Voprosy ihtiologii

ISSN (Print): 0042-8752

Media registration certificate: ПИ № ФС 77 - 80520 от 23.03.2021

Founders: Russian Academy of Sciences; Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of RAS

Editor-in-Chief: Pavlov Dmitrij Sergeevich

Number of issues per year: 6

Indexation: Higher Attestation Commission list, RISC, RISC core, RSCI, White list (3rd level), Crossref


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卷 63, 编号 6 (2023)



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Glyptothorax siangensis, a New Species of Catfish (Sisoridae) from the Brahmaputra River Drainage, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Singh P., Kosygin L., Rath S., Gurumayum S.

Glyptothorax siangensis, new species, is described from the Siang River in Arunachal Pradesh, India. The new species can be distinguished from its congeners from the Ganga-Brahmaputra drainage and its neighbouring drainages by the following combination of characters: a thoracic adhesive apparatus with skin ridges present over almost the entire apparatus, including the sword-shaped median depression, which is narrowly opened posteriorly; an elongated dorsal spine distinctly greater than body depth at its origin, posteriorly serrated with 11–17 serrae; nuchal plate saddle-like with W-shaped extensions; shallow body depth; long nasal barbel, almost reaching the anterior margin of eye; a complete longitudinal black band across the distal half of dorsal-fin; and tips of neural spines extension visible as a row of ridges between dorsal-fin base and origin of procurrent rays of caudal-fin. This is the nineteenth species of Glyptothorax known from the Ganga-Brahmaputra drainage.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(6):623-623
pages 623-623 views
Redescription of the Сommon but Poorly Known Piranha Dulce Serrasalmus hollandi (Serrasalmidae) from the Upper Madeira River
Gallo-Cardozo F., Careaga M., Carvajal-Vallejos F.

The piranha Serrasalmus hollandi was described in 1915 by Eigenmann based on a single specimen from the upper Madeira River basin in the southwestern Amazon and the holotype was later lost. Because morphological variation is absent from the description, species identification is somewhat difficult. Misidentification with S. eigenmanni, another poorly known but morphologically similar species, may have been common in ichthyological inventories. This last species was described in 1929 by Norman, based on a single specimen collected from the Essequibo River, which drains the Guyana Shield, northeast of the Amazon Basin. The present study redescribes S. hollandi, a species commonly known in the Iténez basin of Bolivia as piraña dulce, based on morphological and genetic (mtDNA-COI) information. A neotype was designated from the Paraguá River, a tributary of the Itenéz River which is close to the type locality. A diagnosis to differentiate among S. hollandi and species reported in the Bolivian Amazon and La Plata basins, and S. eigenmanni is presented.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(6):624-624
pages 624-624 views
Morphometric Analyses of the Angular Roughshark, Oxynotus centrina (Oxynotidae), with Biological Notes on Specimens from the Sea of Marmara
Kabasakal H., Uzer U., Gönülal O., Akyüz O., Karakulak F.

Morphometric measurements as percentages of total length of 6 specimens of Oxynotus centrina (Linnaeus, 1758), captured in the Sea of Marmara were reported. All of the analyzed proportions of landmark measurements as percentage of total length show allometry. Although, slight differences were seen between the morphometrics of Marmara specimens of O. centrina and those reported for the angular roughsharks captured in several geographical subregions of the Mediterranean Sea, these variations can be considered admissible based on allopatry. Regarding the mouth morphology in particular, the proportion of head length/mouth width to total length showed negative allometry, indicating O. centrina is a small-mouthed shark compared to increasing body size. A partly digested shark embryon and vitellus like slurry were found in the stomach content of one specimen captured in the Sea of Marmara, which provided supporting evidence for the predation on elasmobranch eggs by O. centrina in the wild.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(6):625-625
pages 625-625 views
Некоторые данные о морфологии двурогого бычка Enophrys diceraus (Cottidae) из Тауйской губы Охотского моря
Поезжалова-Чегодаева Е.

