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Nº 1 (2024)


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Point of view

Core determinants of the regional prognostic scenario. Changes in the geoeconomic alignment and demographic matrix

Davydov V., Kodzoev M.


Considering the change in the geo-economic structure in the global context and its impact on the regional situation, the authors talk about shifts that shift the emphasis from the process of globalization in favor of regionalization. In other words, we are talking about segmentation of the globalization trend, the imperative of updating regional and sub-regional integration, which compensates for the slowdown of globalization. Another core determinant is a radical modification of the demographic matrix, which makes significant adjustments to the social labor stratification, the political context and the ethnic composition of the population.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2024;(1):6-19
pages 6-19 views

Phenomena of “monroism” and “cognitive dissonances”

Martynov B.


The article, prepared for the 200th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine deals with the specific characteristics of the legal and political cultures of the West, headed by the USA, which drastically differ from the Russian and the Latin American corresponding cultures. The author comes to the conclusion, that the phenomena of “monroism”, based on the Anglo-Saxon legal system, has a constant character, and, hav ing been transformed through the times, is always present in the political practices of the USA and other countries of the Anglo-Saxon world. Using precedents, this system in cites its user to gain maximum profit, while its method is selectivity. This leads to the “loosely” used policies of the double standards. The author gives examples of such, comparing the cases of Panama (1903) and Kosovo (1999). He also mentions the politics of the Great Britain with respect of the native population of the Diego Garcia Island (1966) and the Falkland (Malvinas) isles (1982-2013). The author thinks, that one cogni tive dissonances, based on the differences in the legal conscience between the Russian and the Anglo-Saxon”worlds” have objective and constant character, while not admitting this circumstance would be an error. In his next article the author plans to through light on the common features that Russia share with the legal and political culture of the Latin American countries, which contribute to their more active cooperation in the international politics.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2024;(1):20-30
pages 20-30 views


Latin America: the end of the “raw materials curse”?

Yakovlev P.


In the context of ongoing geo-economic transformations, international in terest in the raw materials resources of Latin America, necessary for the implementation of the goals of the “fourth industrial revolution” and the development of high-tech indus trial production, has noticeably increased. The raw materials of Latin American coun tries, in demand on international commodity markets, are largely a factor of their macro economic luck, to which it is necessary to add the ability to play the raw material card, to materialize the resulting chances into practically implementable large-scale projects that, to the maximum possible extent, meet not only the demands of the global economy, but also fundamental national interests. We are not talking about the region “capturing” the world’s geo-economic peaks. The task is much more modest: to leave the so-called “raw materials curse” in the past and effectively use the window of opportunity that has opened increased demand for natural resources, to form interdependence with the lead ing countries in technological development at a deep, quantum level. In other words, it is necessary to strengthen the factors that will ensure the real economic recovery of Latin America in the context of the current global transformation processes.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2024;(1):31-45
pages 31-45 views


Artificial intelligence technologies in the BRICS political agenda

Vinogradova E.


In the period of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the rapid growth of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies poses a challenge to all countries for their legitimate use and timely implementation in the public sector. The BRICS countries are active participants in the digitalization process in the political, economic, social and military spheres, as well as in the association's activities aimed at enhancing AI technologies and communication channels. However, the rapid growth of the latest AI-based technologies threatens the already vulnerable cybersecurity sector and facilitates active informationpsychological and terrorist operations aimed at putting BRICS political actors out of work and conducting disinformation campaigns.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2024;(1):46-60
pages 46-60 views

State policy of Peru in the field of human security

Kharichkin I., Smirnova A.


The authors analyze the key state documents of Peru aimed at ensuring human security and the legal framework on the most pressing issues. The article gives an idea of the dynamics of the development of internal security in the country and allows to trace the trends in social problems solving.

Latinskaya Amerika. 2024;(1):61-77
pages 61-77 views

Iberian aspect

The right-wing populist parties in modern Spain and Portugal. Comparative analysis

Kalinin N., Smirnov E.


The article compares the Spanish party Voice (Vox) and the Portuguese “Enough!” (Chega). Based on a primary analysis of the content of election manifestos and a secondary analysis of the results of sociological surveys, the authors draw conclusions about how right-wing populism, characteristic of European countries, is formed in Spain and Portugal, as well as what place the above-mentioned parties occupy in national political systems in order to compare the two cases under consideration. Despite many similar slogans and promises, representatives of the two parties have different views on issues such as migration, nation-building and the role of the state in the economy. Nevertheless, both political actors should be recognized as the most influential small parties in their countries. A comparison of manifestos and coalition capabilities of both political forces allowed us to talk about the existence of different models of a radical right party. As a result, it was determined that Vox is characterized by right-wing ideas of cultural nationalism and left-wing ideas of state intervention in the economy, while Chega's party discourse is constructed on the basis of general ideological patterns of European rightwing populism.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2024;(1):78-95
pages 78-95 views


BRICS: the formation of a common external cultural policy

Bogoliubova N., Nikolaeva Y.


The article examines the documentary and institutional foundations, current directions and forms of cultural cooperation of the BRICS countries, which can become the basis for the foreign cultural policy of the association. The authors analyze the foreign cultural policy of BRICS as an important part of political and economic cooperation and make recommendations aimed at developing multilateral cultural interaction of all member countries of the association.
Latinskaya Amerika. 2024;(1):96-110
pages 96-110 views

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