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Nº 2 (123) (2024)


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Specifics of Bilateral US-EU Relations under J. Biden Administration

Sharikov P.


The article is dedicated to current state of affairs and perspectives of institutionalization of US-EU relations. Due to different international and domestic political reasons, after the 2020 the two sides declared a rapprochement. The US is likely to re-main the most influential center of power of the current system of international affairs. Due to the process of European integration, the EU acquired an ability to behave as an international actor and the US’ global partner. An ambitious bilateral agenda includes not only pragmatic goals, but a long-term intention to cooperate. Institutions of bilateral relations are supposed to build strategic partnership regardless of concrete political situation. The period from 2021 to 2023 were favorable for such efforts, because of the White House retreat from the isolationist foreign policy. The article explores different formats of cooperation between the US and the EU with special focus on high level co-operation. Interparliamentary connections between the US Congress and European Parliament play a special role in institutionalizing the relations. Special attention is paid to the new frameworks of executive branch cooperation, such as Council for Trade and Technology, as well as a number of Strategic Dialogues on different topics. Institutionalization of bilateral relations is aimed at consolidation of economic and technological resources for strategic confrontation against China.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(2 (123)):5-18
pages 5-18 views

The EU Public Diplomacy in Latin America: State of Affairs, Challenges and Prospects

Kutyrev G., Marchukov A.


The article addresses the public diplomacy of the EU in Latin America in the context of the geopolitical confrontation between Brussels and Moscow, as well as the growing influence of China in the region. The EU's efforts to reduce Russia’s political influence in Latin America through public diplomacy tools increases the need for a comprehensive study of interaction of EU diplomats with the Latin American public. Using social constructivism and normative power theory as a methodological basis, the authors identify the features of the EU public diplomacy in the region and the challenges faced by European officials in their practice. The specifics of public diplomacy of the EU in Latin America are outlined: emphasis on advocacy, cultural diplomacy and academic exchanges as key instruments of interaction with the local community; functioning in conditions of a positive attitude of the majority of the population of the region to the EU; focus on the monologue communication in digital diplomacy. The key challenges for Brussel’s public diplomacy in Latin American include a shortage of financial and human resources, effective media policy of Russia and China differentiation of Latin American countries in the eyes of the EU in terms of democratic development that reduces the ability of Brussels to promote its value-normative agenda. The authors forecast the development of the EU public diplomacy in the region, assuming that it is unlikely to improve in the coming years.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(2 (123)):19-31
pages 19-31 views

Results of Maritime Spatial Planning in the EU

Kolesnikova M.


The paper discusses the main results of the development of maritime spatial planning (MSP) in the European Union by 2023. The study aims to evaluate the experience and developments of the EU in this specific area. Methodologically the analysis is based on regulatory documents, which establish the requirements of the MSP for its coastal member countries. Information from official EU sources on specialised projects and programs has been studied and summarised. The author drew a number of conclusions complementing the latest Russian research in the field of modern marine management. It is argued that by now the EU has created conditions for the planning of certain marine areas for various types of marine activities, provided political, institutional, financial, information, and communication support for such actions. At the same time, the EU is largely focused on cross-border cooperation. An important result for the EU was the organisational factor, within which the management contour of the MSP processes for individual territorial administrative units (country, marine region/subregion, European Union) is being built. The proven algorithms provide the EU with the opportunity to become one of the main global actors that regulate the promotion of MSP technologies in various areas of the World’s ocean.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(2 (123)):32-44
pages 32-44 views

Features of Intergovernmental Consultations.The case of Germany

Trunov P.


The article explores interstate dialogue focusing on the contacts of highest state bureaucrats and to diplomatic missions. The author analyzed the format of intergovernmental (interstate) consultations and presents the key features of its functioning. The case study is Germany, which has developed a rather comprehensive system of the interstate formats. The difficulties of the creation of Germany’s interstate dialogue with the US, the UK, Anglo-Saxon states as a whole are presented. The article explains the reduction (2019‒2023) in the frequency of German-French interministerial meetings and the ability of the format to overcome the crisis of trust in tandem. The securitization of the negotiation agenda in 2013‒2023 of Germany-Netherlands (as the closest ally of Germany) dialogue is highlighted. The paper determined the causes of the long-term interruption of intergovernmental consultations with NATO member-states and Israel as an increasingly common phenomenon in German foreign policy. Rather illustrative is Germany’s approach to the formats with Russia and China as the key objects for containment by the West. “Bottle necks of the formats used by Germany in Euro-Atlantic community and in the world is underlined.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(2 (123)):45-56
pages 45-56 views

Impact of the Russian-Ukrainian Crisis on the Approaches of German Parties towards Energy Transition

Vakarchuk D., Ivoninskaia A.