Рассмотрены пластические и меристические признаки, особенности расположения зубов на челюстях и окраска двурогого бычка Enophrys diceraus из Тауйской губы Охотского моря. Впервые приведены данные об аллометрической изменчивости пластических признаков вида. Установлено, что бо́льшая часть рассмотренных признаков двурогого бычка подвержена положительной аллометрической изменчивости (пропорции головы, размеры плавников), отрицательная аллометрия наблюдается лишь по нескольким признакам (длина головы, длина верхнего предкрышечного шипа, наибольшая высота затылочного гребня). Выявлен ряд признаков, не подверженных аллометрии – диаметр орбиты, расстояние от заднего края орбиты до края затылочного гребня, предорсальное расстояние, длина основания грудного плавника, длина хвостового стебля. Выделены таксономически значимые признаки – длина верхнего предкрышечного шипа, межглазничное расстояние, форма и положение выростов lacrimale.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(6):626-633
pages 626-633 views
Dynamics of Diversity of Spined Loaches of Genus Cobitis (Cobitidae) of Trans-Caucasus in the Anthropogenic Period According to the Data of Museum Collections. II. Morphokaryological Variation, Taxonomic Status, and Diagnostic Characteristics of Adjaran Spined Loaches
Vasil’eva E., Vasil’ev V.

The variability of external morphological characters, coloring features, craniological and karyological characteristics of spined loaches from Adjara were studied to clarify the taxonomic diversity of spined loaches of Transcaucasia. The study was based on materials from the collection of the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University, including the type series of Cobitis satunini, and original results. The morphogenetic homogeneity of the studied populations and their species isolation from other known Transcaucasian species were confirmed. Based on the data obtained, a modern species diagnosis of C. satunini sensu stricto is presented, whose range is limited to the water bodies of Adjara.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(6):634-650
pages 634-650 views
New Morphological and Molecular Data on the Southern Ninespine Stickleback, Pungitius platygaster (Gasterosteidae) from Southern Caspian Sea Basin
Esmaeili H., Sayyadzadeh G., Abbasi K.

Being a group of popular model organisms in eco-evolutionary biology, genetic, and genomic research studies, the genus Pungitius with 12 species is the most species-rich genus in the stickleback family Gasterosteidae including the Caspian nine-spine stickleback, Pungitius platygaster (Kessler, 1859), the only known species from southern Caspian Sea basin. Here, the new data based on morphological and molecular characters of the mtDNA COI barcode region, and current distribution range of P. platygaster is presented. These data confirm the validity of P. platygaster among its congeners, being sister clade to P. hellenicus from Greece. Morphologically, it is distinguished from the other congeneric species by complete pelvic girdle, 8−11 dorsal spines, and presence of large lateral scutes. The Caspian nine-spine stickleback is found in several closely placed freshwater and brackish waterbodies in the southern Caspian Sea.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(6):651-651
pages 651-651 views
Morphological Identification and DNA Barcoding Confirm the Discovery of Ambassis dussumieri (Ambassidae) in the Persian Gulf
Afrand M., Sourinejad I.

Ambassidae fishes are endemic to the Indo-West Pacific region. This study presents the first record of Ambassis dussumieri Cuvier, 1828, from the mangroves of the Persian Gulf, southern Iran. The examined specimens were identified and described by morphomeristic characteristics in addition to DNA barcoding based on the mitochondrial COI gene. The present record of this species adds to our knowledge of the biodiversity of fishes in the Persian Gulf

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(6):652-652
pages 652-652 views
European River Lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis (Petromyzontidae) of the Pskov Lakeland: Current State of Isolated Populations
Zvezdin A., Kucheryavyy A., Kolotei A., Polyakova N., Pavlov D.

Small freshwater (resident) populations of the European river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis from an isolated from the sea upper part of a river system with numerous lakes (the upper reaches of tributaries of the Daugava River and Lake Peipus, Pskov Oblast, Russia) have been studied. Adult individuals of the lamprey have been attributed to common and large size groups; adults are similar to other resident lamprey from the Baltic Sea basin. The presence of larvae of different size and age groups indicates regular spawning of the European river lamprey in the studied watersheds. Analysis of the modern and historical (before the isolation) distribution of lamprey revealed a reduction in habitats and a decrease in the number of individuals. Dam-associated disruption of migration routes led to the disappearance of anadromous form, and consequently, disappearance of resident lamprey from most of the studied waterbodies. We attribute the decrease in the number of rivers inhabited by lamprey and abundance of the lamprey both to anthropogenic factors (direct blocking of an access of anadromous form of the lamprey to spawning grounds by hydraulic construction) and to the characteristics of the studied area. The richness of the river system with lentic waterbodies makes it suitable for lamprey inhabitation with an influx of large anadromous individuals capable of crossing such reservoirs in search of spawning sites.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(6):653-664
pages 653-664 views
Распределение, экология и размерный состав пятнистого ската Bathyraja maculata (Arhynchobatidae) в северо-восточной части Охотского моря в период гидрологического лета
Курбанов Ю., Виноградская А.

