
Estimation of the Degree of Recrystallization upon Annealing of Cold-Rolled Automobile Body Sheet Steels Using EBSD Analysis and Hardness Measurements
Vasilyev A., Rudskoy A., Glukhov P., Sokolov S., Kolbasnikov N.
One-zone rolling of composite materials
Kokhan L., Morozov Y., Slavgorodskaya Y.
Model for Predicting the Recrystallized Ferrite Grain Size after Annealing of Cold-Rolled Automobile Body Sheet Steels
Vasilyev A., Sokolov S., Zhitelev P., Sokolov D., Kolbasnikov N., Rudskoy A.
Estimation of plastic deformation in the technologies of bulk cold deformation
Gliner R., Katyukhin E., Zhalilov D., Vybornov V., Pryanichnikov V.
Technological Schemes and Conditions for the Production of Rolling Rings from Hollow As-Cast Blanks
Kostyshev V., Erisov Y.
Development of a Process for Manufacturing a 29N26KKhBTYu-VI Precision Alloy
Maznichevsky A., Sprikut R., Dvoryashina L., Sosedova O., Strepanova M.
Improvement of the technique of calculating the energy–force parameters of pinch-pass mills for increasing the efficiency of producing cold-rolled strips
Garber E., Timofeeva M.
Effect of Steplike Plastic Deformation on the Mechanical Properties and the Fracture of the Bimetal Produced by Exposition Welding
Veretennikova I., Konovalov D., Smirnov S., Zadvorkin S., Putilova E., Kamantsev I.
Texture, Structure, Mechanical Properties, and Deformability of MA2-1pch Magnesium Alloy Rolled Sheets Preliminarily Subjected to Direct Extrusion or Equal-Channel Angular Pressing and Annealing
Serebryanyi V., Khar’kova M., Luk’yanova E., Karelin F.
Aging-Induced Hardening of Transition-Metal-Containing Al–Mg–Si Alloys Subjected to Deformation under Different Conditions
Bochvar N., Rokhlin L., Tarytina I., Leonova N.
On the Theory of Isothermal Hot Rolling of an Aluminum Alloy Strip
Rudskoi A., Kodzhaspirov G., Kitaeva D., Rudaev Y., Subbotina E.
Effect of Cold Rolling and Subsequent Annealing on the Microstructure and the Microtexture of Austenitic Corrosion-Resistant Steels
Odnobokova M., Belyakov A.
Choice of Strip Tension Conditions for One-Zone Rolling with One Forward Region
Kokhan L., Morozov Y., Slavgorodskaya Y.
Choice of Criteria to Find Deformation Zone Regions during Lengthwise Rolling
Kokhan L., Morozov Y., Krutina E.
Technique of determining the parameters of rapid strengthening of an aluminum alloy during hot rolling
Loginov Y., Golovnin M.
Effect of Layer-by-Layer Texture Inhomogeneity on the Mechanical Properties of Hot-Rolled Steel Sheets
Perlovich Y., Isaenkova M., Dobrokhotov P., Rubanov A., Stolbov S., Bannykh I., Bannykh O., Antsyferova M.
Technique for simulating high-cycle rolling to produce metallic materials reinforced by particles
Galkin V., Evseev P., Paltievich A.
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