
Influence of alkaline earth metal cations on the charge transfer kinetics for the redox couple Ti(IV)/Ti(III) in a chloride–fluoride melt
Vetrova D., Kuznetsov S.
Synthesis of Yttrium Intermetallic Compounds on the Surface of Copper Samples in an NaCl–KCl Melt
Tolstobrov I., El’kin O., Bushuev A., Kondrat’ev D., Kozvonin V.
Electroreduction of the tantalum oxofluoride complexes in an equimolar mixture of sodium and potassium chlorides
Dolmatov V., Kuznetsov S.
Preparation of a Nickel–Holmium Alloy Coating in an Equimolar HoCl3-Containing NaCl–KCl Melt
Bushuev A., El’kin O., Tolstobrov I., Sazanov A., Kondrat’ev D.
Diffusion coefficients of the uranium(III) and (IV) ions in the LiCl–KCl–CsCl eutectic melt
Maltsev D., Volkovich V., Vasin B.
Effect of Cathodic Polarization on the Depassivation of Oxidized Nickel
Kuznetsova O., Levin A., Tsybin O., Sevost’yanov M., Bryukvin V., Bol’shikh A.
Electrochemical Behavior of the Nickel/Oxide Tungsten Bronze System at Cyclic Potential Sweep
Kosov A., Semerikova O., Vakarin S., Zaykov Y.
Formation of nanocrystalline tetragonal oxide tungsten bronzes on platinum
Kosov A., Semerikova O., Vakarin S., Pankratov A., Plaksin S., Zaykov Y.
Separation of Uranium and Zirconium: Electrochemical Properties of Zirconium in the 3LiCl–2KCl Melt
Maltsev D., Volkovich V., Raguzina E., Strepetov K., Kozlova A., Soldatova M.
Simulation of the potentiodynamic and galvanostatic phase formation in melts
Isaev V., Grishenkova O., Kosov A., Semerikova O., Zaykov Y.
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