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Volume 57, Nº 5 (2023)


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Separation of an Industrial Mixture of Decalin or Naphthalene Fluorination Products. Purification of Perfluoro(7-methylbicyclo[4.3.0]nonane) from Close-Boiling Impurities by Heteroazeotropic Distillation

Polkovnichenko A., Lupachev E., Kisel’ A., Kvashnin S., Kulov N.


The process of perfluoro(7-methylbicyclo[4.3.0]nonane) (MBCN) purification from an industrial mixture of decalin or naphthalene fluorination products is considered. According to experimental data, distillation separation allows us to concentrate MBCN to a fraction with the target-component content of more than 0.950 wt. fr., after which the process efficiency begins to decrease quickly; upon reaching a concentration of 0.975 wt. fr., separation practically breaks down (the value of the separation coefficient Ksep → 1). The process of purification of MBCN by the method of heteroazeotropic distillation using acetone (Aс) as a separating agent is proposed, the process being realized on a batch semi-industrial distillation column. The method makes it possible to intensify significantly the final stage of purification and to increase the MBCN content from 0.950 to more than 0.998 wt. fr., the mass fraction of the enriched fraction sampling comprises more than 0.85 of the load and the product yield being above 88%. The values of the separation coefficients between the distillate and the bottom product and the coefficients of enrichment for the target and impurity components are given; for the MBСN–Aс binary system, data on the liquid–liquid phase equilibrium and heteroazeotrope characteristics are determined.

Teoretičeskie osnovy himičeskoj tehnologii. 2023;57(5):495-506
pages 495-506 views

Liquid and Gas Hydrodynamics in Film Regular Sprayed Packings in a Cocurrent Downflow Regime

Babak V., Kulov N.


The work considers the hydrodynamics in contemporary packed film devices with tubular and plane channels and laminar and turbulent gas- and liquid-flow patterns in a downflow cocurrent regime. Weak hydrodynamic interaction between the phases and no velocity circulation in the gas phase are assumed. The solution is found by the approximate Schlichting method. The distribution of velocities in the phases, the thickness of the downflowing film, and the sizes of the inlet hydrodynamic areas in the liquid and gas are determined

Teoretičeskie osnovy himičeskoj tehnologii. 2023;57(5):507-523
pages 507-523 views

Анализ процессов экстракционного и хроматографического разделения в каскаде смесительно-отстойных экстракторов

Костанян А., Вошкин А.


Каскад смесительно-отстойных экстракторов может работать как в режиме противоточной экстракции, так и в режиме хроматографии. При работе в режиме хроматографии органическая фаза не выводится из экстракторов, а циркулирует между смесительной и отстойной зонами в каждом аппарате. Настоящая работа посвящена теоретическому анализу процессов разделения в каскаде смесительно-отстойных экстракторов при работе каскада в режиме жидкость-жидкостной хроматографии и противоточной жидкостной экстракции. Рассмотрены обычные технологические схемы процессов хроматографического разделения и схемы с рециклом водной фазы. Показана перспективность применения в экстракционных технологиях принципов хроматографии для получения чистых и сверхчистых продуктов в промышленном масштабе.

Teoretičeskie osnovy himičeskoj tehnologii. 2023;57(5):524-531
pages 524-531 views

Additive Technologies for Medicine, Pharmacy, and Chemical Industry: Applications and Outlook

Abramov A., Men’shutina N.


The article discusses the main methods and technologies of three-dimensional printing. The basic principles are presented for technologies that are implemented in powder, polymerization, and extrusion methods of additive manufacturing. The main applications of additive technologies in medicine, pharmacy, and chemical engineering are considered. Based on the review made, conclusions were drawn about the existing problems and limitations that do not allow the integration of additive processes into industry. In addition, the prospects for the development of additive technologies in these applications are considered.

Teoretičeskie osnovy himičeskoj tehnologii. 2023;57(5):532-544
pages 532-544 views

Theory of a Solid–Liquid Heterogeneous Reaction to Form a Gas Phase

Meshalkin V., Orekhov V., Bykov A., Bobkov V., Shinkevich A.


