Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

№ 11 (2023)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін


National Sociological Heritage: Clarifying Evaluative Optics

Titarenko L.


The article offers a brief analysis of the formation of sociology in Russia, different, sometimes contrasting estimates of Russian sociological heritage - from the recognizing its theoretical dependence on the Western liberal mainstream, to a complete denial of the need for relationships with the West, due to the uniqueness of the Russian civilization development. The periods of development of Russian sociology are singled out, as well as the circulation of innovative ideas and theories within each period, which had their own value. Sociologists in each period created original ideas, some of which can still serve the development of Russian sociology and be included in the world sociological heritage. Given the rethinking of the sociological heritage, the conclusion is made about the need to search for theoretical innovations with the goal of providing an adequate understanding of the main problems of today's Russia and prospects for its future development.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(11):3-14
pages 3-14 views

Explanatory Possibilities of M. Weber’s Concept of Disenchantment of the World in the Context of Growing Magical Conciousness

Zarubina N.


The article deals with the concept of the world's disenchantment by M. Weber as a methodological basis for understanding modern transformations of consciousness, first of all, the deviation from the scientific picture of the world and the restoration of the magical worldview. It is shown that M. Weber considered the process of disenchanting the world in two forms: as marginalization of magical salvation practices within rationalized religious worldviews and as the assertion of ideas about the full cognizability of the world in the scientific worldview. The factor of the world's disenchantment is rationalization, as a result of which archaic syncretism is overcome, a person highlights the value orientations of "leading a life" and takes responsibility for one’s fate. However, this is accompanied by the formalizing of the normative order and gradual loss of semantic and value dominants, with which it comes into conflict. It is proved that reverse processes occur in the modern disenchanted world, first of all, the newest syncretism develops as a result of the interpenetration of technogenic, natural, social realities, the removal of ethical antinomies. The newest "enchantment of the world" is also promoted by a stronger alienation and the desire to shift responsibility for one's own and common destiny onto external forces, the rejection of long-term rational life strategies and orientation to getting a quick result while paying no attention to mechanisms for achieving it. In addition, the absence of semantic and value dominants in modern culture is made up for by an archaic belief in extraordinary phenomena capable of solving the most acute problems quickly and efficiently, in the image and likeness of modern technologies.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(11):15-24
pages 15-24 views

A.A. Bogdanov as a Sociologist and Utopian: the «Klass für Sich» Problem

Gloveli G.


The article explicates the sociological and socio-utopian aspects of the general organizational concept of the Russian scientist encyclopedist A.A. Bogdanov (1873–1928), who referred himself to the sociological school of Marx. Bogdanov's modification of the Marxist approach to the social structure of capitalist society is shown, emphasizing the problem of becoming a "class for oneself" ("klasse für sich"), on the one hand, for the industrial proletariat, on the other hand, for the social group of technical intelligentsia. Bogdanov's analysis of technical intelligentsia as a sociological category is considered in the context of the Russian debates of the early twentieth century. about the class nature of the intelligentsia, the American utopia of technocracy and the utopia of "proletarian culture" by Bogdanov himself.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(11):25-37
pages 25-37 views

Russians’ Perception of the Conflict with Ukraine: Testing the “Spiral of Silence” Hypothesis

Zvonovsky V., Khodykin A.


Russians' attitude towards the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the very possibility of its quantitative measurement became a subject of heated debates inside Russian sociological community. The most popular argument among professionals who believe that the level of support for the military actions is lower than the recorded values is the "Spiral of Silence" model used by E. Noelle-Neumann to explain people's unwillingness to express unpopular opinions out of fear of facing social disapproval. To test the hypothesis about the spiral of silence we used the method of all-Russian phone survey (N = 1977), repeating the railway test performed by Noelle-Neumann for measuring the willingness of supporters and opponents of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict to discuss it with their political opponents. The results of the research showed that in Russian public opinion about the Russian-Ukrainian conflict there is indeed a spiral of silence, as described by Noelle-Neumann, taking place. It influences both sides of the debate, its effect on the opponents of the conflict being, of course, significantly stronger (21% against 35%). However, opponents of military action have learned better than their opponents to resist the spiral of silence. Therefore, with a possible change in the climate of opinion in Russia, opponents of the military conflict will have greater opportunities than their opponents to promote their own narrative about the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Along with the railway test, we have conducted research of attitudes towards the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in the respondents’ close circle, in which the share of the conflict supporters turns out to be much lower than among the respondents themselves. This may be an indirect sign of a shift in the samples towards the position of Russian-Ukrainian conflict supporters.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(11):38-50
pages 38-50 views

Features of Digital Literacy Measurement in Russia

Popov E.