На основании материалов донных траловых съёмок выявлены особенности распределения, термические условия обитания и размерный состав пятнистого ската Bathyraja maculata в северо-восточной части Охотского моря в период гидрологического лета 1998–2019 гг. Основные скопления вида были обнаружены в районе восточного склона впадины ТИНРО севернее 56° с.ш. Область вертикального распространения охватывала глубины 60–874 м. Диапазон температур придонного слоя воды, при котором встречался вид, составлял 0–3.0°С. Высокие значения относительного обилия по численности были характерны для глубин 401–500 и 601–700 м, по биомассе – до 500 м. Молодь пятнистого ската обнаружена у нижней границы обитания (>600 м), а крупные особи заселяли шельф и прилегающие участки материкового склона. Предположительно, на восточном склоне впадины ТИНРО располагается одно из нерестилищ вида.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(6):665-674
pages 665-674 views
Peculiarities of Early Ontogeny of Dwarf Forms of Arctic Charr Salvelinus alpinus Сomplex (Salmonidae) from Lakes Tokko and Bol’shoe Leprindo (Transbaikalia). 1. Pure Forms
Pichugin M., Korostelev N., Alekseyev S.

The results of the study of growth, ossification sequence and peculiarities of the development of skeletal elements, body proportions and meristic characters of laboratory-reared larvae and fry of two dwarf forms of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus сomplex spawning at the shore slope (Lake Tokko) and in the profundal zone (Lake Bol’shoe Leprindo) (Transbaikalia) are presented. Charr from Lake Bol’shoe Leprindo demonstrated slower rates of growth and morphogenesis, retardation of the ossification of their predorsal bones series with its displacement from larval to juvenile period of the ontogeny, but the acceleration of the development of the vertebral column. High mortality of pre-larvae of charr from this lake connected with the transfer to exogenous feeding was observed. For the first time the problem of the reorganization of early ontogeny of charr of the genus Salvelinus in connection with the colonization of deepwater habitat is discussed. In larvae of charr from Lake Tokko, the ossification of vertebral centra was often accompanied by the formation of anomalous bony structures in the notochord. The phenomenon of the penetration of skeletogenic cells into the notochord, which has been described in hybrids of sympatric charr forms, was found in a pure charr form for the first time. The development of characteristic morphological features of the two charr forms in the ontogeny was traced. Differences in body proportions between their fry corresponding to those between adult fish were revealed.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(6):675-703
pages 675-703 views
On Widening the Hybrid Zone for Chars of Genus Salvelinus, Kundscha S. leucomaenis and Northern Dolly Varden S. malma (Salmonidae), in Rivers of Kamchatka Peninsula
Kuzishchin K., Gruzdeva M., Semenova A.

The data on widening the zone for hybridization between the chars of the genus Salvelinus, kundscha S. leucomaenis and northern dolly varden S. malma (Salmonidae), in rivers of the Kamchatka Peninsula are reported. If the hybrids between the kundscha and the northern dolly varden could be previously observed only in the Utkholok River in the northwest of the peninsula, the mass hybridization between these species have occurred in two more nearby rivers, the Kvachina and Snatolveem Rivers since 2009. A microsatellite analysis has shown that hybrid specimens are characterized by intermediate values for allelic diversity, when compared to that in the representatives of parental species, while the mean expected heterozygosity values for hybrids are higher than that in Dolly Varden and kundscha fish. The analysis results for maternal inheritance in hybrid specimens from the Kvachina River coincide with that obtained in the surveys previously performed in the Utkholok River. Thus, the same haplotype specific for the kundscha fish was revealed in all the hybrid specimens, which can indicate that the hybrids originate from kundscha females and Dolly Varden males. The appearance and coloration of kundscha × northern dolly varden hybrids in the Kvachina and Snatolveem Rivers are similar to that in the specimens in the Utkholok River. Rather similar chacteristics of hybrid specimens in all three rivers can give reason to consider that a mechanism of their occurrence in the Kvachina and Snatolveem Rivers is simalr to that in the Utkholok River, since the kundscha eggs are inseminated by the Dolly Varden dwarf males. The increased local biological production of rivers due to increased sizes of spawning stocks of pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha along with large-scale climate changes in the North Pacific are considered as a possible cause of disturbances of isolation between species. It is quite probable that these two factors have contributed to improving the environmental conditions for fattening the Dolly Varden fish in the freshwater phase of their life cycle and, as a resultl of this process, increasing the number of Dolly Varden male fish matuaring in the river.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(6):704-722
pages 704-722 views
Genetic Evaluation of the Refuge Program for Sonoyta Pupfish Cyprinodon eremus (Cyprinodontidae) in Mexico
Rodríguez-Ramírez R., Echelle A., Varela-Romero A., Grijalva-Chon H., López-Torres M.

