal set by the European Union to abandon Russian fossil fuels by 2027 will not be achieved. It is concluded that the European Union is turning into a region of energy poverty, in which, instead of the declared sustainable energy, European consumers face unstable energy supplies, possibilities of blackouts and significantly increased electricity bills.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(3 (124)):95-110
pages 95-110 views

Transatlantic Relations in the Perception of the American Ruling Elite: the Economic Aspect

Goloub Y., Shenin S.


The article is dedicated to the analysis of the perception in the United States of the J. Biden administration transatlantic policy in economic sphere and role of the European countries in forming the new system of international relations. Considering this policy in the context of the process of fragmentation of the global economy, the authors analysed the views of the most active political and ideological groups within the American ruling elite. Although the overwhelming majority of politicians and experts agree with the administration's strategic line on the formation of integrated transatlantic economy as the core of a new system of international relations, nevertheless, they see different ways to achieve this goal. Thus, centrist Democrats believe that the United States should use its leadership to organise rapid and tough integration; conservative Democrats emphasise gradual transition and a soft policy towards the EU; progressive Democrats insist on climate priorities; moderate Republicans are for strategic control without European access to the US market; conservative Republicans see the basis of the unification only in center-right unity. At the same time, most groups agree with the administration on key issues related to the need for EU countries to withdraw from the Chinese market, the use of protectionist tools, countering the antitrust policy of Europeans, etc. It is concluded that in its transatlantic economic policy the administration receives confident support from the main groups of the American elite.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(3 (124)):111-124
pages 111-124 views

How Beneficial is EU Membership for CEE Countries: an Attempt of Critical Analysis

Drynochkin A.


Tectonic changes in the system of modern geo-economic relations necessitate the revision of many theoretical postulates. One of them is the unconditional benefit of participating in integration associations. The purpose of the study is to assess the real scale of benefits received by Central-Eastern European countries from participation in the EU. The study of the relatively long experience of membership of CentralEastern European countries in the EU allowed to formulate some conclusions, the most significant of which are: the excessive ideological and political argumentation used in Central-Eastern European countries in the initial period of decision-making on accession to the EU, which significantly reduced the effectiveness of the analysis of the economic consequences of the future membership; the significant methodological complexity of conducting a quantified analysis of the macroeconomic aspects of EU membership and, therefore, the difficulty of determining the quantifiable impact of the general effects of integration in relation to the countries of Central-Eastern Europe; the presence of overly optimistic assessments of the effectiveness of Central-Eastern European countries receiving transfers from the EU budget.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(3 (124)):125-137
pages 125-137 views

Problems of Distance Learning in EU Countries During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Egorov A.


The article is dedicated to the analysis of distance learning problems faced by EU Member states during the COVID-19 pandemic. Each EU member state was forced to transform its education policy, trying not only to reduce the risks of infection during professional contacts between teachers and students, but also to ensure the maintenance of the necessary quality of the educational process. The ambiguous influence of distance learning on the level of academic achievement of students in various EU countries is shown. The factors that hindered distance learning, including low incomes, housing and other material deprivation, belonging of students and their families to socially vulnerable segments of the population, the level of education of parents of schoolchildren and students are identified. The negative consequences of restrictive measures implemented by the EU countries in the education sector are revealed. Attention is focused on the risk of reducing the level of competitiveness of future graduates of educational institutions in the labor market due to their lack of knowledge. The reaction of the national authorities of the EU countries to the situation in the education sector, expressed in the adoption of a set of urgent measures, is investigated, including additional classes with lagging students, the preparation and active use of teaching materials, the provision of free SIM cards for an unlimited period of time to students from low-income families, providing computers and Internet access to children in need. It is stated that the education sector in the EU countries has demonstrated the necessary adaptability to the situation, having found support from the authorities.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(3 (124)):138-149
pages 138-149 views

Defense and Security Issues in the Arctic in the Context of the Ukrainian Crisis

Zhuravel V.