The first part of the article revises existing approaches to theoretical understanding of digital literacy in order to provide a conceptual basis for the new Eurostat methodology for assessing digital literacy level. Four types of theoretical approaches are distinguished in the text: technical, cognitive, social and synthetic. On their basis, an extended understanding of digital literacy is constructed as a set of applied competencies to handle computer/smartphone software (including specific skills) substantiated by previous experience which allow an individual, group or community to solve emerging problems based on critical search, analysis as well as subsequent synthesis of network placed data. The second part of the article is devoted to approbation of the new Eurostat methodology for evaluating digital literacy on a Russian sample. The conclusion is made that the updated Eurostat approach does not quite adequately describe the level of Russians' digital literacy due to the specific realities in Russia: a special structure of the labor market and distinctive “market” of digital threats.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(11):51-61
pages 51-61 views

Congratulations to N.E. Tikhonova



Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(11):62-62
pages 62-62 views

N.E. Tikhonova’s School (from the experience of included observation)

Mareeva S.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(11):63-66
pages 63-66 views

Savings Activity of Russians: Dynamics and Factors

Tikhonova N.


Based on the data of a number of all-Russian studies of the Institute of Sociology of FCTАS RAS, the article characterizes saving behavior factors of Russians and the dynamics of its change in 2003-2023. Some classical concepts explaining the savings behavior of the population are tested in relation to Russian conditions. It is demonstrated that their conclusions are only partially justified in the Russian society. It is shown, in particular, that representatives of mass strata of the population reacted to successive external shocks of different nature in recent years depending on the nature of these shocks, and not only on their severity or expected duration: to crises of purely economic nature, in accordance with the classical postulates, Russians responded by striving to maintain their usual level of consumption at the expense of savings, while in case of adding geopolitical risks and increasing uncertainty of the future, the prevalence of savings was increased. If for small savings no micro-level factors have been identified to have significant impact on their availability, then in the formation of savings that allow you to live on them for at least two months, subjective factors play a key role, in particular, readiness for long-term planning of one’s life, as well as a sense of respective economic and social success. At the same time, economic factors, though important, play a noticeably lesser role, affecting mainly amounts of savings.

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(11):67-79
pages 67-79 views

Agency and Autonomy as a Learning Outcome: Distinguishing Notions

Dobryakova M., Yurchenko O.


The article explores conceptual difference between the notions of "autonomy" and "agency" in relation to students' learning outcomes. These concepts are often used as synonyms. We argue that distinguishing between them is more productive for practical pedagogy. Unfolding the essence of agentive action in 9 theoretical theses based on sociological and psychological approaches, we trace its prerequisites and outline the forks where agency and autonomy diverge. Agency implies a desire for change based on a consciously constructed identity and values. Independence focuses on achieving mastery within existing roles and social norms. In a social sense, in the continuity/change pair, independence aims at continuity, while agency aims at change. Distinguishing these concepts will help consciously design learning situations and set realistic learning outcomes. However, can agency be a realistic measurable learning outcome in the conventional sense? Probably not, since it is tied to identity and personal attitudes towards social situations, and will therefore be very individual. Autonomy as a learning outcome is simpler, for ultimately it requires comparing the student's skills to those of an adult. The key factor differentiating autonomy and agency is the nature of the individual's identity--its orientation towards reproducing the existing or towards individual search and change.

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(11):80-92
pages 80-92 views

Typological Groups of First-Year Students by Educational Strategies in Conditions of Individual Learning Trajectories

Gavrilyuk T., Bocharov V., Pogodaeva T.


