
Determination of the Crack Tip Position by Digital Image Correlation during Static and Cyclic Fracture Toughness Tests of Aluminum Alloys
Avtaev V., Yakovlev N., Erasov V., Podzhivotov N.
Effect of volume–surface quenching on the impact toughness of 20GL steel intended for cast freight bogie solebars
Nikulin S., Rozhnov A., Turilina V., Zabolotnikova V., Komissarov A., Nechaikina T.
Fracture toughness of as-cast freight bogie solebars after volume–surface quenching
Belov V., Nikitin A., Anikeenko V., Armizonov A., Rogachev S.
Structure and Mechanical Properties of High-Strength Structural Steels
Bannykh O., Sorokin A., Bannykh I., Lukin E.
Corrosion Cracking of Steels of Various Strengths at a Constant Crack Opening
Grinevich A., Yakovlev N., Skripachev S., Nuzhnyi G.
Study of the fracture kinetics in structural aluminum alloys subjected to a long-term action of a static load and a corrosive medium using specimens of a new type
Kablov E., Grinevich A., Lutsenko A., Erasov V., Nuzhnyi G., Gulina I.
Causes and Mechanisms of Fracture of a Main Line Section Made of 17G1S Steel
Goritskii V., Shneiderov G., Durneva A.
Influence of the Crystallographic Texture of Aluminum Sheets on the Fracture Toughness of Metal–Polymer Composite Materials
Grechnikov F., Erisov Y., Petrov I.
Structure and Mechanical Properties of the Layered Composites Made of Multicomponent Niobium Alloys and Hardening Silicon–Carbon Compounds Formed by Solid-Phase Sintering
Korzhov V., Kiiko V., Zheltyakova I.
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