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卷 65, 编号 1 (2023)



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The Role of the Notch Signaling Pathway in the Pathogenesis of Lung Diseases of Non-infectious Etiology

Serebryakova V., Sanina A., Urazova O., Gadzhiev A., Stepanova E.


A review of current literature data on the significance of the Notch signaling pathway in the mechanisms of the development of diseases of the respiratory system – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchial asthma (BA) and lung cancer is presented. In studies of lung tissue samples of patients with COPD and lung tissues of mice, it was found that activation of the Notch signaling pathway promotes metaplasia and increases the functional activity of goblet cells, protects epithelial cells from apoptosis and oxidative stress. Suppression of the Notch−Jagged1/Jagged2 pathway is associated with the transdifferentiation of club-shaped cells into ciliated ones. In patients with AD, the Notch signaling pathway promotes differentiation of Th2 lymphocytes. In the ovalbumin-induced bronchial asthma model, the Notch cascade increases the imbalance of Th17/Treg lymphocyte populations, the production of IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, IL-17, the formation of allergen-specific IgE, eosinophilic infiltration and metaplasia of goblet-shaped epithelial cells of the respiratory tract. A decrease in the concentration of IgE, Th2-type cytokines (IL-4, IL‑5, IL-13), an increase in the number of Treg cells and the level of TGFß in bronchoalveolar lavage in mice with asthma, mediated by the introduction of dendritic cells expressing the ligands DLL1 and Jagged1, indicates the protective role of the Notch signaling pathway. On samples of tumor tissue and cell lines of non-small cell lung cancer, it was found that an increase in the expression of Notch-1 and Notch-3 mRNA is associated with increased proliferative activity, malignant cell transformation, a high risk of metastasis to lymph nodes and an unfavorable prognosis of the disease. In the samples of tumor tissue of small cell lung cancer, an increase in the expression of the Notch ligand DLK1 signaling inhibitor gene, the Ascl1 transcription factor gene and lysine-specific histone demethylase 1 (LSD1) was recorded. Suppression of LSD1 activity is accompanied by reactivation of signaling via Notch-1 receptor and subsequent inhibition of the transcription factor Ascl1, which induces the initial stages of tumor transformation.

Citologiâ. 2023;65(1):3-10
pages 3-10 views

The Potential of Decellularized Cell-Derived Matrices for Biomedical Applications

Ushakov R.


Decellularized extracellular matrices show а great promise as materials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Recently, there has been an increasing interest in the use of cell-derived extracellular matrices (CD-ECMs). The present mini-review focuses on advantages and disadvantages of the CD-ECMs, describes the variety of approaches to modify the CD-ECMs and discusses the CD-ECMs application fields. In particular, CD-ECMs were shown to serve as cell culture substrate, as base for biocompatible scaffold production, as drug for cell-free therapy and as component of disease models.

Citologiâ. 2023;65(1):18-19
pages 18-19 views

Osteogenic Differentiation in vitro off Human Osteoblasts is Associated with Only Slight Shift in Their Proteomics Profile

Khvorova I., Malashicheva A., Karelkin V., Sereda A., Bozhkova S., Tikhilov R., Gromova E., Fefilova E., Zainullina B., Kostina D., Lobov A.


Fracture healing is a complex process in which the periosteum and endosteum become the main sources of osteoblast progenitor cells. However, cellular mechanisms and signaling cascades underlying the early stages of osteoblast progenitors differentiation in adult bone are still not well understood. Therefore, we performed shotgun proteomics analysis of primary culture of isolated human osteoblasts from femur of adult donors in undifferentiated conditions and on the sixth day of osteogenic differentiation in vitro. This is an early timepoint in which we have observed no extracellular matrix mineralization yet. 1612 proteins identified with at least two unique peptides were included in proteomics analysis. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD033697. Despite the fact, that matrix mineralization starts only after induction of osteogenic differentiation, we revealed unexpectedly weak physiological shift associated with a decrease of cells proliferative activity and changes in proteins inVved in extracellular matrix secretion and organization. We demonstrated that osteoblasts were positive for markers of later osteogenic differentiation stages during standard cultivation: osteopontin, osteocalcin, BMP-2/4 and RUNX2. Therefore, further differentiation required for matrix mineralization needs minimal physiological changes.