The typological analysis of the first-year students’ educational strategies in the conditions of experimental learning within individual learning pathways have been considered in the article. Using the heuristic potential of the typological approach in relation to the data of a mass questionnaire survey of first-year students at the Tyumen State University, two parts of type-forming features were identified and the corresponding empirical indicators were formed. Using the methods of factorial and cluster analysis, three modal typological groups of first-year students have been discerned, and each of them has its own educational strategy at the university. Conclusions have been drawn about the expediency of building such a typology at the beginning of the student's educational pathway, as this enable to make timely management decisions on the development of desirable and correction of undesirable learning strategies, as well as the possibility of further monitoring measurements.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(11):93-104
pages 93-104 views

Informality in Society: Searching for Explorative Methodology

Levicheva V., Dimans S.


The main purpose of the article is to discuss and propose a solution to the methodological problems arising in the study of fundamental social relations embedded in social institutions and informal practices. The authors present a concept based on the thesis of informal interactions as a relatively ontologically independent phenomenon in society. It is shown that informal practices act as a public and civilizational resource that determines not only the viability of society, but also its competitiveness in the global world. It is the totality of mass informal social communications outside the existing institutional framework that makes it possible to understand what a particular society is. The article analyzes some real situations of contradictory interaction of institutions and informal practices in Russian society. When analyzing the sources of informal practices, the authors distinguish inversive, adaptive and constructive informality as systematically ordered communications that arise outside the institutional space. Such conceptualization expands the possibilities of understanding specific cases in the socio-economic and socio-political life of Russian society and provides grounds for their instrumental empirical research. study.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(11):105-114
pages 105-114 views

Russian Citizens on the Challenges of Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks and Social Optimism

Levashov V., Grebenyak O.


Using sociological monitoring empirical data, the authors analyze the impact of the artificial neural networks and artificial intelligence development on the social moods of Russians under conditions of transforming labor market as a systemic social institution in the aspect of forming citizens' confidence in the future and optimistic image of that future. More than half of Russians today express their concerns about the artificial intelligence impact on the labor market closely related to the feeling of uncertainty and lack of confidence in the future. Citizens who express concerns for artificial intelligence impact on labor employment more often express negative attitudes and lack of optimism regarding their personal and country’s future. Growing pessimism is observed in general among respondents who receive information via the Internet and social networks.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(11):115-120
pages 115-120 views

Socio-Cultural Identification of Modern Armenians

Pogosyan G., Poghosyan R.


The article analyzes the results of the nationwide sociological study of the sociocultural identity of modern Armenian society, traditional values and features of social life. Special attention is paid to assessing the presence in the Armenian national culture of elements from other national cultures, closeness and similarity with these nations, as well as personal perception of other cultures' elements presence. Also, an analysis of collective idea about the overall life satisfaction and meanings of happy life is offered.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(11):121-126
pages 121-126 views

Media Consumption by Different Age Groups

Poluekhtova I.


In this article, the results of the next wave of the monitoring sociological study “Television through the viewers` eyes” conducted in autumn 2022 are presented. It is shown, that media convergence blurs the boundaries between traditional and digital media, thus forming new patterns of media consumption that combine usage of traditional media channels with digital media channels, screens and platforms that provide access to media content. Modern media consumption is shaped not only by content of the product, but also by interface, functionality, convenience of platform, screen and service. The leaders in weekly audience are television, social networks and internet-video. The most demanded type of content is video, as it is seen by almost the whole audience (96% of respondents). Although all age groups have mastered digital media services to one degree or another, differences in media consumption practices between them remain at the level of preferences in choosing media channels, screens and types of the content. In the 15-34 age group, media consumption focused on internet-services (social networks, online-video, music and podcasts) dominates. The 35-54 age group also actively uses social networks and watches internet-video, while at the same time people of this age group retain high interest for such traditional media as television and radio. In media consumption of the senior age group (55+), television dominates, and the positions of the printed press are strong, but the level of mastering and usage of social networks and internet-video is already high.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(11):127-132
pages 127-132 views

Outlook for Reproducing Scholarly and Teaching Personnel in Universities of Russia

Sizova I.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(11):133-138
pages 133-138 views

Urban Research in the Focus of Socio-Humanitarian Analytics

Shirokalova G., Savchenko I.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(11):139-140
pages 139-140 views

Population Social Dynamics and Human Potential

Lyalikova S., Nazarova I.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(11):141-143
pages 141-143 views

Historical consciousness of Russians – a book and its problematic field

Romanovskiy N.


