Argentina on the trajectory of changing development models: challenges, answers, risks



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The central issue of the presidential elections in Argentina in 2023, which attracted widespread international attention, was the choice of the path for further socioeconomic development in the context of severe crisis shocks within the country and ongoing global transformations. The electoral defeat of the Peronists in power brought an end to the long-term dominance of the state-centric (dirigiste) model. The victory in the second round of elections by the representative of the right-wing radical wing of the national political spectrum, economist Javier Milei, who assumed the presidency on December 10, 2023, opened a new stage in the history of Argentina, which means the transition of Peronism into opposition and the beginning of the stage of strengthening the market foundations of the economic model. However, the process of reforming of the Argentine economy on the principles of liberalism is associated not only with the dismantling of accumulated financial and economic rubble, but also with inevitable high social costs and significant political risks, which causes justified skepticism regarding the prospects for successful and complete implementation of the presidential program in the expert community.

Sobre autores

Petr Yakovlev

Institute of Latin American Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences; Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0751-8278
Doctor of Economics, Chief Researcher at Center of Iberian Studies; Professor at Department of International Business B. Ordynka Str., 21/16, 115035 Moscow, Russian Federation; Stremyanny lane, 36, 117997 Moscow, Russian Federation

Nailya Yakovleva

Institute of Latin American Studies Russian Academy of Sciences

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1707-6901
PhD in History, Senior researcher at the Center of Political Studies 21/16 B. Ordynka Str., 115035 Moscow, Russian Federation


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