Since the 1990s, Germany has been following the concept of the energy transition. A long political debate on the necessity of its implementation ended after the Fukushima Daiichi accident in 2011, when a consensus emerged among the leading German parties on the main problems of the energy transition. However, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict of 2022 has actualized the use of fossil fuels, NPPs and has led to a change in the established positions of the German parties on achieving carbon neutrality. The authors of the article used discourse-analytical approach to study the issue and examined the changes in Germany's energy policy in the context of the crisis through the perspective of the transformation of the discourse of German parties. The aim of the study was to identify discursive shifts as well as dominant narratives in the rhetoric of German parties on the energy transition problem after the February 2022 events. It was assumed that the energy transition discourse would remain dominant in the rhetoric of the German parties in light of the onset of the crisis. As an alternative hypothesis, it was assumed that a number of German parties would shift towards the energy mix discourse, making it dominant and most influential, leading to a revision of the German energy policy. The content analysis of the FRG parties' tweets confirmed the alternative hypothesis. The authors conclude that after the beginning of the energy crisis, under the influence of public sentiment, the CDU/CSU, FDP and Left shifted towards the energy mix discourse, making it dominant and more influential than the energy transition discourse. This contributed to the adjustment of the German government's policy in the energy sector.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(2 (123)):57-69
pages 57-69 views

EU Railways: Contribution to Decarbonisation Solution

Varnavskii V.


The EU transport system is entering the next phase of fundamental transformation. The railways are becoming one of the key tools for implementing the Green Deal and solving ecological problems for the period up to 2050. A range of documents aimed at advancing the realisation of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) was adopted at the Union level in recent years. Transfer a large proportion of transport from road and aviation to rail, multimodal transportation, advanced construction and modernisation of high-speed railway lines (HSR) are the priorities of the policy. This article has a twofold objective. First, it analyses the condition and market environment of the railways. Second, it investigates the possibilities of implementing the TEN-T program to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, increase multimodal transportation and the construction/upgrading new HSR. The results suggest that a set of obstacles impede GHG emissions reduction in the shifting of transport from road and aviation to rail, multimodal transportation and the construction of HSR. The main trend is that rail transport activity in the EU remained almost constant from 2010 to 2022 with a slight increase in passenger transport and some structural changes. Within the next 25 years, the most tangible impact for the EU economy, ecology and society of all modes of transport can be provided by HSR expansion. The author concludes that in order to form the Union Transport and Economic Space, deep institutional reforms on the railways are needed with special focus on the introduction of uniform standards, norms and regulations for all participating countries.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(2 (123)):70-83
pages 70-83 views

Effectiveness of Regional Insurance Networks and the European Stability Mechanism

Navoy A.


The article is dedicated to approaches to assessing the effectiveness of re- gional insurance networks in comparison with classic financial institutions established under the auspices of the UN – International Monetary Fund and World Bank Group. On the basis of the evolution of the anti-crisis tools of international financial organisations, the place of regional financial mechanisms (regional insurance networks) is analysed as a new form of debasement of financial imbalances of the region, mitigating certain shortcomings of the IMF anti-crisis regulation model. Close attention is paid to the taxonomy of the Regional Financial Arrangements (RFA) in terms of forming a resource base and directions of the use of funds, their integration into global safety networks. The European Stability Mechanism is understood as a specified form of the RFA, which has the largest resources, the possibility of attracting them on a market basis and an extended range of areas of use. The author used specially tailored criteria to assess the effectiveness of the RFA in terms of lock of crisis events at the regional level. It is concluded that the RFA can only partially be considered as a lender of last resort for a group of major states, while a special model of the functioning of the European Stability Mechanism allowed to solve the tasks of anti-crisis regulation in the EU.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(2 (123)):84-97
pages 84-97 views

Digital Markets and Digital Services: A New Stage of the EU Internal Market Regulation

Revenko L., Revenko N.