Cyprinodon eremus is endemic to the Sonoyta River system, where wild populations comprise two conservation management units, one in Quitobaquito Springs, Arizona, and another small segment of the Sonoyta River, Sonora. Declining habitat from overmining of groundwater threatens both populations. Because of concern for the Sonoyta River population, refuges were built in Sonora and stocked with individuals from the river. Using seven microsatellite loci, we evaluated the genetic diversity of the wild population and three refuge populations. Comparison with earlier results for the wild population suggests that diversity changed little over the 12 years between collections. Two refuge populations established in 2007–2008 had levels of diversity comparable to that of the wild population. This reflects the relatively recent origins and exchange with the wild population. Notably lower measures of diversity occurred in an older refuge population that was established in 1988 and has no history of exchange with other populations. Suggestions for a program of genetic exchange are presented to inform future management.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(6):723-723
pages 723-723 views
Trematode Diplostomum pseudospathaceum (Diplostomidae) Larvae Penetrate the Underyearlings of Oncorhynchus mykiss (Salmonidae) and Manipulate Their Behavior
Mikheev V.

Experiments with underyearlings of Oncorhynchus mykiss and cercariae of the trematode Diplostomum pseudospathaceum show that the first parasites that infect the fish have an excitatory influence on it and triple the rate of cercaria income with water through the oral cavity and gills. This effect is considered as manipulation of fish behavior at the stage of parasite transmission from the first intermediate host (mollusk) to the second (fish) one. Experimental data on the effect of fish odor on locomotor activity and the vertical distribution of cercariae have been obtained. Analysis of the data made it possible to determine a set of conditions that ensure the successful infection of fish by diplostomum larvae.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(6):724-730
pages 724-730 views
Role of Thyroid Hormones in Adaptation to Volcanic Contamination of Freshwater Habitats in Charr of the Genus Salvelinus (Salmonidae)
Esin E., Shulgina E., Pavlova N., Zlenko D.

The balance between phenotypic plasticity and adaptive specialization in response to environmental pressures remains a hot topic in evolutionary biology. In fish, one of the strongest impact factors is the chemical pollution of habitats. In an attempt to assess the consequences of heavy pollution of fresh waters for resident fishes, we studied Kamchatkan charr, which undergo paedomorphosis in the case of isolation in streams of volcanic areas contaminated with heavy metals. Experiments were carried out on the resistance of charr to metal mixtures during normal development and in six experimental groups with therapeutically altered intensity of metabolism and the secretory activity of thyroid gland. Water from volcanically contaminated streams was found to be lethally toxic for embryos and early juveniles of unadapted charr. The success of acclimation to toxic exposure was correlated with an increase in thyroid status. In experiments, the group with significantly elevated thyroid status showed a significant decrease in mortality and attenuation of oxidative stress in solutions of heavy metals. Under natural conditions, hyperthyroidism provokes a redistribution of the charr’s organism resources from somatic growth and morphological differentiation to stress counteracting and accelerated maturation, which is necessary for the long-term survival of the population under conditions of increased risk of individual mortality. Our experiments highlight the role of thyroid hormones in the rapid response to habitat pollution and the subsequent adaptation of fish populations to chronic deterioration.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(6):731-739
pages 731-739 views
Chronic Starvation-Induced Alterations in Biochemical Parameters and Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis in the Mozambique Tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus (Cichlidae)
Gouda M., Ganesh S.

Although fish are often exposed to food restrictions in natural or aquafarming conditions, the relationship between altered energy status and the reproduction is not well understood. The aim of the present investigation was to elucidate the effect of chronic food-deprivation on energy status and reproductive axis in male Mozambique tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus. The controls received food ad libitum, whereas the fish in the starvation group were deprived of food for 21 days. The liver showed significantly higher levels of gluconeogenesis and triglycerides, whereas the levels of blood glucose and total protein content in the liver were significantly lower in starved fish compared to controls. Furthermore, the mean numbers of different spermatogenic cells, such as spermatogonia-A, primary spermatocytes, secondary spermatocytes, early spermatids, and late spermatids were significantly lower, but the number of spermatogonia-B did not show a significant difference compared to controls. In starved fish, there was a significant increase in germ cell apoptosis at different stages of development concomitant with faintly immunoreactive androgen receptors in the Sertoli cells of the testis compared with controls. In addition, the percent areas of gonadotropin-releasing hormone—immunoreactive fibres and luteinizing hormone—immunoreactive content—in the proximal pars distalis part of the pituitary gland were significantly lower in starved fish compared with controls. Collectively, these results suggest that decreased energy status negatively affects the gonadotropin-releasing hormone—luteinizing hormone – testicular axis, leading to inhibition of spermatogenesis before entry of germ cells into meiosis through increased apoptosis and decreased expression of androgen receptors in the testis of the Mozambique tilapia.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(6):740-740
pages 740-740 views
Influence of Hypothyroidism on the Variability of Carotenoid Coloration in Amatitlania nigrofasciata Females (Cichlidae)
Prazdnikov D.

