
Plasma Carbothermic Reduction of Rare-Earth Metals
Cherednichenko V., An’shakov A., Serikov V., Faleev V.
Influence of Alloying Elements on the Deformation Mechanism and the Texture of Magnesium Alloys
Betsofen S., Osintsev O., Grushin I., Petrov A., Speranskii K.
Mechanical Properties of Mg–Dy–Sm–Zr Magnesium Alloys
Rokhlin L., Lukyanova E., Dobatkina T., Tarytina I., Korol’kova I.
Prediction of the Stability of the Technological Processes during the Electric Arc Welding of Metals
Bulychev V., Golubina S., Latypova G.
Carbothermic Reduction of Metals in the FeS–Cu1.96S–CaO System
Selivanov E., Gulyaeva R.
Effect of Recovery and Recrystallization on the Hall–Petch Relation Parameters in Submicrocrystalline Metals: II. Model for Calculating the Hall–Petch Relation Parameters
Chuvil’deev V., Nokhrin A., Myshlyaev M., Kopylov V., Lopatin Y., Melekhin N., Piskunov A., Bobrov A., Pirozhnikova O.
Influence of market factors on the pricing of exchange traded metals in the medium term
Bogdanov S., Shevelev I., Chernyi S.
Structure-Sensitive Properties of Liquid Steel: Efficacy Evaluation of Its Treatment with Modifiers and Refining Slag
Sheshukov O., Nekrasov I., Konashkov V., Yegiazaryan D.
Thermodynamics of Rare-Earth Metal Chlorides in the Melts Based on a Eutectic Mixture of Lithium, Potassium, and Cesium Chlorides
Kharina E., Kaichenkova R., Dedyukhin A., Shchetinskii A., Yamshchikov L., Volkovich V.
Oxidation of Aluminum Melts with Rare-Earth Metals
Ganiev I., Ganieva N., Eshova D.
Metallurgical features of the formation of a solid-phase metal joint upon electric-circuit heating
Latypov R., Bulychev V., Zybin I.
Presolidification Changes in the Structural–Dynamic Characteristics of Glass-Forming Metallic Melts during Deep Cooling, Vitrification, and Hydrogenation
Polukhin V., Sidorov N., Vatolin N.
Sixteenth International Conference on High Temperature Materials Chemistry (HTMC-XVI)
Sidorov V., Dubinin N., Polovov I., Nikitina E.
Formation of a Intermediate Order in Metallic Glasses and a Long Order in Nanocrystalline Alloys with Allowance for the Character of Binding and the Transformation of the Short Order in a Melt
Polukhin V., Kurbanova E., Vatolin N.
Effect of the severe plastic deformation temperature on the diffusion properties of the grain boundaries in ultrafine-grained metals
Chuvil’deev V., Myshlyaev M., Nokhrin A., Kopylov V., Lopatin Y., Pirozhnikova O., Piskunov A., Semenycheva A., Bobrov A.
Theory of Self-Diffusion in Liquid Metals
Malomuzh N., Makhlaichuk V.
Comparative Analysis of the Ternary Al–Si–X and Al–Cu–X (X = Sn, Pb, Bi, Cd, In) Systems in the Aluminum Alloy Range
Yakovleva O., Belov N.
Effect of Recovery and Recrystallization on the Hall–Petch Relation Parameters in Submicrocrystalline Metals: I. Experimental Studies
Chuvil’deev V., Nokhrin A., Myshlyaev M., Kopylov V., Lopatin Y., Melekhin N., Piskunov A., Bobrov A., Pirozhnikova O.
Effect of dysprosium on the kinetics and structural transformations during the decomposition of the supersaturated solid solution in magnesium–samarium alloys
Rokhlin L., Luk’yanova E., Tabachkova N., Dobatkina T., Tarytina I., Korol’kova I.
Aging-Induced Recovery of Magnesium Alloys with Various Rare-Earth Metals
Rokhlin L., Dobatkina T., Tabachkova N., Luk’yanova E., Tarytina I.
Effect of Cerium and Erbium on the Aging Kinetics and the Properties of an IMV7-1 Alloy of the Mg–Y–Gd–Zr System
Luk’yanova E., Dobatkina T., Tarytina I., Temralieva D., Ovchinnikova O., Rokhlin L.
Effect of Samarium on the Properties of Mg–Y–Gd–Zr Alloys
Luk’yanova E., Rokhlin L., Dobatkina T., Korol’kova I., Tarytina I.
Increasing the reliability and quality of important cast products made of chemically active metals and alloys
Varfolomeev M., Moiseev V., Shcherbakova G.
Determination of the Strain-Hardening Exponent of a Metallic Material by Low-Speed Impact Indentation
Kren A., Rudnitskii V.
Interdisciplinary Problems of Fracture Physics and Mechanics: From Metals to Rocks. II. Fracture Criteria
Botvina L., Zavyalov A.
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