Citologiâ. 2023;65(1):20-27
pages 20-27 views

Changes in the Content of Small Non-Coding RNAs in Spermatozoa as a Possible Mechanism of Transgenerational Transmission of the Effects of Paternal Stress: Experimental Research

Malysheva O., Pivina S., Ponomareva E., Ordyan N.


It has been proven that the stress of the father can affect the phenotype of offspring, causing somatic, behavioral, hormonal and molecular changes. One of the hypothetical mechanisms responsible for the transmission of paternal effects to offspring may be a change in the spectrum of regulatory non-coding RNAs in spermatozoa. In this paper, we investigated the effect of paternal stress in models of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression on the representation of small RNAs (micro- and piwiRNAs) in the sperm of stressed animals. Male Wistar rats were subjected to stress in two paradigms (“stress–restress” and “learned helplessness”), which leads to the development of PTSD-like and depressive-like states in model animals, respectively. 48 days after the restress, sperm preparations were received and RNA was isolated. The spectrum of small RNAs was studied by NGS sequencing. In males with a PTSD-like condition, a change in the expression of 27 piwi RNAs and 77 microRNAs was detected compared with the control group. Among the targets of these miRNAs, it is possible to identify genes whose products may be involved in such mechanisms of transmission of paternal effects to offspring as changes in DNA methylation, histone modifications and RNA interference (Dnmt3a, Setd5, Hdac1, Mllt10, Mtdh), as well as genes associated with the functioning of insulin-like growth factor 2, the expression of which as previously shown, it is altered in the central nervous system in the offspring of males with a PTSD-like condition (Igf2, Igf2bp2, Igf2r). No changes in the representation of small RNAs were registered in males with a simulated depression-like state. The results indicate a pronounced effect of paternal stress on the spectrum of short non-coding RNAs in sperm cells in rats, however, it depends on the nature of the stress effect.

Citologiâ. 2023;65(1):28-38
pages 28-38 views

Cytotoxic Activity of Atmospheric Cold Plasma Jet Towards 3D Human Breast Cancer Cell Model

Patrakova E., Birykov M., Troitskaya O., Novak D., Milakhina E., Gugin P., Zakrevskyc D., Schweigert I., Koval O.


The treatment of solid tumors with a cold atmospheric plasma jet (CAP) is an innovative approach, which began to be actively developed only in the last decade. As a consequence, the studies aimed at revealing the conditions of selectivity of such effects on tumor cells, including in 3D tumor models, are important. It is known that the main cytotoxic effects of CAP are caused by reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, which are formed in the plasma flow and the availability of which for the cells in the classical 2D and 3D cultivation models may be different. We used multicellular spheroids of MCF7-EGFR cells with hyperexpression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), the parental MCF7 breast adenocarcinoma cell line, and MCF10A non-transformed human breast cells. Irradiation of MCF7-EGFR spheroids led to destruction of multicellular 3D structures into individual cells with activation of death processes. It was shown that cells of CAP-irradiated spheroids underwent phagocytosis by activated macrophages. When comparing direct exposure to CAP and cultivation of MCF7-EGFR spheroids in CAP-irradiated medium (CAP-IM), a higher content of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in spheroid cells was found when cultured in CAP-IM, which further leads to a greater cytotoxic effect than in direct irradiation. The cytotoxicity of CAP-IM has been shown to be valid longer when such medium is stored at 4 than at −20°С. Thus, it was shown that the treatment of spheroids with CAP-IM was more effective in death induction than direct CAP irradiation.

