
Structural heat-resistant β-NiAl + γ′-Ni3Al alloys of the Ni–Al–Co system: I. Solidification and structure
Povarova K., Drozdov A., Bazyleva O., Morozov A., Antonova A., Bondarenko Y., Bulakhtina M., Ashmarin A., Arginbaeva E., Alad’ev N.
Effect of Barothermal Treatment on the Structure and the Mechanical Properties of a High-Strength Eutectic Al–Zn–Mg–Cu–Ni Aluminum Alloy
Akopyan T., Padalko A., Belov N., Karpova Z.
Columnar-to-equiaxed transition during the solidification of a Ti–10V–2Fe–3Al alloy
Leder M., Kondrashov E.
Effect of controlled arc motion on the surface of a weldpool on the quality of a weld during argon-arc welding of a 1565chM aluminum alloy
Ovchinnikov V., Drits A., Kurbatova I., Rastopchin R.
Corrosion Resistance of Some Amorphous Metallic Fe–P–M (M = Si, Nb, Mo) Alloys: Effects of Composition, Structural Relaxation, Partial Crystallization, and Local Deformation
Ievlev V., Il’inova T., Kannykin S., Bobrinskaya E., Vavilova V., Serikov D., Kushchev S.
Composite Membranes Based on Pd–Cu and Pd–Pb Solid Solutions
Ievlev V., Dontsov A., Novikov V., Sinetskaya D., Gorbunov S., Roshan N., Burkhanov G.
Structure and Properties of Ni–Al Alloys in the Liquid State
Tyagunov A., Baryshev E., Tyagunov G., Shmakova K., Mushnikov V.
Effect of High-Pressure Torsion on the Lattice Parameters of α-Fe and α-Fe-Based Solid Solutions
Zhukov O., Filippova V., Tomchuk A., Neumoin K., Basov S., Glezer A., Perlovich Y., Krymskaya O., Muradimova L.
Formation of a Intermediate Order in Metallic Glasses and a Long Order in Nanocrystalline Alloys with Allowance for the Character of Binding and the Transformation of the Short Order in a Melt
Polukhin V., Kurbanova E., Vatolin N.
Effect of Temperature on the Low-Cycle Fatigue Characteristics of Single Crystals Made of an Ni3Al-Based Rhenium-Containing Intermetallic Alloy
Povarova K., Bazyleva O., Gorbovets M., Drozdov A., Bulakhtina M.
Structural heat-resistant β-NiAl + γ′-Ni3Al alloys of the Ni–Al–Co system: II. Oxidation
Povarova K., Drozdov A., Bazyleva O., Morozov A., Antonova A., Arginbaeva E., Alad’ev N., Sirotinkin V.
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