
Analysis of the Structure of the Adsorbed Polymer Layers on the Surfaces of Metal Oxide Microparticles Using Digital Image Processing
Bulychev N., Kazaryan M., Erokhin A., Averyushkin A., Rabinskiy L., Bodryshev V., Garibyan B.
Effect of Preliminary Hydroabrasive Cutting on the Imperfection of Welded Joints and Their Mechanical Properties
Tabatchikova T., Morozova A., Gudnev N.
Viscosity of a Liquid Al–7% Si + 5% Al2O3 Aluminum Matrix Composite Material
Finkelshtein A., Chikova O., Makhmudzoda M., V’yukhin V.
Impurity Distribution in a Two-Sided Electromagnetic Stirrer
Shvydkii E., Bychkov S., Zakharov V., Sokolov I., Tarasov F.
Metallurgical Beneficiation of Iron Laterite Ores with the Formation of a Metallic Nickel–Cobalt Concentrate
Sadykhov G., Anisonyan A., Olyunina T., Kop’ev D.
Interaction of a Liquid Metal with Dispersed Steel Inclusions during Lost-Foam Casting
Vorontsov B., Nesterov N.
Friction Surfaces and Wear Products of Sn–Sb–Cu-Based Composite Materials
Kalashnikov I., Kobeleva L., Bolotova L., Bykov P., Kolmakov A.
Near-Surface Layer during the Heterogeneous Heterophase Oxidation of Metals and Alloys and the Related Chemical and Technological Aspects
Pozhidaeva S., Ivanov A.
Technique for simulating high-cycle rolling to produce metallic materials reinforced by particles
Galkin V., Evseev P., Paltievich A.
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