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Volume 49, Nº 4 (2023)


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The Effectiveness of Detecting Thematic Relations of Objects in 3–6 Years Old Children

Kurgansky A., Zakharova M., Kayumov D., Antonova S.


In this work, the ability of preschoolers aged 3–6 to detect and understand the thematic connections of objects was assessed. Children (95 children; 53 girls and 42 boys) of four age groups of 3, 4, 5 and 6 years old (respectively, 17, 33, 18 and 27 children) solved two tasks aimed at the detection of thematic relations of objects within the framework of the standard “yes–no” procedure. In the first task, it was required to indicate whether the image of the shown object was relevant to a given context (the “object-context” task, O–C), and in the second – whether two objects were related thematically (the “object–object” task, O–O). A touch screen computer was used to present images and record motor responses. For each task, we measured the accuracy scores (the proportion of correct responses) and the delay in the motor response “yes” or “no” relative to the moment the image was presented (reaction time). Two components of the reaction time were analyzed separately: the duration of the latent phase and the duration of the overt movement towards the response button. With age, the accuracy of solving both tasks increased, and the time required to discover the thematic connection (reaction time) decreased. At the same time, the accuracy scores were lower, and the detection time was longer in the O–O task compared to the O–C. The gender of the child did not affect the accuracy value, and affected only the duration of the motor (but not the latent) phase of the motor response, and only in the O–O task. The data obtained show that (i) the O–O task is more difficult than the O–C task, and that this may be due to the necessity to activate the thematic links of two objects in the O–O task instead of just one, as in the O–C task, and (ii) the process of activation of thematic links probably does not end in the latent phase of the motor response and continues during its movement phase. The question of the extent to which the success and duration of the process of detecting the thematic links of objects can limit the success of cognitive planning in preschoolers aged 3–6 is also discussed.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2023;49(4):5-15
pages 5-15 views

Spatial Auditory Masking Affects the Interhemispheric Asymmetry of Evoked Responses

Shestopalova L., Petropavlovskaia E., Salikova D., Semenova V.


Interhemispheric asymmetry of electrical brain activity was investigated in the conditions of spatial auditory masking. Moving test signals were presented either in silence or against the background of stationary maskers of various spatial positions. The spatial properties of the stimuli were defined by interaural level differences (ILD). Onset-energy responses (ON-responses), motion-onset responses (MOR) and OFF-responses were analyzed. To compute the topograms and to analyze asymmetry, the amplitudes of each component were averaged over the symmetric electrode clusters in the left and right hemispheres. The ON-responses showed a contralateral dominance of the N1 component in silence, and the degree of contralateral bias increased in masking conditions. Interhemispheric asymmetry of the P2 component was absent in silence. However, the P2 amplitude was higher in the right hemisphere in all combinations of masker and signal. The asymmetry of both deflections was maximal when the masker and the initial portion of the signal were separated by 180 degrees. On the contrary, the interhemispheric asymmetry of the motion-onset response was found only in silence: the cN1 deflection was biased to the side contralateral to the signal. The topography of the OFF-response was symmetrical under all experimental conditions.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2023;49(4):16-29
pages 16-29 views

The Role of Midbrain in Perception of Tone Sequences and Speech: an Analysis of Individual Studies

Oknina L., Masherow E., Lange A., Slezkin A., Vologdina J., Ziber I., Portnova G., Podlepich V., Pitshelauri D., Kantserova A., Strelnikova E.


Human speech is a complex combination of sounds, auditory events. To date, there is no consensus on how speech perception occurs. Does the brain react to each sound in the flow of speech separately, or are discrete units distinguished in the sound series, analyzed by the brain as one sound event. The pilot study analyzed the responses of the human midbrain to simple tones, combinations of simple tones (“complex” sounds), and lexical stimuli. The work is a description of individual cases obtained in the frame of intraoperative monitoring during surgical treatment of tumors of deep midline tumors of the brain or brain stem. The study included local-field potentials from the midbrain in 6 patients (2 women, 4 men). The S- and E-complexes that emerge at the beginning and end of the sound, as well as the S-complexes that emerge when the structure of the sound changes, were identified. The obtained data suggest that the selected complexes are markers of the primary coding of audio information and are generated by the structures of the neural network that provides speech perception and analysis.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2023;49(4):30-40
pages 30-40 views

Val66Met Polymorphism of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) is Associated with Individual Alpha Peak Frequency and Alpha Power in Adults

Privodnova E., Volf N.


