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Vol 86, No 3 (2023)

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Tin Anomaly in Coulomb Energies and Analog Resonances of Neutron-Rich Tin Isotopes

Lutostansky Y.S.


An anomaly in the distribution of Coulomb energies of tin isotopes (Sn anomaly) is determined. This anomaly manifests itself as follows: in the mass-number (@) dependence of @ for the isotopes @ Sn, experimental data on @  show a linear dependence close to a constant. The Coulomb energy difference @ between the Sn–Sb neighboring isobaric nuclei is approximated by a two-parameter expression. The energies of isobaric analog resonances, @, for the isotopes 
Sn are calculated both on the basis of the resulting @ approximation within a @ phenomenological model and on the basis of the microscopic theory of finite Fermi systems. The results are compared with experimental data on 
, and it is found that the phenomenological model describes the energies 
 quite accurately, and so do the new self-consistent relativistic model.

Âdernaâ fizika. 2023;86(3):370-378
pages 370-378 views

Zenith-Angular Characteristics of Particles in EASs with @ eV According to the Yakutsk Array Data

Glushkov A.V., Lebedev K.G., Saburov A.V.


Particle lateral distributions were investigated in cosmic ray air showers with energy 
 eV registered at the Yakutsk array with surface and underground scintillation detectors with @  GeV threshold during the period of continuous observations from 1986 to 2016. The analysis covers events with arrival direction zenith angles 
 within five intervals with step 
. Experimental values were compared to simulation results obtained with the use of CORSIKA code within the framework of QGSJet-01-d hadron interaction model. The whole dataset points at probable cosmic ray @ omposition which is close to proton one

Âdernaâ fizika. 2023;86(3):379-387
pages 379-387 views

Measurement of the @ Cross Section near the Threshold with a High Energy Resolution

Bobrov A.V., Bondar A.E.


A method for measuring cross sections at  colliders for the case where the center-of-mass frame of colliding particles moves in the laboratory frame is proposed. Within this method, the energy dependence of the cross section is extracted from the angular distribution of interaction products. The method applied to the process is found to be sensitive. This method provides the possibility of studying the fine structure of the cross section near the threshold at scales much less than the energy spread of the beams used. Similar measurements may be implemented in experiments at the Super Charm-Tau Factory.

Âdernaâ fizika. 2023;86(3):388-395
pages 388-395 views

Measurement of Radioactive Impurities in the Cr Source by Photon Radiation in the BEST Experiment

Gavrin V.N., Gorbachev V.V., Ibragimova T.V., Shikhin A.A.


The results of determination of impurities contained in an artificial neutrino source in the BEST experiment are presented. A @
Cr source of activity 3.6 MCi was produced by exposing enriched chromium to thermal neutrons in a nuclear reactor. The amount of impurities was estimated by lines in the spectrum of photons from the source. It is shown that the contribution of radioactive isotopes associated with the impurities to the energy deposition in the source is negligible in relation to the energy deposition of 
Cr. A high purity of the material from which the source was manufactured is demonstrated. The cross section for neutron capture by a number of elements is estimated.

Âdernaâ fizika. 2023;86(3):396-406
pages 396-406 views

Neutrino Electromagnetic Properties in Elastic Neutrino–Proton Scattering

Kouzakov K.A., Lazarev F.M., Studenikin A.I.


The contribution of neutrino electromagnetic properties to elastic neutrino–proton scattering is considered in detail. The neutrino electromagnetic properties are introduced via the charge, magnetic, electric, and anapole form factors in the basis of neutrino mass eigenstates. The effects of mixing of three neutrino states are taken into account along with effects of the change in the flavor of a neutrino that moves from the source to the detector. The weak neutral and electromagnetic nucleon form factors are also taken into account. The differential cross section calculated numerically for elastic neutrino–proton scattering obtained with allowance for the neutrino charge radius and magnetic moment are compared with the predictions of the Standard Model for reactor and accelerator neutrinos.

Âdernaâ fizika. 2023;86(3):407-415
pages 407-415 views

Search for Bound States in \(\boldsymbol{\Xi^{-}nn}\)-, \(\boldsymbol{\Xi^{-}pn}\)- and \(\boldsymbol{\Xi^{-}pp}\)- Systems

Egorov M.V.


