Cooperation between China and LCA countries in the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative




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The article discusses two of the most priority areas for China's cooperation with Latin and Caribbean America (LCA) countries within the framework of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative – transport infrastructure and energy. The development of transport infrastructure will allow China to facilitate the access of Chinese goods directly to Latin and Caribbean America as well as to the countries lying on the tropic of Capricorn. The energy partnership under the Belt and Road initiative through construction of power plants in LCA countries will allow Beijing to stimulate trade electronic products and create fleets of cars that use alternative energy sources. Chinese enterprises are actively involved in the construction of local hydroelectric power plants, projects for the use of solar energy, wind energy and other renewable energy sources, and are also exploring opportunities for the «green» economic cooperation, which will contribute to the further development of diversified investment cooperation between the two countries.


Kirill Babaev

Institute of China and Contemporary Asia, RAS

Russian Federation, Moscow

Sergey Sazonov

Institute of China and Contemporary Asia, RAS

Russian Federation, Moscow

Anna Alexandrova

Institute of China and Contemporary Asia, RAS

Russian Federation, Moscow


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