
Distillation Separation of the Copper-Smelting Dusts with Primary Recovery of Lead
Grudinsky P., Dyubanov V., Kozlov P.
Phase Equilibria of a Pb–Sb–Ag Alloy during Vacuum Distillation
Korolev A., Krayukhin S., Mal’tsev G.
Volume and Surface Properties of a Bismuth-Containing Separating Nickel Melt
Filippov K.
FCC → FCT martensitic transformation in two-phase Mn–Cu alloys
Nosova G.
Ordering–separation phase transitions in a Co3V alloy
Ustinovshchikov Y.
Reducing Roasting of Hematite Laterite Nickel Ores with the Formation of Granulated Nickel-Containing Cast Iron
Sadykhov G., Anisonyan K., Goncharov K., Kop’ev D., Olyunina T., Mikhailova A.
Combined use of the leucoxene ores of the Yarega deposit with the formation of synthetic rutile and wollastonite and the recovery of rare and rare-earth elements
Olyunina T., Sadykhov G., Zablotskaya Y., Anisonyan K.
Metallurgical Beneficiation of Iron Laterite Ores with the Formation of a Metallic Nickel–Cobalt Concentrate
Sadykhov G., Anisonyan A., Olyunina T., Kop’ev D.
Separation of Uranium and Zirconium: Electrochemical Properties of Zirconium in the 3LiCl–2KCl Melt
Maltsev D., Volkovich V., Raguzina E., Strepetov K., Kozlova A., Soldatova M.
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