Currently, the Arctic region is experiencing a political crisis associated with a sharp limitation of the Arctic Council activities. The complex geopolitical situation was initiated unilaterally by the states of the collective West, which consistently led to a new strategic confrontation between Russia and NATO. The article analyses the main trends and activities of the members of the North Atlantic Alliance in the Arctic, which directly indicate the formation of policies and tools to contain Russia in the region. The author emphasises that Sweden and Finland's NATO accession increases tension, creates challenges and threats to the Russian national security in the light of the international military development. The consistent growth in the activity and presence of NATO in the region after the start of the special military operation (SMO/SVO) is traced and detailed. It is stated that the potential opportunities for Russia-NATO dialogue in the Arctic are decreasing. The article examines the Russian Federation's response measures to strengthen national security in the region. The author makes a conclusion that there is the need for improvement a comprehensive system for monitoring the situation in the Arctic in order to negate the possibility of incorrect interpretation of military activity in the context of the current phase of crisis. It is indicated that the further affairs in the Arctic are closely dependent on the results of the SMO.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(3 (124)):150-160
pages 150-160 views

Challenges of Interference and Disinformation in Italy: Countering New Threats to National Security

Maslova E.


The focus of this article is the phenomenon of disinformation and foreign interference in Italy. The aim of the study is to examine Italy's approach to countering interference and combating disinformation. The article presents a scientific discussion on the terminology of the concept of “interference” and demonstrates that the lack of a definition does not detract from the results obtained on the topic. In countering interference in the broadest sense, as a threat to national security and the constitutional order of the country, Italy relies primarily on the national resources, where the main body is a special structure - the System for the Security of the Republic. The Special Parliamentary Committee for the Security of the Republic plays an important role as well. The issue of disinformation as an intervention tool has received more attention from researchers and institutions. The EU clearly distinguishes between “disinformation” and “misinformation”. In 2023, Italy was the first EU country to spread disinformation (in terms of the amount of deleted content from social media). In combating disinformation, Italy relies on the EU's guidelines and experience, transferring content moderation responsibilities to the EU level. The EU reacts with harsh methods, resorting to content removal and blocking of resources. Thus, the more Italy delegates its information security to the European Union, the more Rome involves in the information confrontation and war of narratives between Brussels and Moscow.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(3 (124)):161-173
pages 161-173 views

Centrifugal Processes and Divisions as a Megatrend of Crisis Geopolitics

Neimark M.


The world has entered an acute phase of a protracted macrocrisis, one of the most striking manifestations of which is the processes of disengagement in global politics. The logic of confrontation inevitably aggravates old conflicts and reproduces new ones. The centrifugal dynamics received an explosive impetus because of directly interconnected process of internationalisation of the Ukrainian crisis and “Ukrainisation” of the Western-centric agenda. Conflict motives of local, regional, geopolitical divides, and gaps are acquiring increasing practical and political significance. The logic of asymmetrical, multidirectional interactions in global politics is rapidly gaining momentum. The previously inertial confrontation between the United States and Russia, the United States and China has moved into the acute phase of a dangerous confrontation. The potential for resolving the most important geopolitical and military-strategic problems in their relations has been reduced by US efforts to a critical minimum. A focused reflection of geopolitical divisions has become the sophisticated construction of a new Iron Curtain around Russia by the united West. The world is actually divided into the World Majority, whose countries take a neutral or favorable position towards Russia, and a non-structurally formalised coalition of countries led by the United States, guided by American foreign policy goals and priorities. Lines of demarcation and fragmentation run across a variety of spheres and formats, regional and geopolitical areas, erecting new boundaries and barriers in interstate cooperation and creating a dangerous tilt and distortions in strategic security. In the context of the chaotisation of world politics and the rapid development of centrifugal processes of geopolitical and geo-economic demarcations and confrontations, the asymmetry of approaches to the prospects for reformatting the world order is becoming increasingly visible.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(3 (124)):174-185
pages 174-185 views

A.A. Gromyko and Security Policy: Helsinki compromise (to the 115th anniversary of A.A. Gromyko)

Sindeev A.


