Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk

Peer-review bimonthly mathematical journal


  • Valery V. Kozlov, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, Professor


  • Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS


  • Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS



The journal is published bimonthly.


  • Scopus
  • Web of Science
  • Russian Science Citation Index
  • Google Scholar
  • Ulrich's Periodical Directory
  • CrossRef


The journal publishes survey articles on the most topical research in mathematics, Brief Communications, and biographical materials.

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卷 79, 编号 1 (2024)



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Besov spaces in operator theory
Peller V.
Обзор посвящён разнообразным применениям пространств Бесова в теории операторов. Показывается, как классы Бесова применяются при описании операторов Ганкеля, принадлежащих классам Шаттена–фон Неймана; рассматриваются различные приложения. Далее обсуждается роль классов Бесова в оценках норм полиномов от операторов с ограниченными степенями в гильбертовом пространстве и связанные с этим оценки ганкелевых матриц в тензорных произведениях пространств $\ell^1$ и $\ell^\infty$. Большая часть обзора посвящена роли пространств Бесова в различных задачах теории возмущений при изучении поведения функций от одного оператора или от набора операторов при их возмущении. Библиография: 107 названий.
Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk. 2024;79(1):3-58
pages 3-58 views
Voronoi formulae and Gauss problem
Popov D.
Работа содержит классические и новые результаты, касающиеся свойств остаточного члена в проблеме круга. Доказательства приведенных результатов основаны на применении различных вариантов формулы Г. Ф. Вороного. Библиография: 54 названия.
Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk. 2024;79(1):59-134
pages 59-134 views
Morse–Smale diffemorphisms with non-wandering points with pairwise different indices on 3-manifolds
Pochinka O., Talanova E.
In this paper, we consider a class $G$ of orientation-preserving Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms $f$, which are defined on a closed 3-manifold $M^3$ and whose non-wandering set consists of four fixed points with pairwise different Morse indices. It follows from the results of the work of S. Smale and K. Meyer that all gradient-like flows with similar properties have a Morse energy function with four critical points of pairwise different Morse indices. This means that the supporting manifold $M^3$ for these flows admits a Heegaar decomposition of genus 1 and, therefore, it is homeomorphic to the lens space $L_{p, q}$. Despite the simple structure of the non-wandering set of diffeomorphisms in the class $G$, there are diffeomorphisms with wildly embedded separatrices. According to the results of V. Grines, F. Laudenbach, O. Pochinka, such diffeomorphisms do not have an energy function, and the question of the topology of their ambient manifold remains open. According to the results of V. Grines, E. Zhuzhoma and V. Medvedev, $M^3$ is homeomorphic to the lens space $L_{p, q}$ in the case of tame embedding of closures of one-dimensional separatrices of the diffeomorphism $f\in G$. Moreover, the wandering set of the diffeomorphism $f$ contains at least $p$ of non-compact heteroclinic curves. In this paper, a similar result is obtained for arbitrary diffeomorphisms of the class $G$. Diffeomorphisms from the class $G$ with wild embedding of one-dimensional separatrices are constructed on each lens space $L_{p, q}$. Such examples were previously known only on the 3-sphere. It is also established that the topological conjugacy of diffeomorphisms of class $G$ with a single non-compact heteroclinic curve is completely determined by the equivalence of Hopf knots, which are the projection of a one-dimensional saddle separatrix into the space of the orbits of the sink basin. Moreover, any Hopf knot $L$ is realized by such a diffeomorphism. In this sense, the result obtained is similar to classification of D. Pixton's diffeomorphisms obtained by Ch. Bonatti and V. Grines.
Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk. 2024;79(1):135-184
pages 135-184 views
Curvature and isometries of Lorentzian Lobachevsky plane
Sachkov Y.
Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk. 2024;79(1):185-186
pages 185-186 views
Dynamics of replicator equations in Wardrop-optimal networks
Bagdasaryan A., Kalampakas A., Saburov M.
Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk. 2024;79(1):187-188
pages 187-188 views
Bitopological models of intuitionistic epistemic logic
Onoprienko A.
Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk. 2024;79(1):189-190
pages 189-190 views
Third Conference of Mathematical Centers of Russia
Andreev N., Boichenko S., Gorchinskiy S., Kozlov V., Lukoyanov N., Mamiy D., Orlov D., Raigorodskii A.
Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk. 2024;79(1):191-194
pages 191-194 views