Citologiâ. 2023;65(1):39-53
pages 39-53 views

The Role of MAP Kinases in the Induced Histone H2AX Phosphorylation in Transformed Cells

Gnedina O., Morshneva A., Igotti M.


Previously, we have shown that inhibitors of histone deacetylases (HDIs) do not induce DNA double strand breaks (DNA DSBs). However, like genotoxic agents, HDIs initiate the accumulation of phosphorylated histone H2AX (γH2AX), which is a DNA DSB marker. HDIs can also reduce the efficiency of repair of DNA damaged by genotoxic effects in transformed cells. The aim of this work was to identify the signaling pathways leading to the accumulation of γH2AX under the HDIs treatment in transformed cells. There was considered the role of the MAPK family kinases in phosphorylation of histone H2AX as well as inhibition of DNA repair induced with HDI sodium butyrate (NaBut). It was shown that the accumulation of γH2AX under the NaBut treatment is accompanied by a decrease of the ERK and PKB/Akt kinases phosphorylation level in transformed cells. The activating phosphorylation of p38 kinase increases under the NaBut treatment, causing Wip1 phosphatase accumulation, which may be one of the reasons for the DNA repair inhibition. Suppression of p38 kinase activity abolishes the NaBut-induced inhibition of repair efficiency. The data obtained suggest the role of the p38/Wip1 pathway in the HDIs-induced decrease in repair efficiency in transformed cells.

Citologiâ. 2023;65(1):54-63
pages 54-63 views

Disturbance in Expression of Lactate Transporters in Brain Cells under Acute Toxic Effect of Beta-Amyloid In Vitro and In Vivo

Gorina Y., Kharitonova E., Khilazheva E., Semenova A., Morgun A., Komleva Y., Lopatina O., Salmina A.


Decreased energy metabolism in the brain correlates with cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease. Accumulating experimental data indicate that lactate transporters and monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs) are directly involved in cerebral energy metabolism. However, to date, changes in lactate levels and MCT content in Alzheimer’s disease remain unclear. The aim of the study was to study the content of lactate and of its transporters – MCT1 and MCT2 in cells of neuronal, astroglial and endothelial nature under acute toxic effects of beta-amyloid (Aβ1–42) in vitro and in vivo. Under conditions of acute toxic action of Aβ1–42 in vivo, a significant (P ≤ 0.05) decrease in the level of lactate in the hippocampal tissue and an increase (P ≤ 0.05) in the dialysate were found. At the same time, a low (P ≤ 0.05) levels of MCT1 and MCT2 was set. In vitro, significantly high (P ≤ 0.05) production of lactate by astrocytes was revealed, coupled with low (P ≤ 0.05) level of MCT2 on neurons. Thus, it was found that Aβ1–42 causes a decrease in the level of lactate in the hippocampal tissue and an increase in its level in dialysate in vivo, which correlates with the impaired level of MCT1 and MCT2. This indicates a violation of energy metabolism due to the acute toxic effect of Aβ1–42. At the same time, the revealed increase in the production of lactate by astrocytes in vitro may indicate the inclusion of a compensatory mechanism aimed at maintaining the astrocyte-neuronal interaction.

Citologiâ. 2023;65(1):64-81
pages 64-81 views

Influence of 2,3-Butanedione-Monoxime on the Interaction of Myosin with Actin in Healthy and in Congenital Myopathy

Andreeva D., Rysev N., Borovikov Y., Karpicheva O.