The article continues the study of the role of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR A.A. Gromyko in the formation, development and maintenance of security policy, its principles and structural elements. The subject of the article is the research of the preparation, content and prospects of the development of the Helsinki Compromise. On August 1, 1975, this compromise was enshrined in the final act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. The article consists of four sections. The first section is dedicated to the problem of the connections between the Western interpretation of progress and the possible influence on the Western world. This problem will be scientifically examined in further articles. In the second section, the author proves that the main task of A.A. Gromyko in 1975 was to agree on the compromise as quickly as possible and then to begin with the main directions of cooperation between states. In the third section, the author analyzes the content of the compromise. In addition, the most important peculiarity (no existence of a common and specific project for all countries) is highlighted. In the fourth section, the author characterizes A.A. Gromyko's ideas about the prospects of the development of the Helsinki compromise. What is new is the interpretation of the CSCE decisions in 1975, the interpretation of the meaning and contradictions in the Gromyko system. The sources of the article are published documents of the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany, the use of which can be explained methodologically. It was important for the author to conduct the analysis on the basis of the foreign partners' assessment of the statements made by the Soviet Foreign Minister during official negotiations (outer reflection). The author's reasoning should be understood in the context of his earlier article in the journal.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(3 (124)):186-195
pages 186-195 views

Preliminary Results of the Development of the European Direction of China's “Polar Silk Road” Initiative

Nikolaev N.


The article discusses the results achieved by China in promoting the “Polar Silk Road” (PSR) Initiative in the Arctic. The preconditions for the development of the ideological and conceptual basis of the PSR Initiative consisted of the growing alarmism in the late 2000s around the forecasts of climate change and the volume of Arctic resources. Under these conditions, the Western thesis of an Ice-Free Arctic (wubin beiji) was developed in China’s expert community. China’s leadership changes in 2012 and Xi Jinping's promotion of new foreign policy ideas of “Belt and Road” and “community of humanity's destiny” revitalised the expert discourse, reorienting it to form within a new conceptual framework. Under these condition in 2017 the PSR Initiative was launched. As a result of the West's counteraction, and narrowing of China’s investment opportunities, the prospects for expanding the partnership within the framework of the PSR Initiative, which is still not recognized by any Arctic state, including Russia, are decreasing. Thus, Beijing's desire to focus on the implementation of two directions of China's policy in the Arctic is analysed: deepening Russia-China cooperation in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation and ensuring participation in dealing with issues related to the central part of the Arctic Ocean.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(3 (124)):196-208
pages 196-208 views

Intellectual Property Rights Protection Mechanisms Harmonization in the EAEU Preferential Trade Agreements

Onufrienko K.


In this article, the subject of scientific interest is the need to harmonize the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) legal frameworks on the protection of intellectual property rights as the rapid economic development of states cannot be achieved without effective international cooperation. The theoretical significance of this work is comprised by establishing how effective the mechanism for protecting intellectual property rights in the EAEU is at the moment, and the practical significance is in suggesting ways to increase the effectiveness of such protection so that investors have additional guarantees of their rights’ protection. The research methodology is based on the formal dogmatic approach to the interpretation of existing regulatory material with elements of socio-legal research, which consists of evaluating the proposed legal novels at the viewpoint of their practical application, in particular, given the scale of international trade cooperation between the EAEU and the country in question, expressed by the means of the statistical data on foreign trade turnover for 2021. The main results of this study are proposals for drafting the preferential agreements of the EAEU, which is considered as a contribution to the scientific base of research on improving the regulatory frameworks of the EAEU and, from a practical point of view, will help to maximize the potential for cooperation between the EAEU and the states with which preferential agreements are concluded.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(3 (124)):209-219
pages 209-219 views