Total risk for coronary events in cardiac patients due to snoring, daytime drowsiness,and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

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Aim. To assess the risk of cardiovascular events due to obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) in persons without organic heart diseases. Subjects and methods. Two hundred and forty men complaining about their sleep snoring and/or daytime drowsiness and 209 men without this symptomatology were examined. The presence of OSAS was verified by cardiorespiratory monitoring. Blood lipid composition, blood pressure, heart rate, and body mass index were determined in all the examinees. The risk for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) was assessed using the SCORE and PROCAM scales. Results. When only the subjective manifestations of OSAS were present, there was a preponderance of hypercholesterolemia and an increased risk for CVD as possible markers of preclinical atherosclerosis. Hypertension and smoking, as well as a combination of 4 traditional CVD risk factors are recognized the worst. At the same time, the PROCAM scale allows identification of a high-risk group, the size of which is 1.6 times more than that of the group rated by the SCORE scale. Conclusion. OSAS is an important CVD risk factor and the PROCAM scale is more preferable to identify a group at high risk for CVD among subjects with OSAS.

About the authors

V V Rostorotskaia

Тверской клинический кардиологический диспансер

A P Ivanov

Тверской клинический кардиологический диспансер

I A Él'gardt

Тверской клинический кардиологический диспансер


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