Congenital myopathies are a heterogeneous group of human skeletal muscle disorders characterized by muscle hypotonia and weakness. Myopathies have a wide range of clinical phenotypes, which makes it extremely difficult to develop approaches to their treatment. There are several pharmacological agents in clinical use or under clinical investigation for the treatment of cardiomyopathies whose mechanism of action can be used to treat congenital myopathies as well. One such agent is 2,3-butanedione-monoxime (BDM), a noncompetitive inhibitor of myosin ATPase activity used to suppress acute myocardial injury. The molecular mechanisms of inhibition of myosin by BDM in skeletal muscle have not been studied, therefore the aim of this work was to estimate the effect of BDM on the interaction of myosin with actin in the modeling of several ATPase stages in skeletal muscle fiber, in order to assess the prospects for the use of BDM for the treatment of congenital myopathies. We found that BDM enhances the rigidity of myosin binding to actin when modeling weak binding forms of these muscle proteins, which can slow down the transition of actomyosin from the AM ∙ ADP ∙ Pi to the AM ∙ ADP state and is one of the reasons for the decrease in myosin ATPase activity in the presence of BDM. When modeling successive stages of the ATPase cycle using ADP, AMPPNP, ATPγS, and ATP, the myosin heads gradually switch to a state of weak interaction with actin. In the presence of the regulatory proteins tropomyosin and troponin in the muscle fiber, BDM does not affect the formation of a weak form of actomyosin binding, but increases the number of myosin heads essential for force generation. BDM can be used to increase the efficiency of myosin conformational rearrangements in the presence of tropomyosin with the R90P mutation associated with congenital myopathy, since this reagent increases the number of myosin heads in the muscle fiber capable of effective conformational rearrangements in the ATPase cycle and partially inhibits the pathological effects of the mutation.

Citologiâ. 2023;65(1):82-91
pages 82-91 views

On the Variativity of Cell Adhesive Response under the Action of Related Short Peptides

Ivanova V.


Analysis of the participation of short peptides GER and FGER containing common tripeptide fragment in the regulation of adhesive response of CHO-K1 cells was conducted. Both peptides stimulated cell adhesion both to untreated plastic and to gelatin-coated plastic, but did not change cell attachment to poly-L-lysine-coated plastic. Tripeptide GER had larger stimulation effect on cell adhesion to untreated plastic. Peptide FGER increased the rate of cell attachment to gelatin in a wider range of concentrations as compared to adhesion to untreated plastic. Variativity of cell spreading to different substrates under peptide action was demonstrated. On untreated plastic both investigated peptides practically in equal extent stimulated cell spreading. On gelatin peptide FGER kept the stimulation effect on cell spreading, but peptide GER partly inhibited cell spreading as compared to cell spreading on untreated plastic. It was established that insertion of additional N-terminal hydrophobic amino acid residue Phe to tripeptide fragment GER changes the regulatory activity of peptide at the cell adhesion model depending on the stage of cell connection with substrate and/or on substrate properties. The structural-functional activity of investigated short peptides on the instance of different structural components of adhesive structures is discussed.

Citologiâ. 2023;65(1):92-101
pages 92-101 views

Double Covalence Bonding of Biliverdin in Near-Infrared Fluorescent Protein Prevents Their Proteolitic Degradation

Stepanenko O., Stepanenko O.


In the present work, we analyze how the double covalent binding of biliverdin ligand (BV) in the near-infrared fluorescent protein iRFP670, containing two key cysteine residues, affects the stability of this biomarker to proteolytic degradation. It has been previously found that the covalent attachment of BV simultaneously with two cysteine residues is the cause of the highest fluorescence quantum yield of BV-containing near-infrared fluorescent proteins (NIR FPs) with two key cysteine residues compared to other BV-containing NIR FPs. Our data indicate that the covalent binding of BV in NIR-FP with two key cysteine residues simultaneously with two regions of the polypeptide chain, which, in addition, forms a figure-of-eight knot, leads to screening of many cleavage sites by the proteolytic enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin in them.As a result, the covalent binding of BV in NIR FPs simultaneously with two cysteine residues not only stabilizes their structure, but their resistance to proteolytic degradation can also increase, which determines the cellular stability of biomarkers and is important for their use as fluorescent tag in the cell.

Citologiâ. 2023;65(1):102-110
pages 102-110 views