Single-nucleotide polymorphism within the BDNF gene (Val66Met) influences activity-dependent secretion of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which affects neuroprotection and synaptic plasticity. Several studies found associations between Met allele and lower power of the EEG α-rhythm determined in the standard frequency range in young adults. Along with the power, one of the highly heritable EEG correlates of brain functions is the individual α-peak frequency (IAPF). Although IAPF has independent functional significance, its association with the Val66Met BDNF polymorphism has not been studied. IAPF is also used to determine the boundaries of individual frequency ranges; in contrast to the standard ones, they reflect functional characteristics of rhythms to a greater extent. We explored in 192 subjects aged 18–78 years whether parieto-occipital IAPF is associated with BDNF polymorphism and tested genotypic differences in α-power calculated in standard (8−12 Hz) and individual (from (IAPF –2) to (IAPF +2) Hz) frequency ranges. IAPF was decreased in Val/Met in comparison to Val/Val. For individual frequency range, genetic differences were found in both eyes closed (Val/Met > homozygous genotypes) and eyes open (Val-carriers > > Met/Met) condition. For standard frequency range – only in eyes open condition, which may be due to a shift of the α-functional range towards a region of low frequencies among Val/Met-carriers that showed a decrease in IAPF. The results indicate that the inclusion of Val/Met in the combined group of Met-carriers in the analysis of genetic differences in brain activity can eliminate the differences between Val/Val and Val/Met genotypes, as well as the advantage of using individual frequency bands in the analysis of BDNF-associated features of EEG.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2023;49(4):41-48
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On the Variability of a Simple Sensorimotor Reaction

Kulakov A.


To date, a wide variety of distributions of the simple sensorimotor reaction (SSR) has been studied. In this work, we also studied the distributions of this phenomenon, taking into account the fact that SSR has a constant and a variable part. The distribution of the constant component of the SSR had a normal character, while the distribution of the variable components had a more complex form. Analysis of the distribution of SSR in one subject for 36 minutes showed that both the constant and variable parts of SSR had a multi-peak distribution and a long “tail” in the range of large values. The study of the behavior of the SSR parameters over a relatively long period of time, along with an increase in the constant part of the SSR, revealed periodic and abrupt changes in both the constant component and the variable components. It is assumed that such differences are associated with a change in the structure of the transmission of excitation from sensors to the motor cortex over time.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2023;49(4):49-57
pages 49-57 views

Method of Objective Assessment of Proprioceptive Perception of Leg and Foot Movements in Humans

Pavlova O., Roschin V., Khat’kova S., Nikolaev E., Selionov V., Solopova I., Ichetovkina N.


Previously, we developed a method for objective assessment of the state of proprioceptive perception of movements of the upper limb. In order to test this method for assessing the proprioceptive perception of lower limb movements, we studied the accuracy of copying with open and closed eyes a series of passive single-joint movements of the tested leg directly during their execution with the help of active movements of the other leg. Flexion-extension copying in the knee and ankle joints was studied in 30 healthy subjects for both legs and in 40 patients with unilateral stroke for the paretic leg. The accuracy of copying movements was assessed by recording the angles in the tested joint and the joint of the same name of the opposite limb using qualitative and quantitative objective indicators. It was shown that healthy subjects, both under visual control and without it, copy the passive movements of the right and left legs with high accuracy and almost simultaneously. Based on the study of the values of qualitative and quantitative indicators of copying accuracy, an objective conditional criterion for the preservation of proprioceptive perception of movements in the knee and ankle joints was formulated. In contrast to healthy subjects, in the group of patients, the results of copying with open and closed eyes were significantly different. In tests with open eyes, the copying of movements was qualitatively correct, which indicates that they understood the motor task of the test and were able to perform it with a conditionally healthy leg. In the absence of visual control, most of them either made gross errors in the transmission of the direction and number of the tested movements, or reproduced movements with a significant deterioration in accuracy (increased delays, shape distortion, etc.). It was shown that the proprioceptive perception of movements in the ankle joint was disturbed more often and more strongly than movements in the knee joint. In accordance with the developed conditional criterion of the norm, in 69% of patients there was a violation of the proprioceptive perception of movements in the knee and/or ankle joints.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2023;49(4):58-69
pages 58-69 views

Effects of Single Noninvasive Spinal Cord Stimulation in Patients with Post-Stroke Motor Disorders

Skvortsov D., Bogacheva I., Shcherbakova N., Grishin A., Kaurkin S., Moshonkina ., Gerasimenko Y.


