Failed revolution: the Comintern and the Communist Party of Peru in 1930—1933



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The article focuses on the history of the Communist Party of Peru in 1930—1933 and on cooperation between Peruvian communists and the Comintern during the period of “class against class” tactics. Based on archival sources, article highlights the activities of emissaries of the world communist party and their role in the organization of the party. The article reflects the evolution of the approaches of the Latin American institutions of the Comintern to Peru and to the tactics of the Communist Party of Peru.

Sobre autores

Vasiliy Vinokurov

Saint Petersburg State University

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3662-2018
Post-graduate student Saint Petersburg, Russia


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  85. Коммунистический Интернационал, № 10(316), 10.05.1932.
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