An analytical model of a solid–liquid heterogeneous reaction to form a gas phase was presented. The model is based on the analysis of the main parameters that have the most significant effect on the intensity of the reaction. The formation of gas–liquid dissipative structures in the form of alternating flows of reacting phases that perform relaxation pulsations was shown. The formation, detachment, and movement of bubbles were described with a satisfactory adequacy. The dynamics and conditions for the formation of a gas bubble on a solid reaction surface were characterized. Relationships were obtained for estimating the mass-transfer coefficients, which correlate with experimental data. The developed analytical model of the heterogeneous reaction will give a better insight into the essence of the melting processes in ore-thermal furnaces, which will make it possible to make changes to these processes using qualitatively new parameters of their characteristic reactions. Analysis of the hydrodynamics with the formation of the gas phase by analytical and numerical methods suggested the type of the flow of the liquid phase. Typical was the presence of hydrodynamic structures that determined the ordered movement of the liquid phase with various methods of supplying the gas phase. The values of critical mass-transfer parameters were determined. In contrast to the boiling process, a crisis of the heterogeneous reaction is impossible because of the shielding of the reaction surface.

Teoretičeskie osnovy himičeskoj tehnologii. 2023;57(5):545-552
pages 545-552 views

Isolation of Ti(IV) Concentrate from Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries

Kozhevnikova A., Uvarova E., Milevskii N., Zakhodyaeva Y., Voshkin A.


Lithium–titanate anodes are increasingly being used in the manufacturing of lithium-ion batteries due to their advantages in charge/discharge speed and safety of use relative to graphite anodes. The addition of titanium to the battery composition, along with the high content of cobalt and lithium, results in a further growth of their cost, and the reprocessing of such batteries becomes an extremely topical problem. In the framework of the present article, a comparative analysis of the hydrometallurgical reprocessing of batteries containing a lithium-titanate anode and a nickel–manganese–cobalt cathode by leaching with mineral acids (sulfuric and hydrochloric acids) is performed. In the work, the dependences of the leaching degree of the metals from real samples of the anode and cathode in their mixture on the mineral acid concentration, auxiliary additives, and solid : liquid ratio are demonstrated and the temperature and kinetic dependences for this process are obtained. Based on the results of qualitative and quantitative analysis of the leaching solutions, conditions for processing of the leaching process are proposed for further extractive separation. It is demonstrated that two-step successive leaching with hydrochloric and then sulfuric acid with the release of titanium concentrate is optimal. An important aspect of the work is the study of the joint leaching of the cathode and anode, since in the known processes of mechanical processing the stage of their separation is absent.

Teoretičeskie osnovy himičeskoj tehnologii. 2023;57(5):553-562
pages 553-562 views

The Role of Energodynamics in the Scientific Bases of Chemical Technology

Dorokhov I.


The article presents a compact and exhaustive interpretation of the foundations of energodynamics and shows that it significantly extends the horizons of natural science and opens new avenues to improve the scientific bases of chemical technology.

Teoretičeskie osnovy himičeskoj tehnologii. 2023;57(5):563-580
pages 563-580 views

The Stability Analysis of a Chemical Process in a Flow Reactor

Belyaev A., Arutyunov A., Arutyunov V.


The possibility of emergence of oscillatory conditions during a chemical process in a flow reactor with spatial inhomogeneity is analyzed. The mathematical dynamic model of the reactor takes into account molecular and convective heat- and mass-transfer processes. The problem is solved in a one-dimensional approximation under single-step chemical-reaction conditions. An analytical expression for the stability criterion of the steady-state conditions is obtained provided that the diffusion and temperature conductivity coefficients are equal. The sequence of actions upon determining the critical conditions for the stability of the system is shown. A series of numerical experiments is performed to verify the emergence of oscillatory regimes at different parameter values corresponding to real conditions in the reactor.

Teoretičeskie osnovy himičeskoj tehnologii. 2023;57(5):581-588
pages 581-588 views

Enhancement of Heat Transfer in a Tube Channel of a Tubular Heat Exchanger

Konoplev A., Rytov B., Berlin A., Romanov S.


Thermal engineering experiments were carried out with laboratory water-to-water tube-in-tube heat exchangers of the same design parameters with smooth and profiled inner tubes. The tubes were profiled by confuser–diffuser constrictions of the flow section of the inner channel, which were formed by the deformation of their walls and placed along the length at a step that was constant and equal for all profiled tubes. The obtained results showed a dependence of the heat transfer enhancement in the tube channel on the Reynolds and Prandtl numbers, with the dependence on the latter being much stronger than that on the former, at least in cases where the heat carrier is water.

Teoretičeskie osnovy himičeskoj tehnologii. 2023;57(5):589-595
pages 589-595 views

Possibilities for Prediction And Evaluation of the Carbon Footprint in Furnace Fuel Oil Combustion in Medium- and Low-Power Boilers

Maimekov T., Sambaeva D., Moldobaev M., Bazhirov T., Maimekov Z.


