
Method for Estimating the Limiting State of the Pipes of Gas Mains Having Operated for a Long Time
Burnashev A., Bol’shakov A.
Structure and Mechanical Properties of High-Strength Structural Steels
Bannykh O., Sorokin A., Bannykh I., Lukin E.
Structure and mechanical properties of austenitic 316L steel produced by selective laser melting
Kuznetsov P., Zisman A., Petrov S., Goncharov I.
Properties of Longitudinal Welded Steel Pipes for Piled Foundations Built under Cryolithic Zone Conditions
Odesskii P., Vershinin Y., Alekseev A., Zvezdov A.
Influence of Tungsten Carbide and Titanium Carbide Nanoparticles on the Structure and Properties of the Weld Metal
Aleshin N., Brovko V., Kobernik N., Mikheev R., Linnik A., Pankratov A., Samokhin A., Alekseev N., Sinayskiy M., Shtokolov S.
Effect of Preliminary Hydroabrasive Cutting on the Imperfection of Welded Joints and Their Mechanical Properties
Tabatchikova T., Morozova A., Gudnev N.
Effect of the Initial State of a Steel 38KhN3MFA Billet on the Microstructure and the Mechanical Properties of Seamless Pipes
Vorob’ev R., Dubinskii V., Sorokina S.
Impact Toughness of the Gas Main Steel after Long-Term Operation under Extreme North Conditions
Bol’shakov A., Burnashev A.
Effect of volume–surface quenching on the impact toughness of 20GL steel intended for cast freight bogie solebars
Nikulin S., Rozhnov A., Turilina V., Zabolotnikova V., Komissarov A., Nechaikina T.
Structure and Mechanical Properties of Cold-Deformed Galvanized Rolled Sheets for Light Thin-Walled Constructions
Goritskii V., Kulemin A., Silina N.
Properties of the welded joints of manganese steel made by low-frequency pulsed arc welding
Saraev Y., Bezborodov V., Gladovskii S., Golikov N.
Causes and Mechanisms of Fracture of a Main Line Section Made of 17G1S Steel
Goritskii V., Shneiderov G., Durneva A.
Development of Approaches to Estimating the Breaking Strength of Steel for Building Metallic Structures and Modern Standards
Odesskii P.
Properties of shaped castings made of modern cast VML18 and VML20 magnesium alloys manufactured by new methods
Leonov A., Duyunova V., Uridiya Z., Trofimov N.
1 - 14 из 14 результатов
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