The article explores the EU Digital Markets Law and Digital Services Law adopted in the fall of 2022. The new legislative framework aims to control large digital platforms and search engines that have become market dominant and abuse their power by discriminating against third–party businesses, and to make online platforms and intermediaries more accountable. The authors provide examples of troubling practices by such companies. The provisions of the first document apply to the socalled gatekeepers, which include service providers that have become gateways between businesses and end users and for this reason have a significant impact on the EU internal market, of the second one – to providers of intermediary services qualified as mere conduit, caching and hosting services. A separate group includes very large online platforms and search engines. The laws set quantitative thresholds for companies subject to the laws. They contain lists of rights and responsibilities of such companies. The laws caused conflicting responses. One group of experts supports them, believing that they will solve many problems faced by businesses and ordinary users. Other researchers argue that new laws were not necessary and existing legal framework should have been improved. They also criticize certain provisions of the laws. The authors conclude that the laws correspond to the current market reality, but their application changes the competition environment.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(2 (123)):98-113
pages 98-113 views

Externalisation of Asylum Policy in the UK after Brexit

Zakharov I., Agafoshin M.


The article explores the approaches and tools the UK disposes of to address an increasing number of asylum seekers and illegal migrants in a post-Brexit environment. The study is based on legislative and regulatory acts regulating the UK’s asylum policy, as well as international agreements and action plans that enable the externalization of the asylum policy. It is shown that it took the UK a rather short time to put in place a reformed legal framework to incorporate the most restrictive migration-related terms in Europe. The development of the concept of a “Third Safe Country” passing through which automatically places an asylum seeker onto the Unacceptable category provoked their criminalization and led to a nontransparent asylum system with virtually insurmountable barriers to entry. The externalization of the UK asylum policy was implemented through traditional readmission agreements, the number of which grew rapidly during the period under review, and through new tools, for example, the Rwandan Plan which allowed the UK to redirect refugees to Rwanda. It is concluded that despite the ambiguity of the plan it creates a legal precedent, which threatens developing countries of increased migration burden against the background of little resources to overcome migration crises.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(2 (123)):114-127
pages 114-127 views

A.A. Gromyko and Security Policy: Сonceptual Tactics of Diplomacy (to the 115th Anniversary of A.A. Gromyko)

Sindeev A.


The article deals with the role of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. A.A. Gromyko in the formation, development and maintenance of security policy, its principles and structural elements. The author explores the conceptual approaches of diplomatic tactics in the context of strategic thinking. This research is carried out on the basis of the detente project of A.A. Gromyko in 1974. Firstly, the author provides evidence that the ideas and approaches of A.A. Gromyko (the so-called Gromyko system) were approved by the leadership of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the state leadership of the USSR. Therefore, A.A. Gromyko took personal responsibility for the success of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Secondly, tactical objectives that Gromyko had to solve in 1974 are analyzed. The author highlights differences between these tasks in the first and second half of the year of negotiations. Thirdly, it is argued that Gromyko’s conditions were presented for the first time in historiography for making the conceptual compromises. Gromyko assumed that the conceptual compromises would remain for 20-30 years. Finally, the article deals with the difficulties faced by the Western partners. These difficulties (the so-called West’s trap) did not allow them to pursue a balanced policy. These difficulties also did not allow the USSR to fully implement the Gromyko system. The article is based on published documents of the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany. The author’s conclusions should be considered in the context of his earlier article in the journal.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(2 (123)):128-138
pages 128-138 views

Memory of Colonial Crimes in Belgium

Andreeva A., Drozhashchikh N., Nelaeva G.


The article explores Belgium as a case-study of the phenomenon of “colonial amnesia” in the EU. Contemporary discourse on European history includes the Holocaust and Communism as central and unifying themes, while colonialism is determined as a distinct phenomenon. Despite its official condemnation, European states attitude towards colonialism differ. The authors argue that European states tend to avoid responsibility for the colonial-era atrocities and even deny their involvement. At the same time, public discussions over the silencing of colonial crimes are fueled by research that implicates European states in (post)colonial violence and negatively impacts their reputation on the international arena. Concerns over their international image forces the European countries to publicly apologise for their past. In 2022 the subject-matter of public apologies in Belgium was colonial violence committed by Belgians against the Congolese, as well as the events of the early 1960s, which led to the murder of Congolese Prime-Minister Patrice Lumumba, allegedly condoned by the Belgian government. Under the public pressure, former colonial powers are forced to at least “turn over” the painful page of their past in order to normalize relations with the former colonies. Using critical discourse-analysis and qualitative and quantitative content-analysis, authors analyze the apologies addressed to the DRC by Belgium authorities in the period of 2002‒2022. The article concludes that these statements are meant to frame Belgium’s responsibility exclusively in terms of morality by acknowledging the “wrong moral choices”.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(2 (123)):139-151
pages 139-151 views

The Shrinking of the Slavic Cultural and Linguistic Space in the Southern Balkans (1st half of XX c.)

