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Aim. To study annual decline of pulmonary function in individuals exposed to chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH) working in conditions of high altitude for 5 years. Material and methods. A total of 9553 spirograms were obtained during 5 annual examinations of 795 open-cast miners (age 38.6 ± 8.5 years, 6.4 ± 5.0 years of service) working at the altitude of 3800-4500 m above the sea level. The miners were examined using spirometry with bronchodilation test. Results. An annual decline of vital lung capacity (VC) was 33.5 ml/year, of forced VC 33.8 ml/year, forced expiratory volume (FEV) 64.4 ml/year. In the group of non-smokers the decline was less than in smokers FEV. 59.5 ml/year vs 72.0 ml/year. No-smoking rules in the open-cast mine inhibited a respiratory function decline. Conclusion. Individuals exposed to CIH show an accelerated decline of spirometric indices. No-smoking rules at open-cast high altitude mines result in inhibition of annual decline of respiratory function in CIH-exposed individuals including non-smokers. Smoking ban in such conditions not only inhibits decline of the respiratory function but improves this function.

About the authors

D V Vinnikov

Kyrgyz State Medical Academy

Медицинский отдел Кумтор Оперейтинг Компани


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