It is not the first time that historical consciousness of Russians becomes a subject of attention for Russian sociologists. In this case, however, the monograph prepared by the scholars of an Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences has a number of features of its own. The book’ authors team focuses on the links of historical consciousness with the civic identity of Russians, actualized, in particular, by current military operations and by Russophobia in the "collective West", etc. The book stands out for its compositional originality – a combination of field research data analysis with commentaries on the problems arising in connection with this analysis by experts from different fields of activity and disciplinary scholarly profiles. A promising interconnection of the issues raised by the study with the development of government national policy guidelines, as well as importance of scholarly elaborations of the modern national history problems are noted.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(11):144-150
pages 144-150 views

Not a Renewal, but a Second Birth

Doctorov B.


For the first time, theses on the concept of a "Second Birth" of Soviet/Russian sociology are being published. The Perestroika gave the sociologists of Russia the opportunity to refer to history post-war sociology. In particular, it demanded an answer to the question: "Is the current Russian sociology a continuation of the sociology that began to develop in the second half of the 19th century, or a sociology with its own special beginning?" Two concepts were suggested for the genesis of the current stage of Russian sociology: continuity and renewal. However, studying the interviews with pioneering sociologists who caught the soul of the political thawing showed that their entrance into sociology did not answer either concepts, giving rise to the idea of a second birth of Russian sociology. Per my request, the concept of a second birth was voiced by Professor Vera V. Gavriluk in October 2007 at a conference occurring in the city of Tyumen. Later, she told me that the participants of the conference had positive attitudes to this information. Fifteen years have passed, and the above-mentioned theses are being published.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(11):151-156
pages 151-156 views

Modern Capitalism from the Perspective of Critical Theory of Society

Fatenkov A.


The author resolves a twofold task: to give essential characteristics of the modern society and to reveal the reasons for difficulties faced by the social theory while describing it. In this regard, structural and substantive shortcomings are revealed in the traditional class approach to social realit analysis as well as in competing stratum and network-based approaches. The discourse of ‘post-capitalism’ is critically evaluated. The concept of the capitalist essence of social relations dominating at present is deduced from the statement of an extremely high level of alienation characteristic for the modern technologically developed society. The notion of consumer society is conceptually tied to the matrix of capitalism and meaningfully clarified. The author’s central idea is that today we are dealing with authentic capitalism. It is a unipolar configuration with the only, i.e. ruling, class, in the center, and a declassed social mass in the vast periphery of the center. In overcoming the alienation and dictates of capital, an important role is assigned to the procedure of self-identification of individual.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(11):157-161
pages 157-161 views

Buzgalin A.V.



Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(11):162-163
pages 162-163 views

After the “End of History”: Progressive Alternatives to the Refeudalization and “Techno-Socialism”

Buzgalin A.


The article continues the author's publications in the journal “Sociological Studies”, in which it was shown that contradictions of the neoliberal model of late capitalism pose a threat of the society involution towards conservative liberalism and refeudalization. The new text demonstrates a possibile implementing jf a progressive alternative to this trend and criticizes currently popular idea of "technosocialism". The author argues that the developing relations of transit to the "kingdom of freedom" in the space of late capitalism presupposes (1) the active regulation of social reproduction in order to effect a transition from the orientation of socio-economic development to profit and GDP growth to eco-socio-humanitarian priorities; (2) reforming property relations in the direction of socialization; (3) redistributing part of the parasitically used excess incomes of simulacra people (rentiers, financiers, show business persons, professional sports stars, etc.) for the purposes of social development and (4) the progress from manipulated democracy to dialectical unity of civil society and essential democracy. The subject of these changes – a kind of "progressor" – can become a union of creative workers of the public sector (“socialists”) with highly professional industrial proletariat realizing their strategic interests politically and ideologically.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(11):164-172
pages 164-172 views

Kondrashov P.N.



Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(11):173-174
pages 173-174 views

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