Search for bound states in @, @, and @ systems is performed by employing coupled homogeneous integral Faddeev equations written in terms of 
-matrix components. Instead of the traditional partial-wave expansion, a direct integration with respect to angular variables is used in these equations, and three-body coupling in the phase space of each of the @–@–@, @–@–@, and @–@–@ systems is taken precisely into account within this approach. Two-body 
 matrices are the only ingredient of the proposed method. In the case of two-body @ interaction, they are found by solving the coupled Lippmann–Schwinger integral equations for the @–@–@ system in the (@, @) state, the @ system in the (@, @) state, the @–@ systemin the (@, @) state, and the @–@–@ system in the (@,@) state. An updated version of the ESC16 microscopic model is used to obtain two-body @, YY, and YN interactions generating @ matrices. Two-body NN @ nteraction is reconstructed on the basis of the charge-dependent Bonn model. Direct numerical calculations of the binding energy for the systems being considered clearly indicate that either of the @ and @ systems has one bound state with binding energies of 4.5 and 5.5 MeV, respectively, and that the @ system has two bound states with binding energies of 2.7 and 4.4 MeV.

Âdernaâ fizika. 2023;86(3):416-427
pages 416-427 views

Equations of Quantum Relativistic Hydrodynamics and Soliton Solutions in Describing Nucleus–Nucleus Collisions

D’yachenko A.T.


The equations of quantum relativistic hydrodynamics are derived from the Klein–Gordon equation. In the nonrelativistic semiclassical approximation, these equations reduce to the traditional equations of hydrodynamics of a perfect fluid. An analytic solution of hydrodynamic equations in the soliton approximation is found for a collision of nuclear layers in one- and two-dimensional cases. The importance of taking into account nonequilibrium processes is highlighted. The stages of compression, decompression, and expansion are considered by means of a single formula for layers with energies on the order of 10 MeV per nucleon. This reduction of solutions of hydrodynamic equations to soliton solutions was not considered earlier. A generalization to the two-dimensional case leads to the concept of rarefied-bubble formation at the expansion stage. As to the approach itself, it can also be used in other realms of physics in calculations for nonlinear dynamics of vibrations of complex systems.

Âdernaâ fizika. 2023;86(3):428-435
pages 428-435 views

Deformation Properties and Nuclear Radii ff Hg Isotopes

Borzov I.N., Pankratov S.S., Tolokonnikov S.V.


Self-consistent calculations of potential surfaces, quadrupole moments, and charge radii of the mercury isotopes @ Hg are calculated within the approach based on the Fayans energy-density functional. The existence of weakly oblate and strongly prolate isomeric states is shown. The charge radii are predicted to a typical precision of 0.01 fm for all isotopes, with the exception of three particular cases of  \({}^{\mathrm{181,183,185}}\)Hg.

Âdernaâ fizika. 2023;86(3):436-443
pages 436-443 views

Fayans Functional. Constraints from Equations of State

Borzov I.N., Tolokonnikov S.V.


A variational analysis of the Fayans energy-density functional is performed with allowance for the earlier unused isovector parameters @ in the volume part of the functional. The quality of the previous fit to nuclear densities, masses of nuclei, single-particle levels, and charge radii remains unchanged under the additional condition of description of the giant-dipole-resonance energy in the @Pb nucleus. The effect of variations in the isovector parameter @ on the equations of state for infinite symmetric nuclear matter and pure neutron matter is determined. The density dependence of the symmetry energy @ and of its derivative @ is studied. For the parameter @, a range is established that is consistent with the estimated values of the symmetry energy @ and its derivative @ at the equilibrium density @, which are parameters of the equation of state for symmetric nuclear matter. These values were obtained earlier from a simultaneous analysis of the values of the ‘‘neutron skin’’ @ of @Pb and @Ca nuclei from the PREX-II and CREX experiments, from the results of ab initio calculations of equations of state and ground-state properties of nuclei, and from astrophysical observations and data on the discovery of gravitational waves from the merger of binary neutron stars by the LIGO-Virgo Collaboration in 2017.

Âdernaâ fizika. 2023;86(3):444-450
pages 444-450 views

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