Post-stroke gait disorders are often characterized by abnormal kinematic and kinetic patterns, deviations in spatio-temporal features, altered muscle activation and increased power requirements during walking. The investigation is aimed at determining the possibility of using transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation (scTS) to influence the kinematics of walking in stroke patients with hemiparesis in the early and late recovery periods (1–12 months) after stroke. Continuous and phasic stimulation was used during motor training on a treadmill. For stimulation a spinal neuroprosthesis including a multichannel stimulator for scTS (“Cosima”, Russia) with sensors for determining the phases of walking was used. The biomechanical study of the walking function was carried out with the complex “Stadis” (“Neurosoft”, Russia). The study involved 15 patients (age from 33 to 79 years). We analyzed the parameters of stepping movements when walking on the floor without stimulation before and after training on a treadmill using scTS. A comparative analysis of the kinematics of walking before and after training showed an increase in walking speed, the length of the step cycle, an increase in the range of movements in the hip, knee and ankle joints, in 40% patients the height of the paretic foot lift increased by 1–2 cm. The obtained results show that the training with the use of scTS can be considered as a rehabilitation method for correcting walking after a stroke.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2023;49(4):70-78
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Typological Features of the Heart Rate Autonomic Regulation under Simulating a Rise to a Height by Using Additional Respiratory Resistance

Erkudov V., Rozumbetov K., Pugovkin A., Matchanov A., Pankova N.


The aim of this work was to study the indicators of heart rate variability (HRV) under conditions of additional respiratory resistance (ADR), as an imitation of climbing to a height, in young men with different types of autonomic regulation. The study involved 715 young men aged 19 to 24 years. HRV parameters were assessed by the method of variational pulsometry (BioMouse). Each subject passed two tests lasting 5 min: background, and under conditions of DDS. An ETM 2.0 resistive mask was used to simulate climbing (ADS simulation), in three altitudes: 3000, 9000, 18000 feet. Each person performed only one test; the height of the lift was not reported to him. Based on the results of background testing, two groups were created: the OB group – with balanced sympathetic and parasympathetic influences on HRV (stress index 25–100 c.u., VLF above 240 ms2), the PT group – with a moderate predominance of parasympathetic (vagal) influences (stress index below 25 c.u., VLF above 500 ms2). In the background testing, the OB group was characterized by higher values of the Bayevsky indices (IVR, VPR, PAPR), reflecting the predominance of sympathetic tone, and the PT group had higher values of the variation range of the duration of R–R intervals, RMSSD, SDNN, pNN50%, which are considered markers of increased vagal tone, and the total power of the HRV spectrum TP. Under conditions of ADR, without taking into account the height of the simulated rise, in the OB group, an increase in indicators correlated with vagal activity was revealed: the range of R–R intervals, RMSSD, SDNN, the HF range in the HRV spectrum, with a decrease in the Baevsky indices (IVR, VPR, PAPR, stress index). The increase in spectral measures of HRV associated with sympathetic activity (LF%) ant TP reached the level of statistical significance only when simulating an ascent to an altitude of 18 000 feet. In the PT group, the changes were oppositely directed: a decrease in correlates of vagal activity and an increase in sympathetic tone, regardless of the height of the lift. However, in both groups, the range of R–R intervals increased the most at 9000 feet, which is critical for the development of mountain sickness. Differences in the autonomic regulation of the cardiovascular system in young men determine the direction and severity of shifts in HRV indicators when simulating a rise to a height. In the OB group under conditions of ADR, when simulating a rise to insignificant heights, the indicators associated with vagal activity increase, with an increase in the height of the rise, an increase in parameters reflecting the sympathetic tone joins them. In the PT group, an expected increase in sympathetic tone was found at all altitudes.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2023;49(4):79-89
pages 79-89 views

Repeatability of Body Fat and Fat-Free Mass Measurements by Bioimpedance and Ultrasound Scanning Analysis in the Group of Young Adults

Bondareva E., Parfenteva O., Vasileva A., Kulemin N., Popova E., Gadzhiakhmedova A., Kovaleva O., Khromov-Borisov N.


