
Determination of the hardness and the mechanical properties of steel during melting, secondary refining, and continuous casting in an arc-furnace shop
Shishimirov M., Kokhan L.
Density and Molar Volume of Molten GdCl3–NaCl and GdCl3–KCl Binary Mixtures
Trifonov K., Zabotin I., Krotov V., Nikiforov A.
Volume and surface properties of nickel melts containing bismuth impurity determined from the density and the surface tension
Filippov K.
Cyclic Supercooling of Liquid Bismuth Drops during Solidification
Aleksandrov V., Zozulya A., Frolova S., Aleksandrova O., Kotova O.
Interaction of exogenous refractory nanophases with antimony dissolved in liquid iron
Burtsev V., Anuchkin S., Samokhin A.
Volume and Surface Properties of Antimony-Containing Nickel Melts
Filippov K.
New deformability characteristics of zirconia-based plasma-sprayed thermal barrier coatings at low loads
Il’inkova T., Ibragimov A.
Effect of Cathodic Polarization on the Depassivation of Oxidized Nickel
Kuznetsova O., Levin A., Tsybin O., Sevost’yanov M., Bryukvin V., Bol’shikh A.
Experimental investigation of the acoustic properties and the microhardness of U8 steel
Roshchupkin V., Lyakhovitskii M., Pokrasin M., Minina N.
Volume and Surface Properties of a Bismuth-Containing Separating Nickel Melt
Filippov K.
Effect of severe technological deformation on the copper density
Gliner R., Dubinskii V., Nuzhdina T., Katyukhin E.
Near-Surface Layer during the Heterogeneous Heterophase Oxidation of Metals and Alloys and the Related Chemical and Technological Aspects
Pozhidaeva S., Ivanov A.
Effect of Exogenous Zirconia Nanophases on the Structural Properties of the Sulfur- and Tin-Containing Nickel Melts
Anuchkin S.
Analysis of the Structure of the Adsorbed Polymer Layers on the Surfaces of Metal Oxide Microparticles Using Digital Image Processing
Bulychev N., Kazaryan M., Erokhin A., Averyushkin A., Rabinskiy L., Bodryshev V., Garibyan B.
Effect of slag inclusions on the density and the surface tension of liquid 32G2 and 32G1 steels
Borovykh M., Chikova O., Tsepelev V., V’yukhin V.
Some physicochemical properties of aluminum and iron chloride solutions
Balmaev B., Tuzhilin A., Shebalkova A., Rozhkov D.
Fabrication of a High-Density Compacted Material from a Coarse-Grained Silicon Carbide Powder by Magnetic Pulsed Pressing Combined with Spark Plasma Sintering
Shornikov D., Tenishev A., Kazakova V., Zholnin A.
Kinetics of electrolysis current reversal boriding of tool steels in a boron-containing oxychloride melt based on CaCl2
Chernov Y., Filatov E.
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