Tretyakova M.


The article refers on the legal obligations imposed by the international community on the Greek government by the Treaty concerning the protection of minorities in Greece signed at Sevres on August 10, 1920. The provisions of Articles 7, 8, 9 regulated the rights of the numerous Macedonian Slavic population living in Macedonian lands ceded to Greece as a result of the Balkan wars of 1912‒1913. The treaty was ratified by the Greek government on the 30th of October 1923 but has never been implemented. The Greek authorities introduced a whole list of restrictive measures. The Slavic surnames of local Macedonian population were changed to Greek as well as geographic names. Slavic inscriptions in churches and monasteries were erased, a ban was introduced on the performance of folk songs and the use of the Macedonian language even in the private life of citizens of Greek Macedonia etc. As a result of the Greek government assimilation policy and demographic and migration shift in the Aegean Macedonia in accordance with the Treaty of Neuilly from 1919 and Treaty of Lausanne from 1923, the Slavic cultural and linguistic space in Greece in fact has been erased. Similar processes in relation to the Slavic ‒ Serbian and Macedonian population previously occurred in other parts of the Southern Balkans, in Kosovo and Metohia, are currently intensifying in North Macedonia and southern Serbia. This leads not only to aggravation of the problem from an ethnocultural point of view, but also opens the path to transforming the political space of the South Slavic countries in the future.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(2 (123)):152-163
pages 152-163 views

Significance of Cultural-Historical Approach for Modern Political Consciousness

Shchipkov A.


The modern political science requires taking into account the influence of traditions, cultural and historical characteristics of society on political processes and political systems of different countries. Under these conditions, identity and tradition get back the right to direct political expression. Concepts that explain the state of society primarily from the point of view of cultural and historical factors are usually called civilization theories. The article aims at describing the foundations of the Russian-Byzantine cultural-historical type and its relationship with the Western Europe- an one. Scientific approaches to revealing the logic of interaction between cultural- historical and political-economic factors have been identified, and a method of world-system analysis has been proposed complementarily. It is concluded that stable political institutions in Russia have always been shaped under the influence of deep cultural and historical processes. During those periods when this pattern gave way to a mechanical choice of political institutional forms, crisis processes grew in society. In the twentieth century, a similar situation led to the emergence of the phenomenon of a “divided people” and a crisis of national identity. Society today is forced to overcome the far-reaching consequences of this crisis in the format of the special military operation.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(2 (123)):164-174
pages 164-174 views

Constructive Approaches to Analysis of Constructed Identity

Fadeeva L.


The article deals with the main directions and outcomes of identity research along with the expansion of the research field as a whole and concept list. The author explores an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach well established in identitarian research. By building a general outline and defining the comparative context of the analysis of identity in general and political identity in particular, the article explores collective monographs “Integration and disintegration potential of identity in history and modernity” and “Identity. Personality, society politics. New contours of the research field”. The interdisciplinary work of Tomsk scientists is structured into three parts, corresponding to the author’s methodology. This approach enables to characterize the key positions of the authors of each part, comparing them with the arsenal developed in the social and humanities. Scientific and political relevance characterize each of the dimensions chosen by the authors of the monograph, which also determines the high disputability of the proposed topics and assessments. The collective monograph edited by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences I.S. Semenenko has 44 sections written by a team of 32 authors. The article contains an overview of key sections and directions of research, and notes the role of the executive editor, who is one of the leaders of identitarian research in modern Russia. The collective monograph is aimed at promoting the issue of identity not only in scientific discussions, but also in the public space, since identity is considered as an important development resource. Despite all the differences in format, structure, objectives and approaches, these works are united by bringing identity into the mainstream of sociohumanitarian and political science, determining the potential of identity as a resource for social development, integration (or disintegration) of the society. Analysis of the research conducted gives grounds to attribute them to the successful search for an independent vector of domestic science.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(2 (123)):175-183
pages 175-183 views

Euroscepticism in the Russian-Speaking Community of Estonia: Modern Trends and Prospects

Tambi S.


