Features of academic mobility of Latin American and Caribbean students in modern circumstances


Дәйексөз келтіру

Толық мәтін


The authors identify the vectors of development and consider the features and main trends of academic mobility of Latin American students in the current conditions of the development of society and higher education. It is concluded that in recent years, academic mobility has been undergoing changes, including changing its vector in favor of obtaining education in the region. The key reasons for this process are identified: the traditional propensity of Latin Americans for good neighborliness, the active development of the idea of a “common market of knowledge” in the region, the increase in the level of education in a number of Latin American states, the adjustments made to the processes of academic mobility by the pandemic of the new coronavirus. Along with the regional vector, the role of Russian universities is determined and the place of Rossotrudnichestvo in the system of academic mobility is shown. The factors that can affect the dynamics of academic mobility of Latin American students to Russian universities are highlighted.

Авторлар туралы

Vinicio Medina Gonzalez

RUDN University

Russian Federation, Moscow

Natalia Ivanova

RUDN University

Russian Federation, Moscow

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