Prospects of Russian export of mineral fertilizers to Brazil



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The article evaluates current situation and describes the prospects of cooperation between the Russian Federation and Brazil within the framework of the mineral fertilizers trade in the context of the geopolitical crisis. The author considers global trends in the consumption of mineral fertilizers, the current conjuncture of the world market of complex mineral fertilizers, the role of Russia in the global supply chain, pricing of mineral fertilizers for the end user. The special attention is paid to the analysis of positions of the main Russian mineral fertilizers’ producers in Latin America and in particular in Brazil, where the share of Russian products in the context of the country's market is quite high. The principal barriers to mutual trade were identified as well as the ways to overcome them. Features of transportation of fertilizers to Brazil were also considered while information about the main state projects aimed at solving problems in logistics, including the renewal of the marine fleet, was revealed.In conclusion the author provides arguments in favor of the fact that the trade in mineral fertilizers between Russia and Brazil will develop in the long term despite the geopolitical crisis and turbulence of the markets, that can bring mutual benefits to both countries.

Sobre autores

Gregory Korolev

Institute of Latin America, RAS

Russian Federation, Moscow


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