The attitude of Russian-speaking people living in the Republic of Estonia towards the processes of European integration has undergone some transformation since the restoration of Estonia’s independence in 1991 to the present day. A significant part of the representatives of national minorities in this state governed by Eurooptimistic political elites is attributed to a quite widespread Euroscepticism. This article is an attempt to analyze the features of Eurosceptic views among the modern large Russian-speaking community of Estonia, as well as to assess the extent of the spread of Eurosceptic ideas there. A typical portrait of a Eurosceptic Russian-speaking voter in Estonia is addressed, especially one who lives in areas of compact settlement of Russian speakers in this state. A circle of Eurosceptic parties in Estonia has been identified that have influenced the attitude of Russian-speaking residents of Estonia towards the EU. The content of the Eurosceptic beliefs of the Russian-speaking voter is revealed. The reasons for the traditional popularity of Eurosceptic ideas among the Russian- speaking population are determined, as well as the extent of anti-EU sentiment in the Russian-speaking community of Estonia. A number of factors have been identified that traditionally influence the sustainability of Euroscepticism in regions of Estonia with a significant Russian-speaking population. It is concluded that if in the 1990s an impressive part of the Russian-speaking residents experienced neutral or even Euro-optimistic sentiments ( largely due to their unfulfilled hopes for a qualitative improvement in their discriminatory situation after Estonia joined the EU), then while they gradually discovered that no radical transformations were expected (largely due to Brussels’ reluctance to put appropriate pressure on Tallinn), their generally pro-EU position transformed into Euroscepticism. The paper concludes that currently the Euroscepticism of the Russian-speaking population of Estonia is characterized by a trend towards a relative stabilization of the Eurosceptic sentiments of voters. The author using institutional and discursive methods makes a forecast on the future development of Eurosceptic sentiments among Russian-speaking residents in the medium term.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(2 (123)):184-192
pages 184-192 views

The Union State in the Conditions of Digital Transformation

Markevich D.


In the context of the regionalisation, deglobalisation and exacerbation of systemic contradictions in the world economic system, the revision of existing economic ties between states, the protection of national interests in the context of geoeconomics and geopolitical confrontation are becoming especially relevant. Recent events related to the sanctions policy aimed at Belarus and Russia have shown the need to deepen integration processes within existing associations. The purpose of this study is to identify promising areas for the development of the Union State of Belarus and Russia in the face of challenges and threats generated by the digital transformation of the economy. The study significantly contributes to the world-system analysis as enabling tools to determine trends and prospects for cooperation between Belarus and Russia within the framework of the Union State in the digital economy. The set of general philosophical and general scientific methods are supplemented by comparative, formal and legal modeling methods. The author formulated the list of challenges and threats formed by the digital transformation of the economy. The recommendations aimed at minimizing them are developed, namely, measures for ensuring state control over the information and communication infrastructure. Moreover, the proposal on the need to develop and adopt a model law of the Union State “On the basics of regulating the digital economy” is scientifically substantiated.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(2 (123)):193-202
pages 193-202 views

Prospects of Cooperation in the Commonwealth of Independent States

Rypnevskaya A.


The modern world is going through global changes that to some extent affect all nations. The goals, institutions and principles that were considered to be the basis of international relations have turned out to be unstable and often discredited. In this context, a new system of international relations is being formed, which should reflect the national interests of all states. The current crisis has a major impact on the Commonwealth of Independent States, and the effect is both negative and positive. Western sanctions directly target Russia and Belarus and indirectly they also affect other members. At the same time, such challenges contribute to greater cohesion within the CIS and can give impetus to closer cooperation. Thus, international tension can be the launch point to help intensify integration processes in the CIS and to form a new quality of relations in it. This article aims at determining the current state of relations between the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, assessing its strengths and weaknesses as an international organisation, and predicting possible prospects for the development of relations between the states. The article focuses on the current trends in the activities of the Commonwealth of Independent States. It examines the problems of cooperation within the CIS, as well as the causes of these problems, including both internal contradictions and increasing foreign influence. The author explores the advantages and disadvantages of the CIS and proposes three different scenarios of the further evolution of interaction between the Commonwealth’s member states.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(2 (123)):203-211
pages 203-211 views

The State Theory of Money

Soshnev A., Soshneva E.
Sovremennaâ Evropa. 2024;(2 (123)):212-219
pages 212-219 views

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