
Effect of the Thermomechanical Treatment Conditions on the Consolidation, the Structure, and the Mechanical Properties of Bulk Al–Mg–C Nanocomposites
Aborkin A., Alymov M., Sobol’kov A., Khor’kov K., Babin D.
Relation between the Hardness and the Strength of Gray Cast Iron with Allowance for the Structural Parameters
Baron A., Palatkina L.
Thermodynamic simulation of the oxidation of radioactive graphite in the Na2CO3–K2CO3–NiO and Na2CO3–K2CO3–CuO melts
Barbin N., Shavaleev M., Terent’ev D., Alekseev S.
Thermodynamic Analysis of the Oxidation of Radioactive Graphite in Molten Na2CO3–K2CO3–Sb2O3 in a Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere
Barbin N., Sidash I., Terent’ev D., Alexeev S.
Formation of the Structure and the Properties of Multicomponent Iron-Based Alloys as a Function of Hydrogenated Melt Solidification Conditions
Belyakova R., Polukhin V., Sidorov N.
Electroslag Treatment of Liquid Cast Iron
Grachev V.
Thermodynamic Analysis of the Oxidation of Radioactive Graphite in the Na2CO3–K2CO3–Sb2O3 Melt in an Argon Atmosphere
Barbin N., Sidash I., Terent’ev D., Alekseev S.
Thermodynamic Analysis of the Oxidation of Radioactive Graphite in a Multicomponent Melt in an Inert Atmosphere
Barbin N., Kobelev A., Terent’ev D., Alekseev S.
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