The study of the effect of thyroid hormones on the development of the pigment pattern, including the expression of sexual dichromatism, contributes to our understanding of the role of endocrine signaling in the evolution of cichlid fishes, one of the most diverse groups of teleosts. This work shows the effect of reduced thyroid hormone signaling on the development of reversed sexual dichromatism in Amatitlania nigrofasciata, a Neotropical cichlid in which females, unlike males, have carotenoid coloration. In hypothyroid fishes, there was a slowdown in the rate of metamorphic transformations of the pigment pattern and an increase in phenotypic variability. The adult pattern based on carotenoids began to develop in females only after the completion of treatment of thiourea, which suppresses the synthesis of endogenous thyroid hormones. The data obtained indicate a potentially important role of thyroid hormone-mediated developmental plasticity in the diversification of carotenoid coloration in Neotropical cichlids.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(6):741-747
pages 741-747 views
Morphological Сharacterization of the Spinal Cord Regeneration in Adult Desert Killifish Aphaniops hormuzensis (Aphaniidae)
Motamedi M., Soltani A., Teimori A.

Morphological characterization of the lumbar spinal cord regeneration process was investigated in killifish A. hormuzensis, by using hematoxylin-eosin staining after spinal cord injury. An spinal cord injury was settled, and the injured tissue was sampled. Immediately after the spinal cord injury, the blood clot formation was detected at the injury epicenter and the ependymal layer, and at six hours post-injury (6 hpi), the inflammation and cavity formation occurred. The neural cell accumulation and beginning signs of the spinal cord regeneration were detected one-day post-injury (1 dpi) close to the ependymal layer and subependymal layer. In two 2 dpi, the tissue repair and regeneration progress were detected. The reformation of the ependymal canal happened at 3 dpi, followed by the completion of spinal cord regeneration at 5 dpi. The spinal cord regeneration potency in A. hormuzensis is relatively higher than in other traditional fish models. Studies on the regeneration of this interesting fish are new, therefore, further investigations are needed to explore additional information about various aspects of tissue regeneration. This study is important because killifishes have a short life span, show high environmental variation tolerance, and are easy to maintain and breed in laboratory conditions.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(6):748-748
pages 748-748 views
Morphological Deformities in Stingrays (Dasyatidae) from the Rameswaram Island, South India
Yosuva M., Jeyapragash D., Tiburtius A., Jeyabaskaran R., Rajendran N.

The present study reports the deformities in two different species of stingrays Maculabatis bineeshi and Neotrygon kuhlii along the Rameswaram Island. The structural deformity was observed in M. bineeshi species that were collected from Pamban–Therkuvadi fish landing centre, which was the first to be recorded along the Indian coasts with rostral irregularity of the aperture from the anterior margin of the snout around the right margin of the disc from the first gill opening. In addition to the first record, vertebral column deformity was observed in N. kuhlii, which was collected from Kunthukal fish landing centre. The external morphological characteristics showed a curved tail that had vertebral column deformities with severe scoliosis–kyphosis–lordosis starting from the pectoral girdle to the tail region

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(6):749-749
pages 749-749 views


New Data on Biology of Siberian Stone Loach Barbatula toni (Nemacheilidae) in Langeri River (Sakhalin)
Kirillova E., Kirillov P.

New information on size composition, feeding, and spawning of Siberian stone loach Barbatula toni in a large watercourse in the northeast of Sakhalin Island is reported. The recorded maximal absolute body length and weight comprised 200 mm and 53.3 g, respectively. Predation and cannibalism in large fish specimens have been revealed.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(6):750-753
pages 750-753 views
Notes on Hermaphroditism in the Baltic Herring Clupea harengus membras (Clupeidae) in the Gulf of Finland
Kuznetsov A.

Two specimens of Baltic herring Clupea harengus membras with anatomically different signs of synchronous hermaphroditism, discovered for the first time in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland, are described. Individuals with abnormal gonads did not differ from ordinary representatives of the species in other biological characteristics and external morphology. Possible causes of disturbances in the reproductive functions of herring in the studied region are discussed.

Voprosy ihtiologii. 2023;63(6):754-758
pages 754-758 views