To predict and evaluate the carbon footprint in the gas phase, furnace fuel oil oxidation in excess air (alpha factor 1.3) was studied over a wide temperature (T = 298–3000 K, P = 0.1 MPa). Equilibrium thermodynamic parameters (entropy, enthalpy, and internal energy) and the concentration distributions of C-, S-, N-, O-, and H-containing components and active particles in the gas phase were determined. Based on the total concentration distribution of C-, S-, N-, O-, and H-containing components and active particles in the gas phase, the weight content of carbon was calculated. Taking into account the chemical matrix of the furnace fuel oil–air system and the weight content of carbon, the man-made load of carbon in the gas phase was found. The results of the work made it possible to evaluate the carbon footprint in the gas phase because of the combustion of fuel, in particular, furnace fuel oil in air. Reduction of the man-made load of carbon oxides (CO, CO2) in the gas phase was achieved by modifying and burning furnace fuel oil in the form of oil-in-water (reverse) emulsions in E-1/9M industrial boilers.

Teoretičeskie osnovy himičeskoj tehnologii. 2023;57(5):596-605
pages 596-605 views

Parametric Analysis of a Mathematical Model of a Catalytic Oscillator

Naimov A., Nazanskii S., Bykov V.


In some cases, a reaction in the oscillatory mode has a higher selectivity for the target product. To organize production in this mode, it is necessary to determine the conditions under which fluctuations occur, as well as to consider the very nature of the fluctuations. In this work, a parametric analysis of the basic kinetic model of an oscillatory reaction without autocatalysis was made. The boundaries of the parameters at which the system oscillates were found. Phase portraits of the system and bifurcation curves were constructed. Stationary states of the system were analyzed. The type and number of stationary states were identified. It was shown that the system at certain parameters has three stationary states: two unstable nodes and a saddle. Parametric analysis of basic models will allow selecting initial approximations for calculations of more complex models of real reactions.

Teoretičeskie osnovy himičeskoj tehnologii. 2023;57(5):606-611
pages 606-611 views

Mathematical Description of Electric Mass-Transfer Processes Based on Substance Transfer Equation

Ravichev L., Ilyina S., Loginov V., Bykov V., Titov A.


Studies of the electrodialysis separation processes under pulsed current have faced problems related to the lack of a mathematical description of the electric mass-transfer processes, taking into account unsteady current modes. The main problem when describing electric mass-transfer processes is the presence of two driving forces, namely the electric potential gradient and the concentration gradient. The objective of the present work is creating a criterion equation describing charge transfer, derived by analogy with the derivation of the substance-transfer equations. As a result, a convective electrical conductivity equation is derived, which expresses in general terms the charge-density distribution in a moving flow. The obtained equation allows us to derive the criteria of electrical similarity, namely the electrical Peclet and Prandtl numbers. The obtained electrical numbers are compared with the classical criteria in terms of their dimensionalities. Using the obtained numbers, the Nusselt number for electric mass-transfer processes is derived, which takes into account the substance transfer both due to the concentration gradient and due to the potential difference, as well as the influence on the electrodialysis separation process of the operating and limiting current density and the geometrical parameters of the plant

Teoretičeskie osnovy himičeskoj tehnologii. 2023;57(5):612-616
pages 612-616 views

Comparative Calculation of the Interphases Heat and Mass Transfer in Spray Apparatus for the Regimes of Cocurrent and Countercurrent of Phases with Consideration of the Drag Crisis and Heat and Mass Transfer Crisis

Simakov N.


The article presents new details of an algorithm and compares the results of calculating the heat and mass transfer of water and air in spray apparatus for the regimes of cocurrent and countercurrent of phases, taking into account the early crisis of drops drag and the accompanying crisis of heat and mass transfer. The mathematical model used is based on nonstationary differential equations for the flow of a compressible medium, supplemented with the equations of heat and mass transfer from drops to the gas. The known explicit Lax–Wendroff scheme is used in difference analogs of the equations of continuity and phases flow. The distributions of phases velocities and temperatures, and densities of water vapor in air and saturated vapor near the surface of drops in the two-phase flow are calculated to compare the co- and countercurrent flows of phases through the cylindrical apparatus. In particular, the calculations determined the dependences of the average temperatures of the gas and the liquid over the outlet section of the apparatus for each phase on the gas flow through it

Teoretičeskie osnovy himičeskoj tehnologii. 2023;57(5):617-626
pages 617-626 views

К юбилею Андрея Георгиевича Касаткина

Рвичев Леонид Владимирович Л.
Teoretičeskie osnovy himičeskoj tehnologii. 2023;57(5):627-628
pages 627-628 views

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