
Texture and Anisotropy of the Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Alloys
Betsofen S., Osintsev O., Grushin I., Petrov A., Speranskii K.
Texture, Structure, Mechanical Properties, and Deformability of MA2-1pch Magnesium Alloy Rolled Sheets Preliminarily Subjected to Direct Extrusion or Equal-Channel Angular Pressing and Annealing
Serebryanyi V., Khar’kova M., Luk’yanova E., Karelin F.
Cause of the Failure of Sintered Blanks of Ring Nd–Dy–Fe–Co–B Magnets with a Radial Texture
Buzenkov A., Korolev D., Morgunov R., Valeev R., Piskorskii V.
Phase Composition, Texture, and Residual Stresses in Al–Cu–Li Friction Stir Welds
Betsofen S., Lukin V., Dolgova M., Panteleev M., Kabanova Y.
Structure and Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of a Magnesium Mg–Y–Nd–Zr Alloy after High Pressure Torsion
Lukyanova E., Martynenko N., Serebryany V., Belyakov A., Rokhlin L., Dobatkin S., Estrin Y.
Influence of Alloying Elements on the Deformation Mechanism and the Texture of Magnesium Alloys
Betsofen S., Osintsev O., Grushin I., Petrov A., Speranskii K.
Shear bands and anisotropy of the mechanical properties of an MA2-1pch magnesium alloy after equal-channel angular pressing
Serebryany V., Khar’kova M., D’yakonov G., Kopylov V., Dobatkin S.
Influence of the Crystallographic Texture of Aluminum Sheets on the Fracture Toughness of Metal–Polymer Composite Materials
Grechnikov F., Erisov Y., Petrov I.
Phase composition, texture, and anisotropy of the properties of Al–Cu–Li–Mg alloy sheets
Betsofen S., Antipov V., Serebrennikova N., Dolgova M., Kabanova Y.
Coercive Force of (Pr, Dy)–(Fe, Co)–B Sintered Materials with a Low Rare-Earth Metal Content
Korolev D., Rezchikova I., Valeev R., Morgunov R., Piskorskii V.
Methodological aspects of the quantitative texture analysis of HCP Alloy (Ti, Zr) sheet semiproducts
Dzunovich D., Betsofen S., Panin P.
Nonuniformity of the Crystallographic Texture and the Mechanical Properties of the Austenitic Steel 316L Plates Formed by Selective Laser Melting of a Powder
Perlovich Y., Isaenkova M., Dobrokhotov P., Rubanov A., Yudin A., Tret’yakov E.
Effect of the selective laser melting parameters on the structure–phase state of a ZhS6K-VI nickel superalloy
Lukina E., Bazaleeva K., Petrushin N., Treninkov I., Tsvetkova E.
Effect of Layer-by-Layer Texture Inhomogeneity on the Mechanical Properties of Hot-Rolled Steel Sheets
Perlovich Y., Isaenkova M., Dobrokhotov P., Rubanov A., Stolbov S., Bannykh I., Bannykh O., Antsyferova M.
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