Repeatability of the body fat and fat-free mass measurements obtained by two indirect methods (bioimpedance – BIA and ultrasound scanning analysis – US) was performed in the group of young adults. To evaluate repeatability, the repeated body composition measurements by the bioimpedance analyzer ABC-02 “Medas” and the ultrasound scanner BodyMetrixTM were done in the group of adult males and females. The performed study indicates accuracy of the estimates in the individuals and in the group at all as well as high repeatability of measurements obtained by BIA and US. Positive significant correlation between the body composition measurements obtained by the bioimpedance analyzer ABC-02 “Medas” and the ultrasound scanner BodyMetrixTM as well as between repeated measurements was found. The study indicates high repeatability of body fat and fat-free mass measurements obtained by the bioimpedance analyzer ABC-02 “Medas” and the ultrasound scanner BodyMetrixTM in the group of young adult males and females. Particularly, the highest repeatability was for the fat-free mass measurements.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2023;49(4):90-100
pages 90-100 views

The Role of Asprosin in the Regulation and Mechanisms of Oxygen Transport in the Blood and the Gas Transmitter System in Men with Different Body Mass Index

Zinchuk V., Jaafar Shati Owaid A., Glutkina N.


The purpose of this study the role of asprosin in the regulation and mechanisms of oxygen transport in the blood and the gas transmitter system in men with different body mass index. The indicators of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, as well as the oxygen transport function of the blood and the concentration of gas-transmitters nitrogen monoxide and hydrogen sulfide in it, were determined. A higher concentration of asprosin was found in individuals with an increased body mass index and grade I obesity. With an increased content of asprosin, there is a decrease in the main indicators of blood oxygenation and an increase in the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen. An increase in the concentration of nitrogen monoxide and a decrease in hydrogen sulfide were revealed at a high content of asprosin, which may be important for the formation of the mechanisms of oxygen transport in the blood.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2023;49(4):101-107
pages 101-107 views

Investigation of the Scintillating Grid Illusion in Patients with Amblyopia

Rychkova S., Sandimirov R.


The work is devoted to the study of the manifestations of the scintillating grid illusion in patients with amblyopia. 133 schoolchildren with bilateral refractive amblyopia and 146 control group schoolchildren without ophthalmopathology were observed. In the work, we used our own test images developed on the basis of classical images that cause of the scintillating grid illusion. It is shown that the phenomenon of the illusory disappearance is more pronounced, and the strength of the scintillating grid illusion is significantly lower in children with amblyopia compared with children without ophthalmopathology. When the test images are rotated by 45°, an increase in the phenomenon of the illusory disappearance of disappearance is observed both in children with amblyopia and in children of the control group. The severity of the scintillating grid illusion in children with amblyopia is significantly lower than in children without ophthalmopathology.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2023;49(4):108-114
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Conceptual Aspects of Vestibular Neuromodulation

Naryshkin A., Galanin I., Gorelik A., Seliverstov R., Skoromets T.


The review highlights the development of the vestibular system in phylo- and ontogenesis, also its influence on the forming and mature brain. Based on recent studies, neuronal networks formed under the influence of the vestibular apparatus (VA) have been described. The basic function of the VA is gravitational sensitivity, which is detected by the otolithic apparatus of the vestibule. Because of this peculiarity of the vestibular apparatus, according to the authors, the main property of the vestibular apparatus is its dominant participation in multimodal synthetic processes. Different methods of vestibular neuromodulation (VNM) and its possibilities in the treatment of various brain diseases are considered. The authors believe that the “point of application” of VNM is its effect on the macular vestibular apparatus, which explains its effectiveness in various diseases of the brain.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2023;49(4):115-123
pages 115-123 views

Regulation of Gene Expression by the MYC Transcription Factor Network during Exercise

Astratenkova I., Golberg N., Rogozkin V.


The results obtained in recent years on numerous functions of the MYC protein convincingly indicate that MYC overexpression induced by physical activity occurs at the transcriptional and epigenetic levels with the participation of low molecular weight metabolites formed during the enhancement of intermediate metabolism. The current hypothesis proposes that MYC network of transcription factors may account substantially for the exercise-induced adaptive changes in muscle and other vital organs through changes in lactate dynamics. This review presents the MYC transcription factor network that is involved in cell cycle regulation, growth, proliferation, and cell metabolism.

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2023;49(4):124-132
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Памяти Деборы Ароновны Фарбер

Fiziologiâ čeloveka. 2023;49(4):133-134
pages 133-134 views

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