
Efficiency of immunosuppressive therapy in virus-negative and virus-positive patients with morphologically verified lymphocytic myocarditis
Blagova O., Nedostup A., Kogan E., Sulimov V.
Сlinical, immunological and morphological features in different types of autoimmune hepatitis
Sandler Y., Saliev K., Backih S., Khomeriki S., Khaymenova T., Dorofeev A., Sbikina E., Vinnitskaya E.
Successful treatment of massive thrombosis of the vena cava inferior with nephrоtic syndrome and chronic bilateral pulmonary artery thromboembolism in a patient with genetic thrombophilia
Blagova O., Dzemeshkevich S., Kozlovskaya N., Nedostup A., Sarkisova N., Frolova Y., Raskin V., Dzemeshkevich A., Abugov S., Skipenko O., Shilov E., Sedov V., Gagarina N., Sinitsyn V., Mershina E., Volkova E., Blagova O., Dzemeshkevich S., Kozlovskaya N., Nedostup A., Sarkisova N., Frolova Y., Raskin V., Dzemeshkevich A., Abugov S., Skipenko O., Shilov E., Sedov V., Gagarina N., Sinitsyn V., Mershina E., Volkova E.
Morphologically proved ANCA positive Loeffler’s pancarditis: medical and surgical treatment
Blagova O., Aliyeva I., Nedostup A., Kogan E., Komarov R., Chernyavsky S., Seslavinskaya V., Shelukha P., Sedov V., Gagarina N., Mershina E., Sinitsyn V., Fomin V.
The use of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation and immunosuppressive therapy in the treatment of patients with acquired aplastic anemia
Ganapiyev A., Golubovskaya I., Zalyalov Y., Estrina M., Afanasyev B.
Important problems in the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune hepatitis (based on the Russian consensus 2017)
Vinnitskaya E., Sandler Y., Bakulin I., Parfenov A., Ilchenko L., Nikitin I., Bueverov A., Lopatkina T., Ignatova T., Syutkin V., Raikhelson K., Khomeriki S., Gudkova R.
Chronic hepatitis B in rheumatic diseases: issues of screening and reactivation of infection: A review
Gridneva G., Belov B., Aronova E.
Treatment of gastroparesis with botulinum toxin in patient after allogenic bone marrow transplantation
Galstyan G., Pashkova M., Popova O., Makarova P., Dubnyak D., Kuzmina L., Parovichnikova E.
Long-term treatment of morphologically verified myocarditis: successes and probable errors. Case report
Blagova O., Alieva I., Kulikova V., Nedostup A., Kogan E., Sedov V., Parfenov D., Volovchenko A., Sarkisova N.
Pulmonary embolism and diffuse alveolar bleeding: combination options and therapy features
Tret’yakov A., Radenska-Lopovok S., Novikov P., Tret’yakova V., Zakharchenko S.
EBV-positive central nervous system lymphoproliferative disease associated with immunosuppression after organ transplantation: Long-term remission without chemotherapy
Gavrilina O., Troitskaya V., Zvonkov E., Parovichnikova E., Galstyan G., Biryukova L., Nesterenko I., Kovrigina A., Bazhenov A., Savchenko V., Savchenko V.
The problem of global development of antibiotic resistant nosocomial pathogens
Gabrielyan N., Sharapchenko S., Kisil О., Kormilitsina V., Drabkina I., Safonova Т., Petrukhina М., Saitgareev R., Zakharevich V.
Takayasu’s disease in an IgG4-positive patient with tuberculosis, pulmonary hemorrhage, recurrent myocarditis, and transient bilateral visual impairments
Blagova O., Nedostup A., Sherstneva L., Grusha Y., Gulyaev S., Shapieva Z.
Immunosupressive therapy of aplastic anemia patients: successes and failures (single center experiment 2007–2016)
Mikhaylova E., Fidarova Z., Abramova A., Luchkin A., Troitskaya V., Dvirnyk V., Galtseva I., Kliasova G., Kovrigina A., Kulikov S., Chabaeva Y., Parovichnikova E., Savchenko V., Obukhova T.
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